
Farrae Montana

'You will be surprised by what We can accomplish because of Love' Am A Black woman. Am A Strong Momma. Am A Beautiful Wife. Was a good person. This was the life I've worked hard to have. A life where I was respected. And a life where I was loved. But It was all a lie. There were people supporting me who betrayed me in the end. They killed me, took my place, my family, my wealth, my everything. But they didn't plan one thing. I reincarnated. And I am ready to get back what I lost. I am ready to have my revenge. I am ready to be the villain this time. And even otherworlders can't stop me. I don't care about the apocalypse, I only seek revenge.

Hobi_Ta · Adolescente
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101 Chs

Ludicrous Part THREE.

All I could ever think of was her. Who waw that girl I saved and how was she ? Did she cry for me ? But it all ended quickly when Jackie came. It wasn't that long I came back to life and Jackie wanted to send me to war already. But he persuaded me in doing the right thing and I just got along. My name is Tom and I'm ready for war. Ready to get back at those who took my life once.




Well, soon, I will be freed. Not permanently, but only to participate in the war. I will finally taste demon blood, fight the demon lords and breathe some fresh air...ahhhhhh....You must know me by now...What ?!!...Ahh ! Right. My family's death. That. Listen ! My mother started it all. She didn't care about us and I just thought that her death would be better. But it didn't. It didn't help anything. Things got worst.. At the cost of what ? Nothing. And I'm paying the consequences, right now. So, I try not to think much about it. Because thinking about it won't change a damn thing. The name's Brown and strangely, I feel like thrash every time I reminiscent the past.




I can't help it but wonder what would my life be as a normal human. I was born and raised as a slave. All my life, I was used for tge benefits of others. So, why now do I want to be different ? I was bought countless of times, sold out, abused, raped, injured, almost killed. Abd through all that I learnt to be perfect. And soon enough, my fist made me become the srrongest slave in this land. You must gave noticed me a few times, but let me officially present myself. Name's Gabriel, but everyone knows me as Gael. I'm Farrae's Slave. And I'm lost on what to do now...

To be continued.
