
How it started

The bible says that "Love is a beautiful thing" and I realized it through this story I titled "FATE: A WINTER'S TALE" below is the story of Lucy and I . It was very early on that Saturday morning while I sat on a sit I kept in my father's garden, it have been my usual place of resting and reading, I usually stay there in order to avoid distractions by my family members in the house. I was glancing at one of the plantations in the garden while I think about my life, what I will be in future after studying in this part of the world that have no job for the young citizens. After a while I was lost in confusion when I heard a very sweet voice like that of a teen high school girl, " Sweetie I have been sitting here for a while now and you didn't even notice me, is there anything wrong?" "She said" I looked beside me and found out it was Lucy. Lucy is our gardener who have been working in my father's garden for some years before I graduated from the high school, she senior me with about three years but she loves me so much.

"Lucy what are you doing here, I thought you are on one week leave, so why did you come today" "I said".

Yes sweetie I'm on my one week leave but I just sneaked in just to be with you because I Know you are always in the garden "she replied".

I was shocked and surprised, so I shouted in surprise, Ah! Please don't put me in trouble, you know my Dad will not take it easy with the both of us if he gets to know that we are together here, please go I don't want my dad's problem. "Chill sweetie your dad is not at home, he went to PC(Paragon club) meeting so he's not around now he will come back in 4hrs time because they're having a party also, so relax baby I want to have few words with you before going" , "she said". So I was calm and there was total silence for about two minutes, I turned and asked her "Lucy what do you say you want to tell me"?

Please dear promise me this will be between us for now "she said"

No problem I can keep secrets, so what's the problem? " I asked"

Okay sweetie since you're in high school I have always been crushing on you and you don't even seem to notice "she replied" I waved my head and was about to talk she put her finger and my lips and shut me up and said chill sweetie I'm still talking, so I kept calm and faced my head to the other side of the garden because I was very shy and my body was shaking. I said in my mind "this is the first time a lady have approached me to tell me this, even if a lady should approach me, why Lucy? My father's gardener? Who senior me with about three years" while I was still talking to myself I didn't notice she was there still talking to me. She touched me on my lap and was like "sweetie are you still listening" I turned my head and answered her, "yes ma I'm listening to you but I'm kinda lost, please repeat what you said" oh, sweetie I understand but please don't call me ma, I'm not ma, call me sweetheart or lollipop. Lollipop? "I replied" what if my family hears it? Or do you think I'm allowed to have a lover in my parents house, please o you are Anty Lucy. No dear, that's why I meet you in the garden for us to discuss here, anything we discuss here stays between the both of us so please just comply with me "she said". Okay ma, sorry I mean Anty lollipop, so tell me why u like me, someone you senior with years, why didn't you like men who are older and more experienced than you. See, I am a small boy for crying out loud, I just graduated from high school and I don't have anything doing, still waiting to gain admission into the university. You know that if we start dating now I won't be able to take care of myself talk more of adding another responsibility, so Anty lollipop... she cut in and said "shiii is okay sweetie, I understand were you are coming from but don't worry, you know I'm working and I can take care of you pls look into my eyes and tell me you love me". As a shy guy I was still shaking but this time around I started shivering and it was obvious she noticed it, she then said okay I should not worry that she's a going and we will discuss another day because we have stayed for about 3hrs(three hours) together and my Dad will soon come back. So she asked me to see her off, I excorted her to where she entered cab, I was already in love with her but couldn't let my feelings out so I continued looking at her till the car drove off. I went back to the garden very happy and excited I started thinking about the whole drama and I said to myself "wow! this Anty I have been crushing on for a very long time now, since my high school days is now in love with me, wow! wow! wow! what a great God we serve" as I was still thinking my sister taped me and said "brother why are you in the garden since morning and you are smiling alone, are you sure you are normal?, Please come inside your food is ready". Oh, sweet sis I don't really think I want to eat, I actually don't have appetite for that, I am very happy right now, maybe you will keep my food later in the day I will microwave it and eat. My sis was surprised and wondered why I didn't eat because they have known me to be a foodie in my family so she left out of surprise. I continued thinking about what happened for a while and I was out of my mind, I closed my eyes and doze up in the garden, as I was sleeping I saw myself and lucy in the other part of the garden where oranges were planted we were licking the oranges and was throwing the seeds at each other and Lucy started singing for me.

First let me say to you

I cannot wait to feel your body

You are the treasure I've been waiting for

Do you know, do you know

How much I really need you

I am praying for the day when I can finally kiss you

You know that everyday I pray for you

In my heart there's a permanent place for you, that's why my heart is beating like duduke duduke(beat you sing a melody to). In surprise I shouted wow! What a very sweet song, I'm already in love with you Anty Lucy. She said "prove it" I hugged her and said "I will sing for you baby" in shock she looked at me with I suprise face because I called her baby and this time I was no longer afraid and shy of anything because I am already in love with Lucy(my father's gardener) it sounds weird right?. No, not at all, it is worth it. I started singing

What would I do without your smart mouth

Drawing me and you kicking me out

You've got my head spinning', no kidding'

I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind?

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me

But I will be alright, my head under water, but I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind...

At this moment she was already out of her mind and was holding me very tight, so I woke up and saw my whole family singing from were I stopped.

Cause all of me

Loves of all you

Love your curves and your edges

All you perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my ending and beginning

Even when I loose I'm winning... And when they were done with the song, my father(Mr George) said "nice song from John legend" my mum(Mrs George) asked, " my son why haven't you eaten, according to the report I got from your sister(rejoice) she said you haven't eaten since morning and that u have been in the garden smiling alone". Mum please don't mind her, let's go inside "I said". So we all went inside and I ate the delicious fried rice with turkey that my sister(rejoice) prepared for me while I was in the garden. So in the evening I remembered Lucy, I picked my phone up and called her, her line was not connecting at the moment so I had the send her a text. In the text message I wrote " Hi baby Lucy, how are you doing this evening, hope you are enjoying your leave, I just want to tell you that I love you so much, I have falling in love with you and I can't wait to see you, please come to the garden tomorrow by 4pn, thanks Lucy". I didn't hear from her or even see her message that day again, so I was worried and couldn't sleep. The next day I got a call from her saying she was very sick that I should come over to her house and help her buy drugs. I didn't know it was a plan to lure me to her sinful bed. So I rushed to the supermarket and bought lucozade boost(a drink that will make her strong). So when I reached her house and knocked, she said I should come push the door and come in that she don't have strength to stand up because she's very ill. So I did as she said, immediately I entered I asked her what's happening to her so that I can rush to the pharmacy and get her some drugs, she said I should calmdown and stay with her small before going to the pharmacy to get drugs. As at that time she covered herself with blanket and was pretending to be shivering, I touched her to know if she's having cold but her body was normal, so I have to ask her for the second time what was happening to her. She said nothing that I should just massage her back that she cleaned up her house so she was so tired. I started massaging her and she was making sounds like "uhm uhm" I ignored the sound and continued after a while she rolled herself inside and said I should lay on the bed. When I lay on her bed, she said "baby permit me to spoil you and make you a bad nigga as never before" I said "hmm, I don't understand you oo" she kissed me and touched my nipple. Wow! It tasted so nice and sweet but I was calm I didn't say anything, then she continued omoh! I started making the same sound 'uhm, uhm" which was weird to me few minutes ago, but It was my first time so I have to let her do her thing. While she was kissing me my dick became very hard and she felt it and Opened my trouser, she said "oh gosh, when I say I love you, I really mean it, see how your dick is very long and thick at a very young age of 19(nineteen)". I didn't talk then she started giving me a hand job which lasted for about 3(three) minutes. I was ready to start my job, I pushed her to the other side of the bed and licked her pussy as I used to see in pornhub, she moaned, after about twenty minutes she was already release some creamy and juicy stuff which I can't even describe, I removed my mouth from her pussy and slide in my dick. I started giving her some heavy strokes while she moan helplessly, she was talking and moaning because she don't use to close mouth at all. "I heard her saying give it to me baby, I never knew you're this sweet" I continued smashing her for like about 10minutes and I have to release. I was very tired and was breathing heavily before she said "wow baby first round went please I want you to give me some strokes but this time around let it be from the back. I was so tired but I have to show the man's nature in me I summoned the courage to go for another smashing so I will send her to hell while on earth, I dragged her up and whisper's to her, "Lucy give me the doggy style" she turned her back and bent for me to continue smashing. I continued and she gave me that her sweet moan but this time around I lasted very long that I enjoyed it very well. So after we are done for the second round we rested for some time and I was eager to continue then my phone rang, as I check to know who's calling, I found out it was mum, she asked where I went to that took me so long to come back because in our family we don't use to come back late and it was already 6pm. I told her I'm coming back very soon so she don't have to worry about me, then she hang up. So I quickly wore my trouser and picked my wallet and wrist watch from Lucy's table and was about to leave, Lucy said I should not go yet that she prepared my favourite soup for me (draw soup). I was about to tell her don't worry that I will eat at home but as I heard draw soup, I couldn't resist it, I had to eat before leaving and her food taste so nice and delicious. Baby now you are done eaten can you please hug me? "She said" sure baby I will "I replied". I hugged her and kissed her very deep and passionately like people who were already in love for a long time. So I picked up my phone and ordered and Uber, within 5(five) minutes the Uber driver arrived and I entered the car and my babe(Lucy) was looking at me. I shouted "baby I will miss you" and she waved at me and said goodbye. Oh! What a STRANGE LOVE, that is where our love story began. From that day all my nightmares turned to sweet dreams, I think of Lucy always and pray her one week leave will end very soon so that I will start seeing her again in our house, but this time not as my Dads Gardener but as my lover. But I had a second thought, what if this girl is not actually in love with me or she probably want to use me to satisfy her sexual urge but on a second thought I remembered she have been buying me gifts while I was in high school so my trust for her increased.