
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · Cómic
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Finally I will leave the house and start my adventure.

"Son, we can accompany you to the train station if you want."'

"Dad, thank you, but I want to feel the thrill of the adventure, bye and see you soon, I'll keep in touch,"

Now I need to get to Fairy Tail, but first, I'll pass through Oshibana Town. The city of Oshibana is located in the southeastern part of Fiore. A railroad connects it with a number of other cities such as Clover and Magnolia Town. Every 3 days, a caravan passes from Oshibana to Clover Town, so I will accompany the caravan to Oshibana.

Oshibana is a small, friendly town. It seems that the main point of the city is the railway station, which constitutes its central point. The city was also the unofficial headquarters of a Black Guild, Eisenwald.

So I need to be very alert, I don't want to end up running into Erigor or Kageyama, it would be quite risky if they already had possession of the lullaby.

I was nervous for nothing, I didn't hear any kind of unforeseen or attack on the caravan, which is still strange, for a city that serves as the base for a dark guild.

The day has passed and the night is approaching. and I noticed that the caravan leader was a little strange, his behavior is suspicious.

The Caravan Leader gathered and said:

"Cough, good night, I don't know if everyone knows me, but my name is Revel, it's getting dark, everyone take a break here, set up your camps, I'll call some of you to help guard the camp at night."

After that, he started to gather people to guard the camp, and they seemed quite familiar, as far as I know, none of them knew each other before, it's becoming more and more suspicious...

I sat on a trunk in the tree and watched him say goodbye to the group and enter the forest, I won't be able to bear this feeling of suspicion, I have to go check what he's planning.

I started to move through the trees, gravitational magic is quite useful, just a small change in the way to use it, I made my body ultra light, the only way he won't notice me is if I chase him over the trees.

I kept a reasonable distance from him, as I have a keen magical perception, I can feel his presence without losing sight of him.

After 10 minutes, I felt it with my magic energy, so my suspicion was starting to come true.

Soon Revel arrives at a camp, and there I see flags everywhere. with the symbol of a guild I recognize very well.


As I had a disagreement with a member of this guild, I decided to do some research on her;

Eisenwald is a guild that specializes in assassination orders, despite this, there seem to be few Mages with notable strength within the guild.

As the Magic Council forbids Mages from accepting assassination requests, the guild is kicked out of the Mage Guild League six years before X784 and has been categorized as a Dark Guild. Later, the Eisenwald Guild Master was arrested and the guild was ordered to disband. However, the members ignored the order. At some point, Eisenwald became a subordinate guild to Oración Seis.

Oración Seis is another dark guild, but that is not the case now, although Eisenwald is a weak guild, but they are all specialized in assassinations, in terms of experience, I don't stand a chance. and from what I can tell, there aren't any of your main members in this camp, so it's not impossible to deal with them now, but I'll wait and see what your goals are.

After entering the camp, Revel entered a tent, as I had no vision of him anymore, I had to get closer to try to hear what they are planning, but the camp is garrisoned with 10 men and they are all mages, although mediocre, but still are mages, all of them were Carrier Magic, that is, they all depended on magic equipment to use magic.

I don't have any magic that can put them to sleep without any noise, I see that I will have to learn some new magic, and not be entirely dependent on my birth magic, self-affection is what makes us evolve, right?

Getting these parallel thoughts out of my mind, I refocused on what's in front of me, I won't be able to hear the conversation without causing a ruckus, so I decided to destroy the camp as soon as they leave, and then I come back to help the caravan.

As Ravel entered the tent, there was a middle-aged man waiting impatiently for him.

"Hey Ravel, you know I hate to wait, are you treating me like an idiot or what? At least bring me some good news."

(swallowing saliva)

"Mr. Paolo, I'm sorry for the delay, there were some unforeseen events that made me take a little longer than expected."


"Cough, we can start the plan now, all the people you sent the caravan have been placed as a lookout, so you can invade without being noticed."

"Very good, finally the guild master's plan is about to go into effect, hahaha."

"uhm sir, could you please tell me what the plan would be?"

"I shouldn't, but I would tell you, what could go wrong? The guild master had the brilliant idea of ​​kidnapping the son of the mayor of Clover Town, to threaten him."

"And what would that threat be?"

"Simple, we want the mayor to be our spy, to pass all the conversations of meetings that regular guild masters have, that way we will always be one step ahead of them, so the plan can't fail, UNDERSTAND?"

"Y-yes sir!"

"Then you can go now, I'll be right away, you'll have your reward after the plan is completed."

After hearing this, Ravel leaves the tent towards the camp exit.

Meanwhile Zafir observes Ravel leaving the camp towards the caravan, with a face of few friends.

"Eisenwald, wait for me, your time will come."

After saying that, Zafir returns to the forest.

"I have to wait for their main forces to leave the camp, so I can attack the rest that are left, to avoid some kind of escape."

After 10 minutes, Paolo left the camp towards the caravan taking 5 men, it shouldn't take long to deal with the remaining five, only Launcher Magic in the group is Paolo, so I'll deal with that quickly and get back as soon as possible.

Leaping from the tree, Zafir runs and is 30 meters away from the camp.

"I'm sorry but I want to deal with this quickly"

"Newbolds Ma Gravirei"

A black sphere appears from the magic circle, a two-layered gravitational sphere. The outer sphere prevents the opponent from escaping, while the inner sphere draws all matter inside the outer sphere inside.






The inner layer of the sphere hit one of the henchmen, but the others didn't have a chance to run, because the huge gravitational force was sucking everything into itself, be it sand, rocks, trees and themselves, after a while, only a huge crater remained. in floor.

"Phew, no one got away, I need to hurry, I hope it's not too late,"

"Dark Guilds, I hope you stop crossing my path, because I won't spare anyone!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xeeksotcreators' thoughts