
Fan-Fiction: Journey of Lionel in the Multiverse

Lionel Fortis was just an ordinary otaku in your neighborhood. He lives his life watching animes, reading novels, playing games and even dreaming about his imaginary waifus. But why is he an otaku you say? The reason is that his whole body, except for his head and arms are disabled which means that he can't move that much. Which is why he loves anime and novels since it feels like he was the one traveling through different worlds and all. One day, his illness resulted in his death with an unknown cause and was later found out that the reason for it was a mistake from the Creator whom he had met. As compensation and for his entertainment, the Creator granted Lionel five wishes and made him travel to any world that he would like. Given a chance with a new life, Lionel takes the offer without hesitation and goes through a whole lot of change in his life. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ [First World] Coiling Dragon ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Note: This will be my third novel and to be honest I am also not sure whether I will be able to continue writing this one but I will try my best but just don't expect too much. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Tags: [OP from the Start] [Harem] [Fan-Fiction] [Adventure] [Fantasy] [Organization Building] [Mutiple World] [World Travel] [Universe Travel] [Plot Destroying] [Fast Cultivation/Progress] ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter Length: Will be 1000~2500 Chapter Release: Will be at random but expect to have two-to-three chapters a week. More if I can. Note: English is not my first language and I am not really good at English. Although I will be using Grammarly, there will still be mistakes so I am sorry for it in advance. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. Pat reon page: www.pat reon.com/rahers Pat reon advantages will be the advance chapters.

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14 Chs

[Coiling Dragon]

{Power Hierarchy}

The power hierarchy in the Coiling Dragon will be divided into four realms. I am just making this thing up but this would be totally helpful though I guess.

Mortal Realm:

Magus/Warrior from rank 1 to rank 9.

Magus have different titles depending on their level.

1st and 2nd Rank Called Junior Magus

3rd and 4th Rank Called Mid-level Magus

5th and 6th Rank Called Senior Magus

From 7th to 9th Rank, each rank has its own title

7th Rank Magi - Senior Magus

8th Rank Magi - Master Magus

9th Rank Magi - Arch-Magus

Divine Realm:

Saint Warrior/Grand Magus




It has sub-levels and is further divided into early, middle, late, and peak.

Immortal Realm:


It has sub-levels and is further divided into lesser, intermediate, and high.

God Realm:


Universe Creator

No sub-levels since these are the highest levels in the novel.

Note: A Paragon is technically not an official level in Coiling Dragon, it is just some sort of title one would receive if they manage to fuse all the law of one element. If it is rank then a Paragon is on a higher level than a Paragon but lower than a Sovereign.

If you don't like the realms though it really has nothing to do with the novel. I just made it like that cause I thought it would be helpful to divide major levels.




{Elemental Colors}

Because I think that it may cause confusion if I don't put the corresponding colors in each element. Please suggest better colors too.

Earth = Brown

Wind = Silver

Fire = Red

Water = Blue

Light = Yellow

Dark = Biege

Lightning = Violet

Yin = Black

Yang = White

Space = Grey

Time = Gold

Wood = Green

Metal = Platinum

Elemental Essence and Battle qi have colors and I will be using these ones as references so there is no need to memorize them as it is already understandable if you have read this once.

Please leave a review which will be really helpful in motivating me. Thanks!

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