Pierre Dubois returns the phone to its cradle, a smile on his lips, his eyes searching for the answer from the look on Thomas Le Bon’s face, and at once he sees the frustration written all over the man standing before him.
/"Fuck it, Thomas, don’t tell me that creature is still running wild out there. Damn it man, can’t your bloody soldiers even kill an unarmed ape?/"
/"I beg your pardon your Excellency…the creature has killed again. We found the remains of two out on the old river road…the evidence has been removed. The Puma spotted the creature not far from the kill site and opened fire with the 20mil Browning, but they were too hasty…the creature moved like greased lightning and there was no evidence of a hit. The trackers picked up its spoor and it is now heading in the direction of the mountains…we will be back on its trail at first light./"
/"Thomas, you say it killed again?/"
/"Yes your Excellency, as I…/"