
A Friendly Contest

The two figures swayed, and the wind accompanied while the sun peered through the canopy to catch a glimpse of their beauty. Slow felt the moments when the dance ended, Isabelle rested her head on Arnacia's shoulder and the tranquility didn't let her break the silence.

"Let's go back to the camp," Arnacia gently pushed Isabelle away and turned towards the camp. Her clenched fist moved to rest on her chest and eyes shut for a moment. A memory from the past begged to be unburied, but the maturity of age didn't even listen to its plea. The past made us who we are, but it is not what we must be - was what she thought.

'How should I avoid Naomi?' was the important question loomed and focused on. It was dangerous for her to be alone with Naomi, for another Knight could jump on the arrest and Naomi would accept every accusation in honor.

Lost in her thoughts, Arnacia didn't notice that Isabelle had grabbed her sleeve. The two trainee maids eventually reached the camp. Clothes were changed, breakfast was finished, and the maids from the Garden of Chambers gathered. Rosalia now addressed all the maids with Victoria by her side.

"Today's contest is just as important as the rest. For a few of you," Rosalia looked at two specific maids, "it might be the most important. Participation of at least two maids is a must. Eleanor and Emma, are you ready?"

"Yes Miss Rosalia." The two maids said in unison.

"You two don't have to carry out the tasks today. Rest, come to me one by one and carry out their parts in today's contest." Rosalia went inside the sleeping quarters, followed by Victoria.

'This is slavery.' Arnacia thought of how the maids set up the competition grounds yesterday. Everyone worked like ants and didn't complain or break a sweat. She didn't like how it was almost similar to her previous life.

"Ester also wants to take part."

"Can you skip the chores this way?" Arnacia asked curiously.

"Ester can't skip, but take part after doing Ester's part. It's the same every year."

"Emma will walk freely today!"

"In reality, Miss Rosalia distributed our tasks evenly among the rest of you." Eleanore spoke. "In the battle contest, we will do your part and you will be burden free."

"And we can't break these rules." Arnacia responded as a statement, but she wished for a follow up answer.

"Emma will gladly do her part."

"Ester is also only doing Ester's part. Remember, Miss Rosalia said, if you do what you must, then no one will bother you."

"Peace begins with accepting the circumstances and molding yourself," Eleanore joined in.

"Ester remembers this because Ester doesn't daydream like somebody in class.

"Emma will miss the moral class."

"Your turn," Cecelia interrupted. She was now carrying a basket on her back.

Ester went inside the sleeping quarters and next it was Isabelle, who soon came out with a small basket in hand. Just as Arnacia stepped inside the sleeping quarters, Isabelle turned towards her companions.

"I want to enter the cooking contest, can you help-"

"Emma will help!"

"Ester is always there for you."

"You can enter with me," Eleanore offered.

"With you?" Isabelle quickly narrated the incident with Naomi. Emma and Ester expressed their anger and Eleanore showed concern, but all of them were relieved that their favorite maiden wouldn't be fighting.

A simple plan was formed. Emma and Ester would go ahead and look for Naomi. After changing the contest agreement, Eleanore would help Isabelle fill the cooking contest form. And thus when Arnacia came out carrying a box, only three maids were by her side.

Their journey began as they went past the sleeping quarters, bathhouse, and finally through the forest, they reached the riverbank. They traveled opposite to the river and soon saw three maids in the distance.

Two of them were throwing stones onto the river. Apparently, they were competing on stone skipping. Their identities were also clear since one of them had green hair.

"Ester used to play this game in Ester's family pond. You won't win."

"Emma will make sure you keep your promise when you lose."

"Tsk!" Naomi improved a lot by watching Ester's trial throws. To be honest, she only accepted the challenge because of favorable rules. Both of them would have three tries and one last throw. Her best result would be considered, but for Ester, only the last throw would be considered. She threw the fourth stone with all her might.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17!!" Naomi laughed out loud! Her best score had increased more than two folds. On top of it, Ester's scores were - 7, 3 and 7.

"Ester is scared now. What should Ester do?"

"Emma will tag in for the fourth throw."

"No, you can't. This is between me and Ester," Naomi refused with a smile on her face.

Ester shook her head and looked towards the ground. Stones of different sizes and shapes decorated the river side. She bent down to pick one. Seventeen skips? She could barely control her grin. A loud laugh would have escaped her mouth if she didn't feel Emma's hand on her shoulder.

"Ester's turn." She picked a stone shaped almost like a squircle (square with rounded corners). It felt like her aura had completely changed for a second as she put one of her legs backward. Her upper body turned in the stretched leg's direction, then with a sudden jerk, she swung her hand towards the water.

"Plop plop plopploplpplpoplpoplpoplp-oplpo-"

Arnacia, Isabelle, Eleanore and Cecelia also saw the skipping stone as it crossed the river and landed on the other side. It was difficult to count towards the end, but clearly, it skipped way more times than Naomi's score combined.

"Ester counted fifty-three skips."

"Emma will tell Isabelle the result." She ignored Naomi, who couldn't utter a single word. If you win by a small margin, then perhaps there is room for argument, but what just happened was total domination.

And so it was; Naomi settled on the cooking contest without even having a word with Isabelle. She also shook hands with Isabelle as per the agreement.

The trainee maids from the Garden of Chambers merrily moved towards the tournament grounds. Naomi quietly followed them and parted from the group upon reaching the destination. Emma and Eleanore also bid goodbye and led Isabelle towards the backstage.

"How do I join the cooking contest?" Arnacia asked.

"Do you even know how to cook properly?" Cecelia said.

"Do I need to know that? I just want to be part of the contest." Arnaica looked at Ester.

"Ester can get another application. We can enter as a duo."

"Can we enter solo?" Arnacia asked. "I will be a burden for you if we make a team."

"Ester doesn't mind."

"I am sorry Ester. I don't want to spoil the contest for you."

Arnacia hinted, but Ester was okay with everything. It took many tries to pass that message that she wanted to enter alone.

"Thank you," Arnacia said after she put down the box.

After putting away the baskets and boxes, the group proceeded to apply for the contest. A few maids with red bands on their arms were roaming about the tournament grounds. One such maid was sitting under a stall made of blue canvas.

"Ester wants to enter the cooking contest. Ester's friend Arnacia also wants to enter. Solo please."

"I also want to enter," Cecelia made up her mind and said. Ester was a little surprised, but smiled in support.

The maid nodded and separated three forms from the bundle and pushed forward a quill pen and a small bottle of ink on the table. Her dress was exactly the same as other maids except for the red band. Ester and Cecelia filled the form and were handed yellow bands. Arnacia was next; She was pretty slow while filling the information.

The maid checked the third form and deeply looked at Arnacia before accepting the form and handing over another band. After the three maids left, a smug figure approached the stall.

"Georgia, long time no see," the figure said.

"We only met earlier today." Georgia shook her head.

"Do me a favor, Georgia. I won't forget about it, ever."

"I don't do any favors," Georgia smiled.

"I will deliver one box of plums to your room after the holidays. Promise! Now." The figure wiped her lips. "Give me Arnacia's form. I want to duo with her."

I wanna go stone skipping ~

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