

BTS fanfiction Bangtan sanyeodan have been threatened. The chaebol family heir was challenged by the ones that threatened BTS on her very own turf. Watch as she merges with the boys to get to the threatening group.

Lover3 · Fantasía
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5 Chs


The boys flawlessly finished the meet to the best of their abilities. When the fans were escorted outside. A staff came up to them and guided them out through the VIP passageway. "Well done." Alesha said to them as they arrived. She scooted towards the inside of the vehicle indicating for them to come inside. "There's one in the cupboard. I forgot to tell you." Alesha said to the assistant who now sat in the driver's seat. As all the members came in the door was shut close.

"How's he?" namjoon asked. "Blood loss is the only problem at the moment." she answered. "And you?" taehyung asked. "Just a cut at the back of my head, few cuts. That's all." she said as she flashed him a smile. "Just?" taehyung scoffed. "That's nothing in comparison to..... Nevermind" she said. "What happened in there?" taehyung asked again. " I went in. I saw him lying there. I kneeled by his side looking at his wounds. Then, I felt something move behind my back and dodged. Unfortunately, the blow of the bat meant for me hit the already wounded Sejin hyung. I tried to fight back. He threw me head first into the wall and I fainted." she answered as if it was normal. "How are you so calm?!" "Sejin hyung? you sound close." Taehyung said agitated and Namjoon scoffed. "Because crying and hollering is not going to get anything done. We sound close because we actually are." she answered defiantly. They were followed by an awkward silence. Soon they pulled over at a villa.

Alesha, her assistant and the members got off and followed the awaiting housekeeper. The entourage arrived at a guest room. There on the bed lay, their manager with his wounds covered and an IV drip attached to his arm in an unconscious state. " He's out of danger but , his vitals aren't as stable as expected. There's been a huge amount of blood loss. The next transfusion will be in the evening. " The doctor said with a bow before getting a nod in respond and exiting the room. The members stood there awkwardly gawking at the patient. " I'll give you guys a moment" she said as she exited the room as well.

She closed the door and leaned her back against it as she slowly slid down. She buried her head in her arms, holding her knees close to her chest as well. " Whoever did this. Is going to die" she thought to herself. A few moments later , the door opened and she fell on her back. " Eavesdropping?" Jin asked. " You wish" she said curtly. " Your company knows about the situation. Don't let things slip from you specially not in front of your fans. You might need to stay here for a while. He'll guide you to your rooms " she said pointing at the housekeeper. The members sighed in unison knowing their helpless situation they decided to comply after their seniors from the company assured them over a phone call that they were in good hands.