

The sun sets in the west and rises in the east—it is a new day.

According to the original plan, this day should have been a festive occasion: Prince Tupe and Miss Vera were to be married.

But now, the entire Silvermoon City is shrouded in an oppressively somber atmosphere.

Some people quietly await the judgment of fate. Others are eager to fight, and still others naively believe that this is just another ordinary day.

"Boom, boom, boom."

"Come in."

Knight Telde pushed the door open and entered. He was one of Miss Vera's personal guards.

"Sir Luis, you sent for me?"

Luis gestured for Knight Telde to approach. When the knight was close enough, Luis handed him a roll of parchment.

"What is this?" Knight Telde asked, examining the map of the palace. It detailed troop deployments and attack routes, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"Are you familiar with the House of Savoy?"