
Far From Free: Echoes of a Forgotten Memory

A boy longing for revenge with blood painted hands. He is a cold blooded psychopath dressed in the glamorous clothes of a prince. In a planned attack during his 7th birthday, Prince Nicolas Gregory lost three important things, his friend Alisa, his innocence, and his memory of his merciless massacre of the culprits with a mysterious ability to conjure a sword. Attempting to fight his emptiness, he tries to live normally as a prince and fulfill his duties regardless of what his heart's cry. But there are things that one tainted with blood could not escape. With reminders popping out one after another and the continuous threat to his life, what will he do if his lost memory resurfaces. Will he once again wield the blades of revenge? Will he open his heart for the future? Or will he fall into deeper despair and follow the path of blood?

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Unrequited Affection

"Do you practice bows too?" Meriane asked as she picked up one of the bows that was forgotten on the shooting range.

"Isn't that an obvious requirement?"

"Well, I don't practice even practice the sword so I don't know"

"I mean for us princes, does Edmund and Darius does not do so?"

"Oh yeah, I did see them doing so when they are not on about finding a wife," she laughed as she tried firing an arrow. It flew off from a distance but awfully far from target.

"Put that down, you might hit someone," Nicolas confiscated the weapon. "Let's just go to the pond for goodness sake"

"You're serious, you have a pond?" the princess rejoiced, she had seen springs and visited waterfalls in their territory but they never had a pond on their castle, with it being elevated and all. "So many fish!," she yelled in excitement before going in.

"Don't go in the water," Nicolas yelled at her as he was putting the other bows in place. A moment later, he knew he was too late. The princess is already on the water with the ends of her dress soaked, having fun as if it's her first time touching some water.

"What are you, four years old? you're too old to be playing at the pond. Besides, you're a princess, at least act like one," he scolded her before pulling her back to land.

She desperately tried to regain balance as he did but the algae covering the undersoil prevented her. Landing over the now preoccupied prince. Now fixated with the sight he had almost forgotten existed, he found it reassuring that it still has the same old ragged roof and bricks, nothing's changed except the children that used to visit it.

"Are you even listening?" Meriane called him back to reality.

"I guess"

"I said, we don't have a pond at home, so, I was excited to see one."

"Didn't you have a fountain and all, anyway, can we get up now?"

"Am I that heavy for you? I'm keep everything I eat in check you know," Meriane complained as she stood up and extended her hand to help the prince up.

"I did not say such things"

"You know what? Let's just go back, there's still a place I want to see"

"Aren't you going to prepare for the feast?"

"It's still too early," she insisted. As they reached the top again, she asked, "Here, where does these stairs lead to?"

Nicolas watched as Meriane pointed at the spiral staircase halfway between his room and Meriane's. Guilt started to climb his spine as he took the first step following the princess

The princess on the other hand could only express her awe as she reached the top, meeting the breathtaking view of Gregoria. Nicolas never had the time to ever visit the top tower again since their frequent business at Algernon and continuous lessons, but one thing is remarkable. The houses had already been built back up, the farmlands are all now functional, and the central square was now changed back to its primary purpose

The lushes green trees were back as flowers and grass grows from the soil. All is well, Gregoria had finally got back to its feet and soon it'll finally be able to take a step towards the future. It was a beautiful view with the mountains in the background but it did not give Nicolas peace. He badly wanted to go down from the tower as soon as possible before the Gods charge him again for his sins.

"Now that you've seen everything, can we go back down now?" he asked while already at the door, taking the step descending the stairs, leaving no chance for Meriane to argue.

"We just got here, hey— wait up—"

No fancy decorations but the few flower vases of fragrant flowers to color the hall. The atmosphere was filled with calming music from a solo violinist and a single piano, there were no orchestras nor a jester. There are no other guests despite the closest friend of the Gregorys. Considering the normal gatherings that the royals tend to conduct, Queen Natalia's birthday celebration is simple, all according to her wishes and the same as any other celebrations in the family since the incident. The knights are on high alert for the night, not even the servants are allowed to sleep nor they wish so.

"My best wishes to you Natalia," Queen Herina greeted the celebrant, leaning in for a hug. They had been talking since their arrival this morning but their stories seems like a bottomless void and no one is backing down.

"Thank you Herina"

Nicolas can see how wide his mother's smiles were while sitting at the other end of the table next to Meriane, it must have been freeing for her to finally have someone to after all those years. He can't help himself but smile, he knows how much of a burden he had placed on his mother's should and this break really is something she deserves.

All is well, not until he turned to the princess, "That's wine," he quickly grabbed the glass as if it was poison that could kill her in one taste.

"Don't worry, didn't you say so, I'm already old. Too old to play at the pond so, already old enough to drink," she just laughed before drinking straight from the bottle, "Oh, it's a bit sweet, oh wait, any way do you want some?"

The princess offered her the bottle but shaking his head, he refused. The celebration went on, both the Queen are taking their sweet time talking to each other while the Kings are heavily drinking, singing merrily to the two-man musicians.

When was the last time he had seen that smile from his father, he had already forgotten, but similar to his mother, he's at least thankful that he can lower his crown for a bit and let his shoulder be free from his duties and problems. He on the other hand was left to look after the princess. Despite only letting her a glass or two, she's already swerving and her speech is failing her.

"I think you've had enough," Nicolas snatch finally seized bottle of wine and the glass, "You're already drunk, let me call Selene," he whispered to the red beat colored face of the princess before looking around for her maid.

"Don't you dare bother my lovely attendant. She already worked hard assisting me. Let her enjoy the knight— I mean the night. And would you give that back, it's already have a glass worth, it would be a waste," she said before a hiccup.

Nicolas was a little confused as to why the princess would repeat the word "night" twice but he's more concerned that she's too drunk to walk. Sighing, he drank the rest of the bottle to put her case to rest, "There, you have reason to stay here now. Since I'm feeling generous, I'll accompany you to your room."

"That you shouldn't do. It's your mother's special night. You should stay here until the event is over"

"Are you out of your mind? You can't even walk straight, what if you fell off the stairs and die"

"What's up with that grim imagination of yours," she laughed as she stood up. "Want to fight me then? You'll know I can't walk if you beat me," she added before she boxed with the air.

"Just so know, I'm easy to talk to," Nicolas rested his case.

"Yeah yeah, I can manage by myself. Goodnight, and don't follow me or I'll bust your nuts."

He accompanied her until the door, "Goodnight, be careful," he greeted as he went back to his seat. After an hour with nothing to do, he too decided that he'll go back up to his room.

"Mother," he interrupted. "Once again Happy Birthday, I apologize but I'll be heading off to bed."

"Already?" Natalia replied fondling with his hair like when he's small. He was too embarrassed but let it slide, it's her night, he reminded himself. "Have a goodnight then, and don't forget to tell your father on your way."

"Yes I would," he went in front of the orchestra where the two Kings are.

"Father, I'll be going ahead."

Both of the kings must have been too drunk because they are too easy to talk to, especially Frederick. He just smiled and replied, "Sure, go on," before continuing his song with Ferrol whose cheeks are now turning red.

"There's no dead body downstairs so she should be sleeping by now," he thought as he walked passed her chamber. It was quiet and there was no sign of struggle so he rested his worries and went straight for his room. He loosened his necktie and freed the ends of his long sleeves from being tucked in, and then lit up the room with the lamp beside the door.

 To his surprise the princess was on his bed.