
Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon

A young man dies, and an unknown entity offers him a second chance at life in a magical world, granting him a new body with limitless potential. However, this world holds many surprises, and the path ahead is filled with challenges. As the young man embraces his new identity as the Red Demon, he soon discovers that life is not without its trials. --- N/A As always, nothing belongs to me, DMC and other things do not belong to me AT ALL, only my OCs, nothing else, now enjoy the story! ORIGINAL WORLD/AU

tyronxxz · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

That title is coming faster than I thought!

I pressed my hand against a stone and jumped up quickly. Come on...

I saw a ledge nearby and grabbed it, pulling myself up. "Finally... I reached the top..." I said, my back aching from the climb. My clothes were torn in several places, and my back had several cuts, but they healed quickly.

"You finally arrived! Great!!" Sylphiete said, floating around me with her usual smile. "Well... I've reached the top. Now what...?" I said, looking up at the sky, which was covered in dark clouds.

"You already passed my test, and it wasn't that difficult for you... Now comes another test! But not with me," Sylphiete said, and suddenly disappeared.

Reality began to deform again, and I sighed with annoyance. It seemed I would have to do three more tests. I hoped it wouldn't be fire...

Suddenly, I was standing on sand, and I got up. "H-This is my test, hello..." I turned around and saw the water elemental, who seemed nervous. I sighed and said, "Well, what do I have to do?"

She spoke quickly, "Ah yes! You have to get a crystal at the bottom of the sea, it's a blue one that shines, but you have to get there quickly. There are several enemies, it won't be easy!"

I nodded and squeezed my legs, ready to jump into the sea. I wanted to do this quickly and get out of here. I dove into the sea, activating my demonic vision to see more clearly underwater. The deeper I submerged, the heavier I felt, but it wasn't too much of a bother. I could still continue.

As I submerged, the water elemental, appeared next to me. "Hey! At least let me introduce myself... My name is Lazuli!"

Oh, okay.

I just nodded my head, focusing on diving deeper. As I submerged, I saw a colossal monster with dozens of tentacles swimming towards me—a kraken!?

"Oh, it's Timothy, hi, Tim," Lazuli greeted the huge kraken. The kraken moved its tentacle as if greeting her back. Oh...

I quickly ignored them and continued diving deeper into the water. As I submerged, I saw an enormous kraken, as big as a building, swimming towards me with its imposing tentacles.

Oh no! No tentacle hentai here!!

I wrapped my body in demonic energy and shot like a rocket towards the depths of the sea. As I submerged, I saw more krakens swimming towards me with great speed. While I was swimming, I suddenly saw a huge tentacle coming towards me quickly. The tentacle grabbed my arms, immobilizing me. Holy... This tentacle is huge! Suddenly, a massive kraken, as big as a skyscraper, appeared. It's huge!

Several huge krakens began to swim towards me even faster. Sorry, friends! I won't stay here!

I made Rebellion appear in my hand and infused it with demonic energy. I quickly cut through the huge tentacle, and blue blood poured out.

I swam quickly towards the depths, holding Rebellion in my hand. I felt heavier the deeper I went.

I saw a small blue flash in the depths, like a small flashlight in the middle of the darkness. Even with my demonic vision, it was a little difficult to see due to the darkness.

The closer I got, the brighter it became. But suddenly, I felt danger, and I quickly moved away using a Trickster magic circle. I saw how the water was cut, and I looked in surprise at a being similar to a mermaid. It had a face that was undoubtedly beautiful, with red hair and something similar to seaweed covering its breasts. and it held a trident that looked golden but was rusty. Suddenly, I saw the trident appear in front of my face with terrifying speed. I quickly ducked, dodging the blow. I looked behind me and saw destroyed krakens, their blue blood clearly visible.

I quickly dodged another blow, gripping Rebellion tightly. I blocked an attack from the trident and looked at the mermaid, who smiled at me. I infused Rebellion with demonic energy and counterattacked, slicing through the mermaid's chest. Red blood poured from the wound, and I crossed her chest with Rebellion, the blood flowing without stopping. The mermaid finally died...

Suddenly, more mermaids appeared, their hair different colors—blonde, black, red, even blue.


I quickly dodged their trident attacks, and each hit caused nearby fish or krakens to be destroyed. I even saw a large crater in a stone at the bottom of the sea.

A trident approached me quickly, and I dodged it, grabbing the trident and kicking a mermaid in the face. She clutched her face in pain, and I infused the trident with demonic energy. A bright red energy emerged from the trident, and I quickly pierced the mermaid who had been clutching her face. She removed her hands from her face and watched in horror as she was impaled by her own trident.

I pulled the trident out of her stomach and threw it at a nearby mermaid, who blocked it with her own trident.

A mermaid with blue hair appeared next to me, and I saw crystalline blue energy emerging from her trident. Shit!

I quickly blocked her attack with Rebellion and flew like a rocket through the water. I stopped flying and used a Trickster magic circle to get close to her in the blink of an eye.

I arrived in front of the mermaid and quickly cut off her head. I dodged another trident attack and grabbed the trident, noticing how it deformed due to the force I exerted. The mermaid watched in shock as her trident bent and broke. I used Rebellion to cut her neck, and she dropped the trident, clutching her neck with both hands to stop the bleeding.

I quickly cut off her head, and I think I'm done.

Suddenly, I noticed a light coming towards me quickly, and I covered myself with Rebellion, feeling my hands burning even underwater.

I looked at a mermaid with long blonde hair, and she looked at me with cold blue eyes. Oh.

She disappeared quickly, and I dodged a trident that cut my cheek a little. The mermaid's blue eyes stared at me, and I knew this was the most powerful mermaid.

I have to do this quickly. I'm using my demonic energy to keep my body breathing even underwater, but it's being spent quickly. I made several quick lunges with Rebellion, but the mermaid blocked them with her trident, her eyes moving blur as she watched my attacks. Good!

We began to attack each other quickly, her eyes following my movements. I swung my sword and did a horizontal attack, which she blocked. I gave a quick kick to her face, and she dodged, but a cut appeared on her cheek, the blood dripping slowly. She looked at me with slightly surprised eyes, and I moved quickly, using Rebellion to cut her chest. A large cut appeared, and the blood poured out.

The mermaid moved away, touching her chest and wincing in pain.

I quickly swam towards her and pressed Rebellion hard against her. Even if she was distracted for a second, no, half a second was enough.

I improved my body with demonic energy and appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye, crossing her chest with Rebellion. The mermaid opened her mouth, and blood poured out without stopping. She looked at me and moved her lips to say something.

"Still..." a beautiful voice made me freeze, as if I were chained with invisible chains. Shit!! I can't move, move!!

The mermaid moved and pulled Rebellion out of her chest, the blood flowing quickly. She squeezed her trident tightly and looked at me with cold eyes, her trident mere inches from my face. No... MOVE, ASSHOLE!!

My demonic energy entered my entire body quickly, and I felt as if the chains in my mind were breaking into pieces. I opened my mouth and stopped the trident with my teeth, feeling my teeth break but not caring. The mermaid looked at me with surprised eyes.

I squeezed the handle of Rebellion tightly and quickly cut off her head. Her decapitated body went limp, and her head floated in the sea, still with surprised eyes.

I touched my mouth and made an annoyed face. I felt that a part of my mouth was broken, and the flesh was destroyed. I don't think I should do that again...

I quickly turned and swam towards the crystal, a sapphire-like crystal that shone with a soft blue light. I grabbed it and smiled. Done!!

Suddenly, I felt the water grab me and pull me to the surface, but it was so fast that I flew into the sky. I smiled as I felt the sunlight, and I quickly used Sky Star to fly like a rocket towards the island.

But the bad thing is that I landed in a way...

I landed face-first in the sand, spinning several times in the air before coming to a stop. I turned around and saw the blue sky, sighing in relief. "DONE!!"

Lazuli appeared next to me and said with a smile, "Great! I hope you can continue doing well!"

I nodded and said, "Easy..."

Suddenly, reality began to warp again, and this time, I was in a large open place that seemed to be a huge, massive structure made of... earth?

"You finally finished that test, and it was quick," said a voice next to me. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw a woman with brown hair and brown eyes. Her entire body was covered in dirt, like armor, except for her head.

"Yes... Easy, now what do I have to do?" I said curiously, looking at the huge structure.

"By the way, my name is Gaia," said the earth elemental.

Gaia... Like Greek mythology, huh?

I got up and said, "Yes, yes, what's my test this time?"

Gaia sighed and said, "Survive."

Suddenly, dozens of earth giants, more than 30 feet tall, emerged from the ground. "Really...?"

"Yes, survive. With your abilities, it shouldn't be that difficult. You can survive without fighting or destroying the earth golems. It's not that difficult, right?" Gaia said, crossing her arms. I nodded and said, "Yes..."

Rebellion appeared in my hand, and I looked at the golems. Now that I think about it... Why didn't I get orbs from killing those mermaids? Are they false?

Suddenly, a large fist from an earth golem came straight towards me. Let's test its strength. I covered myself with Rebellion, and when its fist collided with my sword, I felt my body vibrate from the force. Well... This will be a little difficult.

Behind me, the ground broke into pieces, and a fierce wind cut my cheek. I smiled and shouted, "Okay! TIME TO DANCE, CLAYFACE!!"

I jumped into the air and landed on the golem's arm, running quickly towards its head. I jumped and infused my leg with demonic energy, delivering an axe kick to its head. The golem's head quickly cracked and exploded into pieces.

Although it was still moving, I saw a large brown crystal that was shining slightly. I quickly used Rebellion and cut it into pieces, jumping again and falling to the ground.

The golem fell to the ground as if its strings had been cut. I looked at the other golems and said, while putting Rebellion on my shoulder, "Okay, time to take out the trash!"

I squeezed Rebellion hard and ran like a blur towards the other golems. I jumped into the air and landed on one's head, clenching my fist and infusing it with demonic energy. I punched its head hard, and it broke into pieces. I moved Rebellion and cut through its brown glass again, and the golem fell to the ground in pieces. I jumped into the air and landed on the ground again.

I looked at the golems, and a brown energy began to emerge from their limbs. Mana?

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and I watched in surprise as the ground broke, revealing a huge earth snake. The snake headed towards me with great speed.

A huge sonic boom resonated as the snake rushed towards me, even destroying some of the golems in its path. Ah, come on...

I quickly jumped into the air and dodged the snake, seeing that its "eyes" were two round brown crystals. Ha...

The snake turned around quickly and opened its mouth, coming back towards me with enormous speed. I used Sky Star and jumped onto a magic circle, flying like a rocket towards the sky. The snake roared, and I felt the sound coming from its mouth, a roar that broke the dirt floor into pieces.

Dozens of crimson magic circles appeared in the air, and I began to jump between them quickly. I jumped between the circles like a crimson light, the snake coming towards me quickly. I jumped into a magic circle and avoided the snake by a hair's breadth, looking at its mouth mere centimeters from my face. I quickly dodged it, jumped into another magic circle, and looked at the snake with concentrated eyes.

"Faster, faster!!" I screamed, flying like a rocket towards the snake. I grabbed Rebellion and infused it with demonic energy, impaling the snake's eye with force.

"Take this!!" I shouted with a smile, and the snake moved erratically, roaring in pain. I watched as the round crystal that was its "eye" was destroyed, and the snake moved erratically, flying away. A magic circle appeared in the air, and my feet quickly touched it.

I shot like a bullet towards the snake again, landing on its head as it moved erratically. I stabbed Rebellion into its dirt skin, then clenched my fist and punched its skin hard, creating large cracks. The big snake roared and moved quickly in all directions, crawling with terrifying speed. I quickly grabbed the snake with my hand, grabbing onto a large crack.

The snake was moving so fast that everything seemed like a blur. While I held Rebellion, impaled in the snake's body, I made Ebony appear and shot it into one of the cracks. The snake roared in pain, and I smiled, shooting Ebony even more, slowly at first, then with more energy, until I made a hole in the snake. The snake jumped into the sky, and I couldn't help but scream, "HOLY SHIT--"

The snake fell to the ground, hitting it so hard that the ground broke into pieces. We began to plummet into a dark place, the light coming in through the hole we had entered.

I quickly grabbed Rebellion and pulled it out of the snake, then jumped into the air and used Sky Star to fly away, landing cleanly on the ground. I looked around and saw that we were in a huge underground cave, the ground wet. In the distance, the snake was in the ground, moving slightly. I highly doubted it was dead.

Suddenly, the snake began to illuminate with a brown light, a second phase!?

The snake began to convulse on the ground, and the ground began to shake non-stop. I grabbed Rebellion tightly, and in my other hand, I had Ebony. The snake began to float in the air, and I heard a noise as if something was breaking.

Suddenly, the ground sank, as if something absurdly heavy had fallen to the ground. A roar that made the ground break even more echoed, and a light came from the roar. Suddenly, the light ceased, and what I saw made me smile nonstop.

It was a being larger than the snake, with a long head, two intersecting horns, and brown eyes that stared at me. It was on four legs, with rocky, brown skin, sharp teeth, and a long tail that moved slowly. It looked at me with bloodlust in its eyes—a fucking dragon, but it didn't have wings.

"Oh, yes, a drake, an earth dragon, but it's a newborn," the voice next to me startled me. I looked to my side and saw Gaia, watching the fight. "An earth dragon?? Wait, I have to face a fucking dragon!?" I said, shocked.

"Don't worry, it's a newborn. It's just been born. If it were a teenager, it would most likely kill you quickly. A newborn is... what were the human Ranks like...? Ah, yes, Rank A," Gaia said, smiling at the dragon.

"Haha... A newborn earth dragon, Rank A... Well, it seems I'll have to be more serious... Now I think the trial by fire will be more complicated..." I said, grabbing Rebellion and Ebony tightly.

"Ah... She, no doubt, will be more difficult than this, but she won't be a cheater, she doesn't like that, so... she will be quite difficult," Gaia said, slowly sinking into the earth.

"I'll give you some advice, BE FAST," Gaia said, disappearing into the ground.

Suddenly, the earth dragon appeared in front of me in the blink of an eye, SHIT!!

I quickly dodged a swipe from its claws, huge cuts appearing in the ground. It's fast!

I quickly moved away, but the dragon ran with an unreal speed for its body. The earth dragon roared, and suddenly a huge amount of brown energy came out of it—Earth mana?

The ground began to shake non-stop, and dozens of columns of earth emerged from the ground. Oh shit!

A column hit me, and I flew into the air, the impact so hard that I came out of the big cave and into the sky. Holy shit!

So that's how strong a newborn earth dragon is!?

Suddenly, a huge column of colossal earth rose up to where I was, and the earth dragon roared above the great column, jumping towards me. I infused Rebellion with demonic energy and hit its head, causing the dragon's head to bow. I saw cracks appearing in its head, YES!

The dragon looked at me and roared, oh no!

Suddenly, another column of earth rose and hit me in the side, and I was sent flying, crashing to the ground. I opened my eyes and saw the dragon plummeting towards me.

"Well... COME, PUPPY!! COME WITH DADDY DANTE!!" I shouted with a smile, infusing Rebellion with a large amount of demonic energy and jumping away. The ground where I had been before sank even more, and huge cracks spread.

I prepared Ebony and Rebellion, a smile on my face. "It looks like the dragon slayer title will come faster than I thought!"

The drake roared loudly, and dozens of pillars of earth rose into the air, moving like snakes as they ran towards me. I infused Rebellion and Ebony with demonic energy and said, "Let's dance, puppy!"