

The third episode opens with Rosé seated in his luxurious penthouse at the top of the Cardinal Skyscraper. The panoramic windows of his living room offer a breathtaking view of the city skyline as morning sunlight filters through. Rosé lounges on a sleek leather couch, an open book resting on his lap. He absentmindedly taps the ash from his cigarette into the tray on the table, clearly absorbed in the tranquility of his surroundings.

He sips his coffee, enjoying the peaceful start to his day. But soon, his phone buzzes with a message from Ross.

**Ross:** *Hey, you around today? We're all meeting at Monica's later. Thought you might wanna join.*

Rosé looks at the message and takes a deep breath, wondering whether he's ready to fully integrate himself into Ross's circle of friends. He's never been one for these kinds of gatherings, but there's something about Ross's sincerity that makes him inclined to say yes. After all, the last time he met them, he had found their quirks somewhat endearing.

**Rosé:** *Sure, what time?*

**Ross:** *Around 6. Monica's making lasagna.*

Rosé chuckles, remembering Ross mentioning his sister's obsession with cleanliness and cooking. With a smile, he replies:

**Rosé:** *I'll be there.*


Later that day, as evening approaches, Rosé takes his time preparing to head to Monica's apartment. He grabs his jacket, slings it over his shoulder, and takes a final look at the city from his penthouse window. The towering skyscrapers and the neon glow from the streets below give the city an ethereal beauty at night.

Walking to his private elevator, Rosé presses the button, descending from his sky-high retreat to the bustling streets below. The elevator doors slide open to reveal the underground garage, but Rosé opts not to take a car tonight—Monica's place isn't far, and he enjoys walking through the city. The familiar scent of rain on concrete lingers in the air as he steps out onto the streets.


When Rosé arrives at Monica's apartment, he pauses outside the door for a moment, listening to the sounds of chatter and laughter from inside. A smirk tugs at his lips as he knocks. The door swings open almost immediately, revealing Monica with a welcoming smile.

"Rosé! You made it!" she says, stepping aside to let him in.

The warmth of the apartment immediately contrasts with the coolness of the city outside. The smells of lasagna and garlic bread fill the air, making Rosé realize just how much of an effort Monica has put into the dinner. Inside, Ross, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are already settled on the couch, talking animatedly among themselves.

"Hey, Rosé," Ross greets with a smile, walking over to pat him on the back. "Glad you could make it."

Rosé nods, taking in the sight of the group scattered around the apartment. "Wouldn't miss it."

Monica shuts the door behind him and heads back toward the kitchen. "Dinner's almost ready. Make yourself at home, Rosé."

Chandler, who is lounging on the couch with his feet kicked up on the coffee table, glances at Rosé and says, "Careful, 'make yourself at home' doesn't mean taking over, big guy. We've already got one Monica here." He points toward Monica, who glares at him playfully from the kitchen.

Rosé smirks and shakes his head, walking further into the room. He takes a seat in an armchair near the window, settling in comfortably as the group resumes their conversations.

Joey, who has a plate of appetizers in his hand, leans toward Rosé with a grin. "So, Rosé, do you cook? Monica here is a bit of a chef, but I gotta say, I've never seen someone eat as much as me and still look like you do."

Rosé chuckles. "I know my way around a kitchen. But I prefer keeping things simple."

Monica interjects from the kitchen, waving a spatula. "Cooking is an art, Rosé. There's nothing simple about it!"

Rosé shrugs, his lips twitching into a smile. "Maybe I'll show you my version of simple sometime."

Joey's eyes widen. "Oh, man, a cook-off between Monica and Rosé. Now *that* I'd pay to see."

Chandler, never one to miss a beat, adds dryly, "Only if Joey's the judge. Otherwise, the rest of us might actually get to eat some of it."

Everyone laughs, the sound filling the cozy apartment as they settle into an easy rhythm of conversation. Phoebe, who has been quietly strumming her guitar in the background, suddenly perks up.

"So, Rosé," she begins, eyeing him thoughtfully, "you seem like a guy who's seen some stuff. You ever been in love? Like, true, soulful love?"

The room falls silent for a moment as everyone turns their attention to Rosé. He leans back in his chair, his eyes taking on a faraway look for just a moment. There's a heaviness in his gaze, as though he's considering a distant memory before he responds.

"I've experienced... attachments," he says carefully, his voice low. "But love? That's complicated."

Phoebe nods, her face serious. "Love is always complicated."

Chandler snorts, breaking the moment. "That's the understatement of the century."

Rachel, leaning forward with interest, says, "So, no long-term relationships, Rosé? Someone as... mysterious as you must have some stories."

Rosé's smirk returns, but it's tinged with something softer. "I have stories. But not all of them are happy endings."

The group exchanges glances, sensing the depth behind his words, but no one pushes further. There's a brief, comfortable silence before Monica announces that dinner is ready, pulling them all out of the moment.


At the dining table, everyone digs into Monica's famous lasagna, the atmosphere light and filled with conversation. Joey, as expected, devours his plate with gusto, and Chandler makes several sarcastic comments about his appetite. Ross, seated next to Rosé, leans over and asks quietly, "So what do you think of everyone? They're... a lot, I know."

Rosé chuckles softly, taking a sip of wine. "They're... interesting. In a good way."

Ross nods, smiling in relief. "Yeah, they grow on you."

The meal continues, with stories being shared, laughter echoing around the table, and Chandler keeping up his usual comedic commentary. Phoebe even sings a short, quirky song about lasagna, much to everyone's amusement. Rosé, despite his usual aloof demeanor, finds himself more relaxed than he's been in a while. There's something comforting about the chaotic energy of this group—something that feels genuine and welcoming.


Later in the evening, as the dinner winds down and people start moving toward the living room again, Ross and Rosé find themselves standing by the window, looking out over the city.

"Thanks for coming tonight," Ross says quietly, glancing at Rosé. "I know this isn't really your thing, but it means a lot."

Rosé exhales slowly, watching the lights of the city below. "It's... different. But I like it. I'm glad I came."

Ross smiles, his usual awkwardness replaced with a sense of camaraderie. "You're part of the group now, Rosé. We're kind of like a family—dysfunctional, but family nonetheless."

Rosé nods, feeling a sense of acceptance that he hadn't expected. "I appreciate that, Ross."

As the night grows later and the group slowly starts to break up, Rosé stands by the door, watching as each of them says their goodbyes. Joey claps him on the back again, Phoebe waves in her usual ethereal way, and even Chandler offers a mock-salute as he and Monica clean up the kitchen.

Before Rosé leaves, Ross catches him by the door. "We should do this again soon. Maybe next time, you can host."

Rosé smirks. "Careful what you wish for. My place is a bit... different."

Ross raises an eyebrow, curious. "Different how?"

"You'll see," Rosé replies with a cryptic smile, before stepping out into the night.

As Rosé walks away from Monica's apartment and into the quiet streets of the city, he feels a strange warmth inside him—a feeling of belonging that he hadn't experienced in a long time. The city hums around him, alive with the energy of millions of people, but tonight, for the first time in a long time, Rosé feels like he's not walking through it alone.

And perhaps, in this strange, new chapter of his life, that's exactly what he needs.