

It was a peaceful night. Hana was still wakeful. She was listening music and was enjoying a beautiful view of woods , near their house. When the clock stuck 12. A lantern came flying towards her. She was horrified. The lantern consist of a note saying "Bored... Need your company" Hana fearfully threw that lantern and rapidly get in her bed. She was so stunned. When she looked at her table watch, the time had been stopped. 

 "Was that real? "


Next morning, it was a pleasant day. Hana got up from bed to get ready for college. Suddenly she remembered what happened last night. To make sure it was real or not. She looked for the lantern she threw out from the window But there was nothing. 

At college Hana told her friends what happened with her. Of course none believe in her. The college announced winter vacations which made Hana cheerful and forget about what happened last night. When she came back home she got to know that her parents were going out of city to attend a funeral. After the farewell of her parents. She took popcorns and started watching her favorite movie. Suddenly she heard a knock at a window. She looked here and there but couldn't see anyone. Suddenly she saw another note stuck on her room's window. The note said " ignore? "

Hey there! it's my first Novel. Hope you enjoy:)

Ambreen_Amjedcreators' thoughts