
Fan Made Quirk Ideas

This is a story booklet where I'll be publishing fan made, original or anime derived Quirks to where I myself or anyone else can use, if you wish to view them then proceed at your discretion and if you wish to submit your ideas of quirks then comment/PM me them to further discuss them.

Ken_Harvick · Cómic
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33 Chs

Cartoon Conjuration

"Cartoon Conjuration" is a Quirk inspired by the Toon Deck from Yu-Gi-Oh! It grants the user the ability to summon cartoonish entities and objects into reality, each possessing whimsical and exaggerated traits.


1. **Toon Summoning:**

- The user can summon various Toon entities, ranging from creatures and characters to objects with a distinct cartoon appearance. These creations adhere to the laws of animation physics, allowing for exaggerated movements and behaviors.

2. **Animated Manipulation:**

- The summoned Toon entities can be animated and manipulated by the user. They follow the user's commands and exhibit cartoon-like actions, such as stretching, flattening, or humorous reactions.

3. **Toon Objects:**

- In addition to creatures, the user can summon Toon objects with unique properties. These objects can range from oversized mallets and anvils to spring-loaded traps, adding an element of surprise and strategic versatility.

4. **Cartoon Immunity:**

- The user and their Toon creations are immune to conventional physical laws and harm. They can endure cartoonish injuries, like being flattened or crushed, without suffering any lasting damage.

5. **Toon Territory:**

- The user can temporarily transform their surroundings into a cartoonish environment, altering the physics within a certain area. This can be used strategically for evasion, surprise attacks, or creating obstacles with Toon-like characteristics.

**Limitations and Drawbacks:**

1. **Energy Consumption:**

- Summoning and controlling Toon entities require energy from the user. Extended use without proper rest can lead to fatigue and diminished control over the creations.

2. **Toon Logic:**

- The Toon entities adhere to cartoon logic, which may not always align with conventional reasoning. Predicting their actions and reactions requires a good understanding of Toon physics.

3. **Temporary Existence:**

- Toon entities exist temporarily and fade away after a certain duration. The user must strategically manage the timing of summoning and utilize the Toon creations effectively before they disappear.

4. **Cartoon Physics Limitation:**

- While the Toon entities can defy conventional physics, their actions are still bound by certain limitations. Overly complex or intricate maneuvers may challenge the boundaries of Toon logic.

5. **Emotional Influence:**

- The user's emotional state can influence the behavior of the Toon entities. Strong emotions may inadvertently lead to unpredictable or exaggerated actions from the summoned creations.

"Cartoon Conjuration" adds a playful and unpredictable element to the user's abilities, creating a dynamic battlefield filled with whimsical and animated entities. The Quirk's combination of strategic summoning and Toon physics offers a lighthearted yet formidable approach to combat situations.