
one shot horror prompt for "The Suit"

If it's a situation like the monkey's paw, I guess the protocol is as long as you have brain waves, you're still technically alive. Since the energy that the suit is getting from his body is all going back to the guy, I think the battery of the suit is something that will go on long after the body disappears. Wouldn't it be wild if the nano machines when taking apart the brain actually are imprinted by the Brian waves and the consciousness of the dude is slowly awoken as the last of the brain disappears? The suit sensing that the brain waves and consciousness is there, adjusts protocol to maintain the suit itself and it's energy source. Then once the dude grasps the situation, uses the nano machine sensors to see again and keeps walking until he gets home where he builds a new living body and reverses the imprintation process ultimately regaining his human form while the nano machines become regular machines again. The only problem is that sometimes the dude vaguely feels like the suit is calling for him even though he threw that thing away after the whole ordeal. It calls for him to attach himself to it once more and regain the ultimate state where there is no physical body needed to maintain the life of the wearer, to when the suit attained the ultimate form of it's protocol. On his deathbed, as the guy is breathing his last breath due to old age, he feels his arm become weightless... The poor guy's breathing becomes steady for a moment before it hitches as he realizes the horrible reality in front of him. The nano machines... are there... in that same room as him. It never left his side; it was just waiting for the day, the moment, when it could be put to use again. The guy trembles in his bed as countless nano machines begin to crawl up his body. Each one gradually directing itself at his head... His brain... HIM.