

   When tradition and duty intertwine, the fiercely independent second princess of the Ravenscroft Kingdom, Seraphina Lyonheart, finds herself thrust into the life she never desired for.    While still licking the wounds instilled by a heart breaking betrayal, Seraphina is hesitant about the news of her marriage to Prince Xander, a man whose mere name was capable of instilling fear into the hearts of those that hear it. But Seraphina's hesitance is soon replaced by the hopes of a better future for herself, as well as the possibility of finding love again.    However, on her arrival at her betrothed's kingdom, her desires are devastated when she discovers that he is already mated to another; and although her situation is not what she had been anticipating, she is determined to seize the course of her life from fate's hands in other to shape her own destiny.     While enduring the harsh confines of her new life, Seraphina discovers a hidden world of werewolves who are determined to overthrow the kingdom's oppressive monarchy. Drawn to their cause, she starts to, secretly, train with the rebels while honing her strength, agility, and harnessing her latent powers; and as her skills developed,she becomes a formidable force, ready to challenge the injustice perpetrated by the ruling elite.     Amidst the brewing rebellion, Seraphina uncovers the truth about Prince Xander's deceitful intentions and as she gets to know him more, she realizes that there may be more to their connection than she had initially believed. Caught between her growing feelings for her husband and the rebellions call for justice, she must navigate a path that is full of treachery all on her own, while she's torn between her loyalty and her desires.     As the rebellion becomes stronger, Seraphina becomes a symbol of hope for the oppressed villagers, and with her new found allies, she leads a daring campaign to expose the kingdom's secrets. Together, they aim to dismantle the oppressive regime and restore balance as well as freedom to the land; in the process, she defies the norms imposed on her and fights for a better future.    Will Seraphina's rebellion succeed in bringing down the cruel monarchy and grant the freedom she seeks?     And can she reconcile her complicated feelings for the prince while staying true to the cause she believes in?

DaoistnNaUS8 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs



The rain fell in heavy droplets, drenching the courtyard. The wind blew past slowly and with it came a chill that whipped through my soaked clothing, causing a shiver to course through my body. I stood at the center of it all, my muscles tensed and my senses alert as I gripped my sword tightly, my knuckles turning white against the familiar weight of the weapon being by my hands. The rain drops mixed with the beads of sweat that dotted my forehead as I squared my shoulders and readied myself for another round of combat practice. Across from me, Gerald stood with a similar weapon in his hands, and his face wearing an expression of concern.

"Seraphina, ease up on your strength," he called out, his voice firm yet gentle. "Remember, it's not always about overpowering your opponent. Control and finesse are equally important."

I nodded, acknowledging his guidance but we both knew that I was not going to follow his advice as the urge to release my pent-up frustration was strong.

It had been months since Sebastian had betrayed me; months of torment and heartache and combat training had become my one sanctuary. It was not just an activity, but also a place where I could escape the ache of the rejection.

Gerald understood. After all, he had seen the tears that I had shed in secret and he knew that our sparring sessions were not just about improving my physical skills but also about finding peace within each clashing of our swords and each flurry of punches.

"Easy there, Sera," Gerald called out, his voice cutting through the sound of the rain. "You're pushing too hard."

I gritted my teeth as the frustration simmered within me. Gerald was right, of course. I was exerting all my strength in an attempt to forget the painful rejection that I had suffered a long while ago. The pain and heartbreak that I had experienced after Sebastian had turned his back on me still felt fresh; like it had only been the previous day. I knew that I was pushing myself too hard but with every swing of my blade, I felt a brief relief from the agony that weighed heavily on my heart and mind.

Gerald called out again, his voice laced with as much caution as it did compassion.

"I know you are hurting, but pushing yourself too hard won't make the pain go away."

My breath escaped my lips in ragged gasps and I could feel the frustration that I felt, deep within, etching across my face as I lowered my sword.

"I have to, Gerald," I replied, my voice filled with anger and resolve. "I need to forget all of it. I need to forget the rejection and the pain."

Gerald's gaze softened as understanding flickered in his eyes. He knew the pain that I felt. He had watched me suffer the consequences of the painful betrayal, and I knew that his inability to do anything to help me was killing him inside.

"Believe me, Sera, I understand," he said, stepping closer to me. "But exerting your strength won't make it disappear. It will only drain you."

My grip on the sword loosened slightly as I took in Gerald's words. I knew he was speaking from a place of deep worry and sympathy for me as he was my confidante and my protector. He was the one person that I could count on; the one who had always stood by my side.

"He's not worth it, Sera," Gerald continued, his voice tinged with barely suppressed rage. "Sebastian might have been your fated mate but he was not worthy of you. If it weren't for my responsibilities to the throne and the kingdom, I would have done unimaginable things to him to avenge the humiliation and pain that he put you through."

At that statement, his face became clouded with a mask of fury. His anger lasted a good minute before his facial muscles relaxed into a look of pity.

"Remember, little sister," he continued, his voice filled with empathy, "Sebastian's rejection does not define you and he was unworthy of your love. You deserve someone who appreciates and cherishes you for the amazing person that you are."

His words struck a chord within me and I was reminded of the depth of my brother's love for and protectiveness of me. If not for his responsibilities to the throne, Gerald's protective nature would have driven him to take actions in defense of my honor and dignity.

"Thank you, Gerald," I whispered, my voice quivering with gratitude and love. "Thank you for standing by me, and for shielding me from the pain. You have been my rock through it all and you have no idea how much your support means to me. You're not just my stepbrother, Ger; you are my true brother, and I love you as if we shared the same blood."

Gerald's gaze softened as he spoke.

"You're my little sister, Sera," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "Blood may not fully bind us, but our love does. I will always stick up for you, no matter what."

My heart overflowed with affection and was filled with sincerity. "You've always had my back, even against Olivia, and you have no idea how grateful I am for that."

Gerald's jaw clenched at the mention of our sister and I watched as his grip on his sword tightened.

"Olivia doesn't understand the bond we share," he replied, his voice tinged with sadness. "But it doesn't matter. We have each other, and that is all that truly matters."

His gaze softened, and he stepped closer, reaching out to rest a hand on my shoulder.

"You've always been a part of our family, no matter what anyone says. Olivia's actions are a reflection of her own insecurities but I'll always be here for you; I'll always be standing by your side."

The weight of his words lifted a burden from my heart and I leaned into his touch, finding my peace in the bond that we shared. In that moment, I knew that I wasn't alone in my pain and I had someone who understood; someone who would fight for me no matter what. Healing would take time and the scars would always remain but with Gerald by my side, there was hope and strength.

Hours later, Gerald and I made our way back to the palace, exhausted from our grueling combat practice. The chill of the evening air enveloped me and seeped through my wet clothes causing my muscles to throb. My brother and I exchanged a tired smile, acknowledging the exhaustion that bonded us as we made our way back to our separate chambers in a comfortable silence.

As we walked through the corridors, the palace maids scurried past us; their arms full of fabric and their eyes filled with urgency as their hurried footsteps echoed in the corridors. The preparations for Olivia's impending marriage to the Crown Prince of the most powerful werewolf kingdom in all seven lands were in full swing and the palace buzzed with anticipation and excitement.

Once inside my chambers, Leana, my handmaiden, appeared at my side. She took a good look at me and her face suddenly drew into a look of concern. I quickly sank onto a plush chair, feeling the tension in my bones slowly fade away while Leana chewed my ear out as she prepared a bath for me.

"Princess Seraphina, you shouldn't have practiced under the rain," she said while her quick fingers skillfully undressed me. "You'll catch a cold and undo all the hard work you put into your training."

A sheepish smile graced my lips as I allowed her to guide me towards the ornate bathing area.

"I couldn't help it, Leana. The rain felt cleansing and it helped clear my mind."

"You are too headstrong for your own good, my princess, but you'll be the death of me as you keep making me worry over you like this." she sighed.

"I apologize for causing you so much grief." I said jokingly, letting out a chuckle at the unimpressed pout that she threw at me.

Once she was done preparing the bath, I slowly sunk into the tub and let out a sigh of relief as the warm water pierced through my skin and erased the chill that I had been feeling a few moments before.

"You won't believe what I heard today, Princess," Leana began, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone as the warmth of the bath enveloped me.

My curiosity piqued and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Do tell, Leana. What have you heard?" I asked.

"Princess Olivia's handmaiden shared a secret. It seems your dear sister is throwing quite the tantrum. She's sulking in her room, refusing to even consider marrying the foreign Crown Prince. Rumor has it that he's a cruel and ruthless man, and the princess believes she's far too good for him."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the news. The thought of my older sister getting wedded to a cruel prince seemed like some sort of justice; a taste of her own medicine.

"Well, it seems Olivia may have met her match," I mused, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. "Perhaps the cruel prince will be just what she deserves."

Leana laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I must admit, Princess. It would be an interesting sight to witness."

As I submerged myself further into the warm water, thoughts of my sister's karma danced at the periphery of my mind and, as twisted as it would sound, I closed my eyes with a satisfied smile on my lips.