
Far From Free: Echoes of a Forgotten Memory

A boy longing for revenge with blood painted hands. He is a cold blooded psychopath dressed in the glamorous clothes of a prince. In a planned attack during his 7th birthday, Prince Nicolas Gregory lost three important things, his friend Alisa, his innocence, and his memory of his merciless massacre of the culprits with a mysterious ability to conjure a sword. Attempting to fight his emptiness, he tries to live normally as a prince and fulfill his duties regardless of what his heart's cry. But there are things that one tainted with blood could not escape. With reminders popping out one after another and the continuous threat to his life, what will he do if his lost memory resurfaces. Will he once again wield the blades of revenge? Will he open his heart for the future? Or will he fall into deeper despair and follow the path of blood?

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Hunter's Den

"If I'm reading the map right, this should be it"

Hidden behind the lushes canopies of trees and hedges is a rundown house. It was tilting to the right, supported by two logs complimenting the deteriorating walls to prevent it from total fall. Despite the central piece being neglected, the lawn surrounding the house received all the love enough for flowers to flourish and bloom.

"Doesn't look that much mysterious to me, is this really the right place," the book slowly drifted towards the house when all of a sudden, a loud rattle forced it to withdraw and fall to the ground.

"Who's that," Nicolas quickly put his guard up, hand on his sword's handle, prepared to draw. Slowly, he circled around the house, treading cautiously to launch a surprise attack towards the cause of the noise.

After hearing a light crack, he swiftly drew the sword and slashed it blindly, stopping inches from Hunter's face who froze in place, shocked and pale, "You— your majesty, what are you doing here"

"Well, isn't this a surprise, I thought you already killed yourself. Did the guilt finally become unbearable and you decided to seclude yourself here at the edge of civilization," he eased out.

"My mother and I used to live here a few years ago, your majesty. I— I occasionally visits and tends to the flowers when I'm free or the knights order permits it"

Nicolas finally sheathed his sword back in place, "So, you enlisted for the knights. Quite a brave move, especially for a coward like you. Don't pay me any attention then. Forget that you ever saw me in the first place, or else, if I hear you yapping about this to the knights, I will end you. Do you understand"

"Understood," Hunter saluted before picking up the bucket and gardening tools he dropped out of panic, "But refrain from touching the house, I've remedied it, kinda, but it might really fall considering its state.

Without looking back, Nicolas left their conversation at that and continued with his venture. Flipping the book through all the words and illustrations, he had already walked back and forth, climbed up and down the trees but no sign of the well he was looking for could be found. Not even a hint of its whereabouts since the terrain had already changed from the time the atlas was drawn.

"Maybe he really was deranged, I know what a well looks like and if it's really here, I would have found it by now. Unless…," he remembered the vicinity of the old house, "Unless that's thing was intentionally hidden"

Panting, he could only sigh in relief as he finally hiked back. Taking a deep breath as he eyed the large stack of rocks near the hedges that's hiding behind the house. One by one, he took the rocks on the on sides in order to get a clear view of what might be hiding underneath. After half an hour of labor, he finally met the bare ground, conveniently shaped as the thing he is looking for.

"Don't tell me I have to dig down too. So much for an adventure," he took a deep breath, walking towards the side of the house where he saw a shovel as he removed his cloak and set his sword to the side. Getting back in position, he pointed the tip of the shovel to the ground.

Inches before it hits the ground, Hunter came screaming at he shoved the prince to the ground, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING," a hint of anger and confusion was in the boy's voice as he seized the opportunity to take the tool and quickly stacked the rocks back up, "Have you no shame your majesty"

"Shame? Really? You're the last one I'll like to hear that from," Nicolas dusted himself, disregarding the sharp gazes that Hunter casually sends after him.

"I guess being born as royalty really does make you arrogant"


The prince was about to lunged at him when they finally met eye to eye. "This is my mother's grave, your majesty. It might not look like your fancy tombstones or statues but please, I know I don't deserve your respects but at least spare some for her," heaving, he went back to stacking the rocks.

Finally realizing that he's totally in the wrong, Nicolas could only utter the words sorry for the disrespect that he caused.

"It's fine, at least you did not dig up her bones, yet"

"I already apologized didn't I. Look, I know we're already fed up with each other so why don't you help me find something and I'll be on my merry way"

Hunter disregarded him, lost in his own world where nothing else matters but to put the mess back in order for his mother's peace. Nicolas, although pissed, had no choice but to help him reconstruct the memorial. "There, will you help me now"

The boy debated with himself first before he finally placed the last piece and made up his mind, "What were you looking for that's enough for you to disturb my mother's peace, you majesty"

Nicolas could finally breath, he hates Hunter with every fiber of his body but the boy's mother is not a part of that, "I'm looking for this well"

"You should have asked me in the first place," he pointed at the falling house, "Unfortunately, I can't let you enter. As a soon to be knight, I have a duty to… your majesty!," sighing, he had no choice but to follow the prince inside.

Sandwiched between the to-low-for-comfort walls and ceiling of the kitchen was the well they are looking for. Trapped in a situation where one wrong touch would cause the whole structure to fall. Upon inspecting it a little closer, it left a small gap, enough for a person to squeeze through. Nicolas quickly reached for his pockets and procured a match, which was quickly snatched by Hunter behind him.

"I said no touching, and no fires either, you might burn the house down. Besides, how did you even know about this well? The folks disregards it because it's almost always dry ever since I can remember. It's best if we leave at once…," Hunter bravely stared into the prince's eyes only to back down when his eyes started to glow, reminding him of the night of his nightmares.

"This is none of your business. You either give me the match back or—"

"FINE, here," he handed him a small glass, topped with a cloth tied in place with a rope.

"What's that"

"Moss, glowing moss form the river"

His anger dissipated as his curiosity prevailed, "How did you managed to preserve this"

"I turns out you need to water it from time to time. Although it won't work either if it's not bask on moonlight for some time"

"Interesting," Nicolas took the glass and threw it to the well. It did not take long before It hit the bottom and illuminated the landing. "Well then, here goes nothing," before Hunter could even move, the prince already landed, both his feet on the mushy ground as he picked up the moss lamp.

A loud crack came from above and a second later the boy followed him with a thud. Nicolas's condescending gaze spelled his disappointment.