

CECILIA · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter one: New successor.

"Can you tell me a bed time story mommy!"

"Sure but you have to be brave for this one my dear"

The child looks under the bed and out the window then quickly gets herself ready to hear the story. "all right it seems there aren't any monsters around so I'm ready!" She says with bursting excitement

"Haha alright"

"There was one a girl that lived alone in a shrine,there she was well behaved and cleaned it well for the god whom lives there. One night a fox nearby was hungry ,the girl felt pity for it so she gave it food. The fox kept coming and the girl gave it food, They became the closest of friends since that day. However,one cold night the fox was stabbed by a hunter, the girl ran and weeped,she noticed something strange with the fox. A dark purple aura in the foxes heart.Out of curiosity the girl touched it, and 5 kife-like poles came out and stabbed the girl. She was burning with pain and strength.the fox had a power of 5 tails such a strong aura.Her wrath of the foxes death made the girl have a new reborn power. It is said that a nearby town has heard the commotion,a rumor spread that if you get the jewel of her heart you shall be feared and powerful.

She is now known as crimson de Art'che

It's an old tale but it still lives in Frances heart."


Cecilia is dreaming

"To by forth have Frances heart in fear"

Then wakes up with a cold sweat.


Cecilia wasn't so surprised because she had a dream like this before but this time it had a different feeling to it.Knowing this she stood up out of her bed and went to eat breakfast.

"Miss cecilia! you arisen" a happy voice says from the other side of the mansion hallway

"Claudia,what's for breakfast today?" she asked while removing the knots of her hair. Claudia smiles and presents the table with mashed potatoes,steak and corn. Cecilia's face lits up and sits down,eating this delicious meal. "I'll go make your bed" Claudia bowed and left the dinning room. Cecilia finished her plate and cleans it ,after that she goes to her room to see her bed all fixed. Then goes ahead and changes to her regular clothes, a long flowy white shirt,a purple corset and black jeans adding wolf fur on her sholder to top it all of with black boots.She walks outside of the room and into the entrance of the mansion, As Claudia is fixing up something she cant help but ask "isn't it too early to leave?" Cecila then replied"some people like leaving early Claudia, well then goodbye" as she smiled for a short second and left. Cecilia climbed on top of a building as she heard a man saying"The tale of Crimson de Art'che...soposenly she's still alive". "'I bet her jewel will cost millions! I seriously need the money" The second man argued "don't get your hopes up.. we still don't know if the tale is true ,plus there's going to be a party to celebrate Princess Dimonds coronation." Cecilia heard the conversation and decided to go as well. She ran to a nearby alley way and jumped down. "I need to make sure they don't cause trouble..." She thought. Cecilia didn't have alot of suitable clothes for celebrations such as this, so she went to the shops. "Young lady! Are you going to the coronation? I've got the dresses just for you!" A middle aged woman yelled to her as she stopped cecila from her tracks. "I'm sorry ma'm but I dont usually wear dresses often" Cecilia said respectfully trying not to disappoint the woman.The woman convinced her to enter the dress shop and Cecila somehow went inside already sitting in a chair. "I'll give you a few dresses to preview and mabye try on!" The woman humed and pushed her into a fitting room 3 dresses where presented a light blue,spring type. A dark red dress with black sleeves lastly, a purple dress with flowers spread. Cecilia tried each and every one,as she said previously that she's not instrested In dresses. "All right so which one will you take- we" "none" Cecilia said."okay, but we have a discount for first timers and the blue one looked really nice on you" she said happily Cecilia sighed and said

" I'll take the blue one". "Good choice!" The lady gave Cecilia a bag with the dress inside. She wasn't going to wear it but would give it to Claudia instead. It would better suit her.

Fun fact: Cecilia's name was originally to be "Clair"

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