
Farming Villains and Heros to become Immortal

I jinxed myself and was hit by a truck. When I thought that it was all over and i would be sent to enjoy the afterlife I was told that i was going to the Reincarnation Well to live a new life. Even that was denied from me as I accidently transmigrated to the immortal realm. Join me as I farm the vilains and sons of destiny to become immortal.

BlueBone · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter-1 Life and Death

"Come on man can you go any faster?!" a young man sitting on the back seat of a cab asked the old man driving the car.

One glance at the young man and you would think, why is a man garbed in such expensive clothes taking a cab? Monday suit company, DHOLEX watch, ekin shoes.

"~sigh~ what is happening to the younger generation nowadays! Never valuing time. Young man, you should be more organized so you don't get late. If you need to get somewhere on time you should set out one hour before so that you can always make it on time."

"Seriously?? Do you think YOU of all the people have the right to lecture me about time management, when YOU were 20 minutes late????....


Look old man I need to get there by 10 and it's already 9:50. So how about this? If you can get me there on time I will give you double the total fare and triple the regular tip?"

~vroom vroom~

"Don't forget what you said just now young man. You can trust this old man. I have been driving on the roads of this city for 30 years." replied the old man as he accelerated the car taking it through alleys and backways that the young man didn't know even existed.

*8 minutes later

"See? 8 minutes and we have reached the destination" the car stopped in front of the tallest skyscraper of the city.

"Thanks old man. You saved ass, well not like any of this would've happened if my car didn't breakdown or if you had arrived on time. But well that's just what life is, bunch of unpredictable events that become even more unpredictable the more you try to predict them. Hell! One moment I'm deep contemplating the secrets of life and the next thing I know is a truck hitting me and killing me. Well anyways here's your money old ma--------- ~HONK HONK HONK~

~Screeeeech~ BOOOOOM~

'Well shit!' he thought as he saw a truck colliding with the cab he was sitting in.


??-" chain him up and bring him to the small boat. I have a date with the reaper of planet xoxoxoed. So I will just drop him off in the well of reincarnation on the way and you guys can collect all the other souls for today. Understood? "

??-" Yes sir deathsAlot. Your orders are our command"

Not knowing after how long the young man slowly opened his eyes and he saw that his world was filled with white lights.

"~Argh~, am I in heaven?"

"haa! You wish!"

A chubby man whose face was covered with some sort of white ethereal gas appeared in front of him out nowhere as he was still slowly adjusting to the new white lights around him. Looking around he saw that he was chained to the railing of a small boat made of some white material, speeding through space with the stars emitting white lights in the dark space.

The young man blinked his eyes in shock.

"Mere mortal, you are dead. Now you are on your way to the reincarnation well. You should be proud to have the honor of being taken to the RW by the handsome and powerful Sir DeathsAlot."

The young man was shocked once again. 'Reincarnation is a thing?? And why the fudge am I alone?? Did that old man and the truck driver survive? What are the odds of me saying something and it becoming true the next second?? Just what the fk is going on? AND WhO ThE FUcK Is Sir DEATHSALOt????? WHAT THE FUCK>??????'

"HAHAHAHAHA! Mortal soul looks like you have had a wonderful experience before your death and have many questions that you want to ask, but sadly for you are not worthy of me answering your questions. Even though you are but a mere mortal soul, you still have the right to know about the great and handsome Sir DeathsAlot. Well I, Sir DeathsAlot, am most the talented, handsome and famous reaper of in the inner circle of the universe and soon my sect will send me to the Laniakea as the most talented young man of my planet." Sir deathsAlot sounded excited and proud at the end. And Laniakea Galaxy? What about milkyway? And how the fuk can he read my mind??

At this point the young man had started developing some sort of resistance towards being shocked. Sorting his thoughts he tried to salvage the most out of the situation.

"Sir you can read my mind? As expected of the great and handsome Sir DeathsAlot. Sir I have come to admire the handsome and talented SIr DeathsAlot. I want to be your servant Sir DeathsAlot just don't send me to reincarnation well. "

"hahahahaha! Mortal soul you flatter me. While I, the handsome and talented Sir DeathsAlot would love to have you as a servant, I don't think you are of any use to me. I don't think you are even worthy of carrying the shoes of my servant's servant."


*Immortal Realm*

A beautiful woman with long black silky hair, big enchanting eyes, dressed in ancient golden dress was standing on top a mountain with a white dog standing beside her. The white dog had three heads and 9 tails.

"Go Bai Bai! Fetch!" The woman threw the leg bone of nine headed fire dragon with full force into the space.

~Whoosh~ ~whoosh~ the bone flew into the space followed by the white hell hound at a rapid pace.

"~sigh~ It's been 500 years, I don't know how's he doing. The last time I ever heard of him was in the lower realm when he was being chased by the nascent soul cultivators for the immortal treasure that we found together. Where are you Long Chen? I finally know that I can't live without you" The woman's eyes filled with tears.

'But I realised it too late, soon I will have to marry that young master of Fang Family. Hmmpfh! What does he think he is?' As the woman thought, tears began falling down from her eyes.

"LeiLei why are you crying? Did something make you unhappy?" A man flying on sword came to the woman and asked.

"Hmmph! don't call me LeiLei from now on. Call me Mei Lei from now on. Fang Ryuu I don't want to marry you. I don't love you and I never will. My hearts belongs to someone else and even if you make me you make me marry you, I will never be truly yours." With each word Mei Lei spoke her voice became firmer and firmer, while the man called Fang Ryyu became more and more haggard.

"Ff-five! 500 years! For 500 I have been trying to make this work. You know LeiLei, when I first found out that I had a fiancée I was quite confused. Not being able to choose your own partner and having to marry someone you don't know. But all those thoughts were gone when I met you and got to know you. Slowly and slowly, I stared seeing a future with you and LeiLei you didn't object to it, not even once and kept on misleading me. LeiLei if you didn't want marry me then why are you only telling me this just 5 months before our ceremony?? Why LeiLei why?" Fang Ryuu's shouted at Mei Lei in a shaky and weak voice.

Mei Lei: "I tried Fang Ryuu. I tried so hard to accept you and forget him but I just couldn't and now I have finally realised that I just can't let him go."

Fang Ryuu: "YOU! YOU!" he finally couldn't handle it. His shoul shook and he fainted while spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Mei Lei: "I'm sorry Ryuu, I really am but I just can't forget about the time I spent with him and I can't imagine a life without him."

Mei Lei waved her hand and disappeared.

Meanwhile, the bone thrown by Mei Lei was flying towards the small boat that Sir DeathsAlot and the mortal soul was in.

"Hah! Looks like I'm really dead. Well I should not have taken my life for granted. But looking on the bright side I still have a shot at reincarnation. Not like a meteor is going to come hit this boat and dissipate my soul. HAHAHA"


"Well shit!"

