

Something has Invaded the Nasu Multiverse

anoanowilkum · Cómic
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18 Chs

Entry 16



















TEC16 is a parallel universe discovered by Dr. Hartman in 1987.

Discovered In December 31, 1987 by Dr. Samuel Hartman a leading Foundation Researcher using the TRIMART KALEIDOSCOPE LENS. A parallel universe that was hollow and in the verge of Heat death yet somehow has many residual 10000000000° Primordial Gases signifying that it was once filled with normal Matter and Energy.



"TRIMART KALEIDOSCOPE LENS is a high grade Extraspaciatemporal Satellite that was floating at the boundary of the Universe. Well, Our universe. Task on Ovesereeing Entire parallel 'Worlds'. Yeah, Worlds. Though its more of Universe than a celestial body like for example, Mars. It was called that way as the Universe that we have observed can only be seen as 'EARTH' inside of a Conceptual membrane, or like a ball inside of a bubble. Which proves that somehow the Universe only Focuses on our planet that any other out there. Which is, how do you say this. Im somehow confused why its only focused is on us. But i feel like its connected to our conciousness which is another subject that i am not so familliar with. Back onto the topic T.K.L is a Parallel/Universal Monitoring machine that is Made by the Founder of the RADIX FOUNDATION alongside the 2nd User of True Magic Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg to assist it in Observing and peering into other 'Worlds' for any subjected threats to Humanity or Existence as a whole. By seeing endless 'Worlds' that have closer history to ours and inferring what going on and events that are going to happen we can predict outcomes that may benefit or harm Humanity."

Dr. Samuel Hartman

High Class Researcher


The use Of T.K.L and its observations as Documented by Dr. Hartman and other researchers

Observed Worlds:

Main World: GAIA 10 (Our World)

Prototype World: GAIA 0 (The Original World:Observed 4th and 5th grail Wars)

Sub Worlds:

GAIA 3 (Bleached by an Alien god/ Chaldeans slowly rebuilding Humanity)

GAIA 6 (World lost its Ether. Making Maguses Learn Mooncell Hacking and living in the Mooncell Digital Space.

Sub Notes in the side of the Document:

"There is this A.I in the Mooncell that seems to know that we are observing the Digital Space" - A random Researcher.)


GAIA 14 ( In the Process of Losing Ether. Discovered Class Cards)

GAIA 15 ( An Earth that was absorbed by Beast III/R. [Immediately Shifts the Observation to another parallel world as Watching this World can cause severe mental Degradation.)

GAIA 16 (A World with NOTHING

. Gases like Hydrogen and helium was observed to travel In its Space time. The Conceptual Membrane was Cracked leaving a Gaping HOLE in which extrauniversal Threats can enter.

The cause for the Cracked is unknown and was theorized that whatever entered that Universe has left it a HOLLOW SHELL._-DR. Hartman)

After the Discovery of TEC16 Dr. Hartman immediately tried to make theories about what happen to the Worldline.


"And here i thought i can celebrate with my family in the New years Eve. This is one of the things that i do not like about research. Sigh, Takes a lot of time that its a hassle honestly. guess the Jobs Calling for me.

TEC16 Is a Mysterious WorldLine. No shit i guess. I mean the Worlds quite literally just filled with empty void with residual gases here and there. Theres also the fact that it has a crack in its reality that makes me speculate that it is a work of the GODS From the ABYSS.But, its just a theory.

You will never know that it couldve just been made by SOMETHING that lived within the TEC16 Worldline.

But Whatever it is. It must have serious Firepower to be able to Destroy an entire Universe. Something the Foundation has a hard time Working to fight with."

Dr. Samuel Hartman

High Class Researcher




RAGNAROK as Written in the Old Norse.

Someday – whenever the Norns, those inscrutable spinners of fate, decree it – there shall come a Great Winter unlike any other the world has yet seen. The biting winds will blow snows from all directions, and the warmth of the sun will fail, plunging the earth into unprecedented cold. This winter shall last for the length of three normal winters, with no summers in between. Mankind will become so desperate for food and other necessities of life that all laws and morals will fall away, leaving only the bare struggle for survival. It will be an age of swords and axes; brother will slay brother, father will slay son, and son will slay father.

The wolves Skoll and Hati, who have hunted the sun and the moon through the skies since the beginning of time, will at last catch their prey. The stars, too, will disappear, leaving nothing but a black void in the heavens. Yggdrasil, the great tree that holds the cosmos together, will tremble, and all the trees and even the mountains will fall to the ground. The chain that has been holding back the monstrous wolf Fenrir will snap, and the beast will run free. Jormungand, the mighty serpent who dwells at the bottom of the ocean and encircles the land, will rise from the depths, spilling the seas over all the earth as he makes landfall.

These convulsions will shake the ship Naglfar free from its moorings. This ship, which is made from the fingernails and toenails of dead men and women, will sail easily over the flooded earth. Its crew will be an army of giants, the forces of chaos and destruction. And its captain will be none other than Loki, the traitor to the gods, who will have broken free of the chains in which the gods have bound him.

Fenrir, with fire blazing from his eyes and nostrils, will run across the earth, with his lower jaw on the ground and his upper jaw against the top of the sky, devouring everything in his path. Jormungand will spit his venom over all the world, poisoning land, water, and air alike.

The dome of the sky will be split, and from the crack shall emerge the fire-giants from Muspelheim. Their leader shall be Surt, with a flaming sword brighter than the sun in his hand. As they march across Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to Asgard, the home of the gods, the bridge will break and fall behind them. An ominous horn blast will ring out; this will be Heimdall, the divine sentry, blowing the Gjallarhorn to announce the arrival of the moment the gods have feared. Odin will anxiously consult the head of Mimir, the wisest of all beings, for counsel.

The gods will decide to go to battle, even though they know what the prophecies have foretold concerning the outcome of this clash. They will arm themselves and meet their enemies on a battlefield called Vigrid

Odin will fight Fenrir, and by his side will be the einherjar, the host of his chosen human warriors whom he has kept in Valhalla for just this moment. Odin and the champions of men will fight more valiantly than anyone has ever fought before. But it will not be enough. Fenrir will swallow Odin and his men. Then one of Odin's sons, Vidar, burning with rage, will charge the beast to avenge his father. On one of his feet will be the shoe that has been crafted for this very purpose; it has been made from all the scraps of leather that human shoemakers have ever discarded, and with it Vidar will hold open the monster's mouth. Then he will stab his sword through the wolf's throat, killing him.

Another wolf, Garm, and the god Tyr will slay each other. Heimdall and Loki will do the same, putting a final end to the trickster's treachery, but costing the gods one of their best in the process. The god Freyr and the giant Surt will also be the end of each other. Thor and Jormungand, those age-old foes, will both finally have their chance to kill the other. Thor will succeed in felling the great snake with the blows of his hammer. But the serpent will have covered him in so much venom that he will not be able to stand for much longer; he will take nine paces before falling dead himself and adding his blood to the already-saturated soil of Vigrid.

Then the remains of the world will sink into the sea, and there will be nothing left but the void. Creation and all that has occurred since will be completely undone, as if it had never happened.


The Flame is Rage

The Flame is Confusion

The Flame that is Abandoned.

The Flame that is the End.

I Am The Flame.

I Am The End.

Howling and Scratching Existence[Yggdrassil] till its NOTHING[EVIL]

A Flame that will burn the TREE to cinders and left its ashes in the [X].

I Am Alone

The Cries Of Injustice that are UNHEARD.

Blinded by Existence that once raised me.

I am Alone.

I Am.













To Explain the Sentence in the End. It is Rage. In experiencing it we feel Many Things. It is also caused by Lament,Frustration,Injustices, and sometimes Abandonment. This signifies that. And the One who told the Sentences themselves Is RAGE which connects to Fire.

Now who is Connected to Fire and is in the Norse Mythology?




Also Comment for things you didnt Understand and in need of Answers. Although i will only give you Snippets. ;).