
A robotics engineer Movie fantasy, illumination, romantic, mysterious Author More kunthea

Mia made Obento for her boyfriend who is studying robotic engineering at a school near her home. Their two families are direct sponsors of the school. While she was cooking, she listened to the Robot music that Min had made for her and she thought about the project they were going to visit together in the Green Sea, the largest natural forest in their country. Min draws a new design robot that can drill deep into holes and small holes that do not harm natural resources in search of unknown metals, buried deep in the ground. And he stared at the clock on the wall of Deer Horn, close to when Mia arrived and had lunch for him, so he packed his bags and hurried down to the waiting room. Along the way, he encountered a group of his junior students who were testing robots capable of playing soccer. When he saw the goalkeeper stuck, he lifted the robot, looked around a bit, saw that the middle line was broken, and told his junior about the problem, which made everyone admire his skills. When he arrived, he saw that Mia was waiting for him, her face full of smiles, and they both had lunch together and chatted happily. Before leaving, Mia asked him to help buy some new clothes for her and she will create a couple shirt for the two of them for a day trip together and Min had to go to town to buy more accessories for his robots at this evening too.

He arrive at city full of robotic construction and high connections building. He walked into his friends store full of things he needs suddenly there was a barely shaking earthquake. And all the buildings collapsed on top of each other that he rushed outside the store with his friends to find a safe place. On the other hand, Mia is waiting to receive clothes from her boyfriend while listening to music on the radio issues she likes. The music stopped and changed to emergency news that the city has earthquakes and traffics are stopped. In particular, the media and entrance door systems are closed. She was so worried about her boyfriend that she hurriedly walked to train station. There were so many people came to the station after heard the news to find their relatives in city. Luckily, she knew the police there got the last ticket to town that on the road near town, she saw the fire burning a villager, and the rush of people running outside made her cry more painfully and scared. Min was rescued but his friends broke his legs by falling roofs. He picks up his friends to stay with another victim that the doctor is treating. When he heard that the lobby robot area has core is broken, he rushes to this place to fix the error system, because if the lobby robot falls, the water tank will destroy the whole city. Mia asked the police guard at the city gate to let her in, but they didn't allow it because there is still smoke in the earthquakes are still happening. She doesn't listen to them and running entry into a dangerous area while people are pushing the door too. She walked and called her boyfriend's name in tears when she saw injured people fainting by the side of the road. Suddenly she walked stabbed The handkerchief she wrote with their name on it with a pair of sparrows and she knees down lost energy when she saw the blood there. Then She got up when she saw the army carrying the wounded to the medical camp in front of her.

When Mia lost hope of finding her boyfriend, she heard someone calling her name and looked back at Min's best friends, after listening to him and knowing her boyfriend had to repair a Lobby robot, she rushed there and prey for him safely. She climbed broken stairs with a jolt again caused by an earthquake, but she didn't give up and saw her boyfriend fixing robots at the top. She feels very happy when she saw him safe, but when she rushed, called his name, the stairs she is going up are falling and she is falling too. Min feels like his heart broke when he saw Mia fall, he jumped to catch her, they stocked up on a net in the middle of the hall. However, Mia who below him falling hit the conner wood caused her to pass out and injured her head. The hall begins to shake and fall on top of them, Min picks up Mia outside pushing the line that attaches to the wood to cut through the hall and destroy the reservoir tower so the water gets stuck in the middle. He took her to treatment, but her situation turned into a waste, which made him even more worried while she was still having surgery. A few months later the city was rebuilt and there was an open robot sports team competition which his school junior also joined, he managed to build his new robot creature was rewarded with the royal of honors and the young leader of the robotics engineering cycle. As he walked to his house looking so quietly at his pictures with Mia, memories of flashbacks of accidents Mia goes into a coma for a while but she got closer and started moving when he kissed her on the trip he promised and asked for her marriage. Those moments when he put the ring on her finger and she started to move made him so excited and hugged her happily when she opened her eyes. Mia walks into the kitchen and cooks dinner which she moved to live with him after they graduate. She said that their house was currently full of creature robots, but she asked for robots capable of washing dishes to replace her, which made him laugh that Mia has become lazier. She doesn't answer because she thought to easily use the thing on the right to not get a big curse better than some people create a new thing to destroy the earth. They dance in the moonlight with twinkling stars after dinner to stay on their first anniversary.