
Fantasy is but a target for modern weapons

My second endeavor in writing has our protagonist Daniels sent to a strange world that will be all but too familiar for you, the readers. What differs this from other isekai, however, is Daniels ability which will let him become the living breathing incarnation of "Victory through Superior Firepower". I do not plan to hold punches with language and if I deem it appropriate for the situation, the wonderfully gory details. I hope that this can set itself apart from my other work in terms of quality, coherence, and worldbuilding. As elements may be added tags will be appropriately mirrored.

tothedome566 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Let's Try Another Quest!

Daniels awoke in the bed held in Lilly's arms. He blushed a bit but he had slept much better in her embrace. He slowly got up as to not wake Lilly and slipped on his equipment. As he slipped on his boots he noted that Lilly's footwear was rather poor.

Deciding he'd surprise her he opened up the system again. As he was about to navigate to the equipment tab, he noticed excitedly that the main page showed different statistics than usual.


LV:3 (5/300)




Modern Weapon Mastery

Modern Warfare 1.2

Item Box

Modern Warfare 1.2:

Version 1.2 allows the summoning of semi-automatic pistol-caliber weapons (including pistol magnum cartridges up to .44), limited access to equipment, and no access to motorized vehicles or [REDACTED]

"Hell yes," he whispered to himself.

At first glance, it didn't seem that version 1.2 was any different than 1.1, but looking closer instead of pistol caliber sidearms, it said pistol-caliber weapons. Exited, he navigated to the weapons tab. To his glee, he saw the list had expanded. At the top of the list was a fine selection of pistol caliber carbines.

He had to cover his mouth to keep from screaming in glee like a little girl. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he scrolled through the list.

There were some gorgeous 9mm, 357 sig, and he noted a couple 10mm carbines too. Knowing he had a slight surplus of .45 so it made sense to stick with a .45 caliber carbine. He used the search function and found what he was looking for.

Displayed before him was a wonderfully detailed picture of the CMMG MkG-45 in PDW configuration. Gone with the regulations of America it was displayed as god intended, built ground up with custom Magpul furniture including a stock, handguard, stippled pistol grip, and complemented with MBUS3 ironsights. Daniels was just about drooling as he looked at the beautiful customized weapon.

Unfortunately, it carried with it a bit of a cost, clocking in at 40 MP. Truthfully not that bad, but presently he wanted to outfit Lilly nicely so she'd be ready for combat. He bookmarked the gun and with tears in his eyes navigated away from the firearm tab to the equipment tab.

He decided to get her the works, ordering two CADPAT BDUs, a Boonie, good pair of boots, drop-leg mag pouch, and a survival kit which he noted now came with an option to swap the one-man tent for a two-man tent for an added 10 MP.

All said and totaled 145 MP leaving him with 15 left which he dropped on another 20 rounds of ammo which he added to his inventory stash. He knew that he would have to explain this all to her, but at this point, he felt comfortable sharing his abilities with her. His true place of origin, well that would.d have to be later down the road.

He heard her begin to stir in bed and he turned around and greeted her.

"Goodmorning Lilly. I'm really sorry about waking you last night with my night terror."

She looked at him groggily but gave him a light smile, "It's alright. I haven't slept that well since before..."

He walked over and gave her a hug, "It's alright you don't need to go there if you don't want to."

She nodded thankful for his patience with her. She looked past him once he let her out of the hug and noticed the pile of equipment.

"What is all of that?"

"It's for you, I got you a set of the equipment I'm wearing."

"But I've never seen such dress before I met you, where could you have possibly gathered it upon such short notice?" she asked curiously.

He scratched the back of his neck and answered, "Lilly, I'll just tell you the truth here, I figure you deserve to hear it as a sign of good faith. I have the ability to manufacture these pieces of equipment from my homeland through magic."

If he thought she'd been surprised when he told her about his gun at the tavern, then he'd have been mistaken. Her eyes were alight with wonder and curiosity the as if she had just discovered a new form of quantum physics.

"You mean you have the ability to create these tools?" she grabbed one of the BDUs he'd summoned her, "This extremely high-quality clothing?"

"Yeah. It has a high mana cost but indeed I have the ability to make all of these things."

"This is insane! How is this possible? OF all the magic abilities, even the most unique and rare there have never been any documented abilities to summon such intricate machines! Could it be that all people in your land have such abilities?" a look of horror formed on her face.

[It seems I'm giving her the wrong idea about America... not that it will ever matter]

"No, only some can," he fibbed, "But our entire military uses weapons and equipment far stronger than what even I can produce at present moment. Don't worry though, my country is incredibly far away and they have no grand ambitions to come here."

[Kinda hard to have grand ambitions for a place you don't know exists]

"That makes me feel a little better. I couldn't imagine what would become of a clash between an entire army wielding such weapons and the armies of this land."

"Actually an entire army, marine corp, navy, navy airwing, and airforce..." a look of confusion covered her face, "Yeah sorry what was that you were saying?"

"I was just commenting on the horror these weapons could produce on a grand scale against the militaries of these lands."

"Oh, yeah. I can guarantee the ground would be painted red. But that's a bit of a dark topic. Here, let me give you some privacy to try on the fatigues there. You know how to put them on right?"

She took a look at the BDU and shook her head.

He shook his head, "This might be a little awkward."


After quite the awkward teaching session that left both of them blushing profusely, Lilly was completely suited up with her new equipment and her backpack sorted.

The BDUs he'd summoned fit her perfectly as did the boots. It had been a little awkward explaining to her that his ability auto applied the measurements and that he hadn't measured her in her sleep like a creep.

All things said and done though, she looked absolutely gorgeous in the CADPAT. Her gorgeous blue eyes complimented the mesh of digital greens, her black hair resting atop the shoulders of the outfit. He had to put effort in not to stare, she was just that enchanting.

They went next door and ate breakfast together. They enjoyed their peaceful meal before Daniels paid and they set out. After a nice walk through the bustling city, they made their way to the adventurers guild.

"I know what you're about to say but don't worry about it, I'll pay for your registration. We'll be working together from now on, so don't worry about paying me back alright? Let's head in and see what we can get done," he told her.

She smiled and thanked him as he lead her into the guild. She noticed as they walked in people began muttering to each other and looking in their direction. She propped it up as being their odd equipment, but to have the whole guild talking about just that?

"Hi there how may I assist you today? Oh, it's you!"

She turned around and saw the receptionist's odd reaction to Daniels.

"The people we sent out were able to confirm the dead slate wolves. There were 13 of them and they each had wounds that we've only seen before in those men you dealt with earlier this week. Based on the extremely unique wounds the guild has decided to credit you with dealing with the C rank threat. As such the guild will be elevating you to E rank as thanks to averting disaster. As you were told when you reported it, those difficult to deal with beasts, and them showing up in an area usually used by F rank... It would have been bloody had you not dealt with them. We would like to thank your actions."

"Oh it was no problem really, it was just lucky that I was there." he tried to assure the receptionist.

Lilly giggled a bit seeing him flustered from the praise. He gave her a "not you too" look causing her to laugh even more. Eventually, he gave up and laughed about it as well.

He cleared his throat, "I appreciate it, but I came here today to register my partner here to the guild."

"That would be no issue. In fact, since she's related to you we'll register her for free. Would you like to form a party with miss..."


"Miss Lilly here?"

"Yes if that would be alright. I am curious though since she would be of a lower rank than me how would that affect our quests?"

"Not at all, the guild has a lenient policy regarding ranks within party. As long as the majority of the party is the rank of requests taken and of or under D rank in nature there wouldn't be a problem. C rank and above quests must be approved by guild staff in advance if one or more party members are below the rank, and requests of A rank and above must be approved by the Guild master, usually emergency or exclusive requests in that case," she explained to them.

The receptionist proceeded to run Lilly through the usual procedure for joining the guild. At the end, she was given her own guild card labeled F. After that Daniels handed in his guild card and had it updated to E rank.

"Thank you miss. Actually, if you wouldn't mind may I ask your name? It seems that you are usually here when we come in for business."

"That would be no problem at all. My name is Ceilia, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Thank you Ceilia, we are gonna go see about getting a quest here. Have a good one."

After saying their goodbyes Daniel followed by Lilly headed over to the quest board.

"E rank E rank E rank... ah here it is," he exclaimed as they found the E rank quests.

The quests were of the neutralization sort, mostly low-level pest monsters. One quest was to clear squirrels out of a lady's yard which Daniels found funny.

"What about this one?" Lilly asked pointing at a slime neutralization request.

Daniels took a look and then grabbed the quest sheet. It was a simple quest to thin a herd of slimes near farmland at the outskirts of the city. The slimes would bully the crops and be a pain for the farmers so collectively it seemed the farmers put out the quest. It didn't mandate complete destruction of the slimes as it was neutralization rather than subjugation and would be based on the farmers' judgment.

"Good eye Lilly, this should make for some easy practice for us."

She smiled at his approval and he just about blushed at her cuteness.

The two of them left the guild, ignoring the odd looks and whispers they received wherever they went as they followed the rough map drawn on the back of the request sheet. They wound their way through the bustling city streets to the quiet residential neighborhoods. Past merchant sectors and slums until they found themselves walking by farmland.

Judging the map it seemed they were close to their goal. After a short jaunt they found their way to the town hall where they were greeted by a voluptuous woman who appeared to be in her thirties.

The mature beauty greeted them kindly, "What can I do for you folks, you lost by chance?"

"Ah, no miss we are here about the neutralization request? Would you happen to know anything about that or who we should talk to?"

She arched her eyebrow and looked the two odd strangers up and down. While not terribly lethal they could pose a threat in their groups. She only spotted one weapon among the two of them, a holstered knife that appeared longer than usual.

"Are you sure you folks know what you're getting into here? Slimes tend to be dangerous around harvest season, I wouldn't want either of you getting hurt because you're unprepared."

Daniel was appreciative of her concern but had to fight not to smile seeing her blatant underestimation.

"I appreciate it, miss but we came here for the request and it's what we intend to do."

"You two seem determined I s'ppose, just please don't go getting yourselves badly hurt now. Oh, and nobody's called me miss since I was in my twenties. You can call me Julie."

"Well met Julie, I'm Daniels and this is my partner Lilly. We may not look like much but I promise you we'll have this dealt with for you."

"If you say so," she looked at the two, "Past the far-right fields over in that little grove is where they usually come from. You don't need to kill them all just wipe most of them out and they'll scatter for the year."

"Alrighty then," Daniels smiled, "Thy will be done."

Daniels gestured Lilly to follow him and off they went. Julie was left standing there shaking her head as she watched the two strangers head off.

And there it is. I'll try'n get my schedule back together but no promises.

tothedome566creators' thoughts