

### Episode 4: "The One with Rosé's Secrets"

The episode opens in Monica's apartment, where Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe are gathered around the kitchen table, enjoying a lazy afternoon. A large spread of snacks is laid out, but the focus isn't on food—it's on Rosé. They've been gossiping about their mysterious new friend, who's been hanging around with Ross, Chandler, and Joey more and more.

**Rachel:** "Okay, so how does he have *that* much money and still want to hang out with us? I mean, he's not just rich—he's *billionaire* rich."

**Monica:** "I know! I was cleaning the other day and did some research. Do you know he owns, like, half of Manhattan? He could *buy* this apartment building ten times over."

**Phoebe:** (thoughtfully) "Maybe he's one of those secret alien overlords. You know, just hiding out in plain sight."

Rachel gives Phoebe a look, half-amused, half-concerned.

**Rachel:** "Pheebs, he's not an alien. He's just... really, really rich. And mysterious. Like, *no one* knows how he made all that money."

Monica finishes wiping the kitchen counter, joining them at the table. Her expression is skeptical.

**Monica:** "I don't get it. He has everything—private jets, penthouses, his *own island*, for crying out loud. Why does he spend so much time with Ross and Joey, eating pizza and watching hockey?"

Phoebe puts down her guitar and tilts her head, looking contemplative.

**Phoebe:** "Maybe it's not what he *has* but what he's missing. Maybe Rosé's looking for something money can't buy."

The three women sit in silence for a moment, absorbing Phoebe's surprisingly deep insight.

**Rachel:** "Like what, though? I mean, the guy literally has the world at his feet. What could *we* possibly give him?"

Phoebe shrugs, strumming a whimsical chord on her guitar.

**Phoebe:** "Maybe he wants friends. Maybe he's tired of being around people who only see his money."

**Monica:** "Or maybe he's hiding something. Like some deep, dark secret. Think about it—no one just *has* that kind of money without some sort of story."

**Rachel:** "What if he's in the witness protection program? Maybe he used to be in the mafia."

Phoebe, wide-eyed, nods along.

**Phoebe:** "Yeah, or maybe he's like a secret agent! Oh! What if he's an immortal billionaire who's been around for centuries, just pretending to be normal?"

The idea hangs in the air, absurd but strangely fitting. Rachel laughs, but the thought of Rosé hiding something adds fuel to their curiosity.

**Rachel:** "Okay, that's crazy, but... I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, it's always the quiet, brooding ones."


Meanwhile, outside the apartment, Rosé meets up with Ross, Chandler, and Joey. He's dressed casually, but even his simplest clothes seem to carry an aura of effortless sophistication. As usual, he looks like he just stepped out of a high-end magazine, a contrast to his laid-back companions.

They're heading to Madison Square Garden for a hockey game, and while Rosé's never been much for sports, he's been making an effort to fit in. As they walk, Chandler glances over at Rosé, unable to resist making a joke.

**Chandler:** "So, Rosé, tell me—do billionaires have their own VIP hockey leagues, or do you just grace us peasants with your presence?"

**Rosé:** (smirking) "I like to keep things grounded every now and then."

**Joey:** "Yeah, sure, but don't you have, like, crazy rich friends you can hang out with? You know, yachts and fancy parties?"

Rosé shrugs nonchalantly.

**Rosé:** "They get boring after a while. I prefer... real conversations."

Ross, ever the curious one, looks up from the conversation, puzzled.

**Ross:** "But seriously, Rosé, no one even knows *what* you do. Like, how do you make your money?"

Rosé gives him a cryptic smile, but says nothing. Joey, completely oblivious to the tension, laughs.

**Joey:** "Maybe he's like Batman—rich and mysterious, but totally a superhero at night."

Chandler raises an eyebrow.

**Chandler:** "Right, because Gotham totally needs someone brooding over it in designer suits."

Rosé chuckles but stays silent. Beneath his calm exterior, there's a glimmer in his eyes—like he knows something they don't. Something they *couldn't* know.


Back at Monica's apartment, the girls' conversation has taken a turn. They're now fully invested in trying to uncover Rosé's secrets.

**Monica:** "Okay, let's be real—what if Phoebe's right? What if Rosé *is* hiding something huge? We should try to get him to open up."

**Rachel:** "How? He's not exactly the type to spill his life story over coffee."

**Phoebe:** (brightly) "Oh, I know! I could use my psychic powers to figure it out. I'll just do a reading on him."

Monica gives Phoebe a skeptical look.

**Monica:** "Pheebs, you're not a psychic."

**Phoebe:** (defensively) "Well, I have really good intuition! And something tells me that Rosé's lived a hundred lives before this one."

Rachel rolls her eyes, but there's a spark of curiosity there.

**Rachel:** "What if we just... you know, ask him? Like, casually?"

**Monica:** "Because 'Hey, Rosé, how did you become a billionaire and are you secretly a spy?' isn't exactly casual."

They all laugh, but the question lingers in the back of their minds.


At the hockey game, Rosé's enjoying the experience more than he expected. The energy in the stadium is infectious, and even though he's not into sports, the sheer excitement of the crowd draws him in.

**Ross:** "This is it, guys! Hockey night!"

The group is having a blast—Joey's yelling at the players, Chandler's making sarcastic comments, and Ross is totally into the game. But as the game goes on, Rosé can't help but notice a figure sitting a few rows back. Someone who keeps staring at him.

At first, he brushes it off, but the man's gaze doesn't falter. During a break, the man finally approaches.

**Man:** "You're Rosé, right?"

Rosé turns slowly, his eyes narrowing as he assesses the man. He's used to people recognizing him, but something about this guy feels... off.

**Rosé:** "Who's asking?"

The man stammers for a moment, clearly nervous.

**Man:** "I-I know who you are. I know what you've done."

Ross, Joey, and Chandler watch the exchange, growing uneasy.

**Chandler:** "Um, should we call security or...?"

Rosé, unbothered, dismisses the man with a single word.

**Rosé:** "Leave."

The man, flustered, scurries away, leaving Rosé standing in his seat, looking completely unfazed. The guys stare at him, wide-eyed.

**Ross:** "What was *that* about?"

**Rosé:** (calmly) "People get ideas when they think they know you."

Joey, always the optimist, slaps Rosé on the back.

**Joey:** "Man, you really *are* like Batman! Mysterious and scary!"

Chandler grins. "Yeah, just don't start wearing a cape. It'll ruin the whole leather jacket thing."


As the game ends and they leave the stadium, Rosé lingers for a moment, watching as the crowd disperses. There's a quiet intensity to him, like he's carrying the weight of something much bigger than just the game. But for now, he keeps his secrets close.

When he returns to his penthouse, the city sprawled out before him, Rosé gazes out over the skyline. For all his wealth and power, there's something about this group of friends that makes him feel grounded. Human

And that's just the way Rosé likes it.