
Fantasy: Let You Accept Disciples

Black_devil_white · Oriental
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4 Chs

chapter 4 : anyone talk nonsense about dao child will die

Thousands of miles away, for the Wind and Thunder Qilin in the Inscription Realm, it only takes a few breaths.

At this time, the Zongmen Square was already crowded with monks everywhere.

They are all outstanding figures and geniuses from various family dynasties!

All the monks with dreams in the entire Zhongzhou land gathered here, and it was so lively.

There were even many sect leaders and human emperors who rushed over. Of course, their purpose was not a grand ceremony for recruiting disciples.

But the law mark Sacred Land!

If you can have the opportunity to understand the traces of the laws left by the Great Emperor, your strength will definitely increase greatly.

Even breaking through the realm is not impossible.

And those who can travel millions or tens of thousands of miles to come to the Mysterious Heaven Sect are not good people.

Either he is very powerful, fighting all the way and overcoming obstacles, or he has a profound background.

After all, even with the help of the teleportation circle, it is extremely difficult to cross the vast territory to get here, and the cost of spiritual stones is not a small amount.

The land is vast and the distances are long and thousands of miles long. The dangers are even more immeasurable. Many small tribes and clans cannot reach it even with all their efforts to escort their children.

Otherwise, there might be even more people here!

It shows what a grand event this is!

"Look! That is the eldest prince of the Molong Dynasty. It is said that he is an earth-level genius with dragon blood. Unexpectedly, even he wants to join the Mysterious Heaven Sect. It seems that one of the inner sect's places has been reserved this time. Got it!"

A monk pointed to a group of people wearing black armor not far away, their eyes were like lightning, full of evil aura, and the army was shocked.

"That's... the saint of the Shenyu Clan, so beautiful! She's here too!"

Not far away, a sheet of pure white divine feathers stretched across the sky, with several beautiful shadows standing in rows, their eyes moving, eye-catching.


Suddenly, a huge bird spread its wings across the sky in the distance, covering the sky and the sun, and swept in with a fierce hurricane.

Like a huge dark cloud, its breath makes people tremble and almost collapse to the ground.

"Oh my god! This is actually an ancient relic from the spirit transformation realm! What kind of force can actually send such a creature to give birth to an heir?!"

Everyone was horrified and horrified!

This giant bird is extremely terrifying, blocking out the sky and casting a suffocating shadow.

It was vaguely visible that there were several old men and several young men standing on it.

They are all domineering and have extraordinary temperament.

"This is the mount of the Human Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty. Oh my God! Even the Human Emperor is here!"

Everyone was shocked.

At the same time, Han Zhantian and others who were sitting in high seats immediately stood up to greet them.

After all, he was the Human Emperor, and even the Mysterious Heaven Sect did not dare to be too negligent.

"Welcome the Emperor!"

Han Zhantian slightly arched his hands.

"You're welcome, Master Han. I'm here this time. I hope your sect can accept my naughty second son."

The Human Emperor showed no gesture and was smiling and talking.

"The Human Emperor is joking. The second prince is extremely talented and will surely become a great figure in the future. It is my great fortune, Mysterious Heaven Sect!"

Han Zhantian's eyes wandered over the young man behind the Human Emperor, and he nodded with satisfaction.

The quality of this apprenticeship ceremony far exceeded previous ones.

Just for the geniuses who have appeared now, if they are cultivated, it is entirely possible for them to reach the formation level. They are all the mainstays of the sect.

As powerful as a first-class force like the Mysterious Heaven Sect, there are only a dozen or so powerful formation realm experts.

There are only two in the Venerable realm.

If you can get a few more geniuses who are expected to become powerful in the formation realm, you will be very lucky!

The lifespan of a strong person in the Formation Realm is nearly five hundred years, which can completely make the Mysterious Heaven Sect's foundation more profound. How can this not surprise them? !

Such a grand occasion has not happened for hundreds of years!

"Tsk, tsk, how enviable!"

"There are so many talented disciples at this disciple recruitment ceremony, far more than before. I'm afraid Sect Master Han will be laughing from ear to ear, right?"

The big guys sat down, and an old man said with a smile.

This person is the master of the Five Color Sect, blue in color, with an early cultivation level in the Venerable realm, and is on good terms with the Mysterious Heaven Sect.

"Are you envious?! You can only be envious. This is also due to the arrival of Lord Dao Child."

"In previous years, it was a blessing to have one or two geniuses appear in the apprenticeship ceremony, but Lord Dao Child has just arrived. This time, the number of geniuses in the discipleship ceremony has exploded. It can be said that luck has skyrocketed!"

Han Zhantian stroked his beard and said with a proud smile on his face.

"Yes! Lord Dao Child is really auspicious! He is indeed the Saint Child of the upper world, his luck is amazing!"

After hearing Han Zhantian's words, the other elders also woke up and praised them one after another.

Even though Xiao Zizai was not here and couldn't hear their compliments at all, they still praised Xiao Zizai to the sky.

When the other forces heard this, their eyes flickered, and they became more and more curious about the Dao Child mentioned by Han Zhantian and others.

"Oh?! You old guy, where is Xue'er's niece?! Could you be sent to seduce the so-called Dao Child again?!"

Selan was joking and joking as usual.

But the next second, a wave of real pressure and murderous intent suddenly hit him, directly covering him.

Selan's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly stood up.

He stared at Han Zhantian beside him in disbelief.

The rest of the people were also shocked, with subtle expressions.

I saw that Han Zhantian's face had become extremely cold, and his whole body was actually exuding a murderous aura.

"Se Lan! Don't blame me for not reminding you. Although you and I have a good personal relationship, if you dare to criticize Mr. Dao Child again, then don't blame me, Han Zhantian, for turning your back on me!"

Han Zhantian's voice was low, and the pressure of the Venerable Dacheng Realm made everyone breathless.

This is especially true for color blue.

His pupils were trembling, his face full of disbelief and shock.

He never imagined that Han Zhantian, who had almost a life-and-death relationship with him, would show murderous intent towards him just because he made a comment about that person!

In full view of the public, he showed no mercy.

This made his face turn pale instantly, but at this time he was unable to attack at all.

For a moment, it was difficult to get off the tiger, and the originally peaceful and lively atmosphere suddenly became suffocating.

"Master Han, please don't get angry. Master Se Sect doesn't mean it. Don't hurt your harmony on this happy day."

The people present were all human beings. Seeing the atmosphere like this, the Human Emperor on the side calmly spoke to smooth things over.

Han Zhantian didn't mean to embarrass him and snorted coldly.

"This will never happen again!"

"Anyone who talks nonsense about Dao Child will die!!"

Only then did the momentum and pressure dissipate.

Although the leader of the Se Sect was filled with fear and anger, due to his strength, he had to break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and sat down angrily.

He couldn't figure it out. After many years of friendship, he regarded Han Yixue as his own son, how could he actually... just because he said "the so-called Dao Child"...

He almost caused the death of his brother!