
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Cómic
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444 Chs

Chapter 106: Harvest

"I understand!! I will tidy up properly!!"

Faced with his wife's assault, Sannitori Shuji, without anger or retaliation, defended himself while comforting her. "I promise you!!"

"How can you still say such things!!"

Sannitori Sanae slapped away the hats of the railway employees on the coat rack and then picked up one that hadn't fallen and slammed it forcefully on the ground. "What use are your promises until now!! What have you done!!"

"I mean it!! Trust me!! Really... this time for sure!!"

Perhaps aware of his own guilt, Sannitori Shuji remained in a weak position amidst his wife's "rage."

On the other hand, Sannitori Sanae, who had been hitting and causing a scene and smashing Sannitori Shuji's collectibles all over the floor, also stopped her actions.

Both of them stood in place, panting heavily. Under the influence of intense emotions, tears unconsciously streamed down Sannitori Sanae's face. At this moment, both sides appeared disheveled.

Normally, since their anger had been vented, they would reconcile once they calmed down later.

But in the next moment, Sannitori Shuji, leaning against the exhibition wall, suddenly saw it.

The cherished plaque of "Pioneer No. 1" that used to hang there was now just a glaring blank rectangle.

"Hey!! What happened to the plaque hanging on the wall?"

Sannitori Shuji touched the empty space back and forth, seemingly trying to feel the presence of the plaque. He turned his head abruptly and shouted at Sannitori Sanae, "Where is my Pioneer No. 1?!"

"I sold it!!" Sannitori Sanae sneered, showing a disdainful expression. "It's like taking garbage anyway!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Not only that, I'm going to throw you and all this junk away together!" Sannitori Sanae mocked. "Oh, right, right, this stuff can't even sell for 100 yen."

Sannitori Sanae picked up the fallen tie from the ground and waved it in front of her husband. "This thing you cherished and treated like a treasure, it's just garbage."

With that, Sannitori Sanae sarcastically flung the tie in Sannitori Shuji's face. "It's really great~ Trash goes well with trash like you, a perfect match~"

Saying that, Sannitori Sanae turned around and left. It seemed she had no intention of staying in this detestable home any longer.

On the other hand, Sannitori Shuji seemed to be in a daze, standing still with his mouth agape. After enduring his wife's unexplained anger and the destruction of his collectibles, his mind seemed to have malfunctioned at that moment.

The next moment, he exploded.

He had endured his wife's inexplicable outburst.

He had endured his collectibles being smashed.

But when his most cherished collectible was sold, she openly declared to throw him away with this junk.

This immense humiliation caused the suppressed malice within Sannitori Shuji to go berserk in an instant.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

Roaring, he picked up the tie from his face and directly wrapped it around Sannitori Sanae's neck from behind, pressing her down on the sofa while she struggled.

"What the hell are you joking about!! What the hell are you joking about!! What the hell are you joking about!!"

Accompanied by mechanically repeated roars, grotesque veins protrude on his arms as he exerted terrifying strength on both ends of the tie, releasing his anger.

By the time he regained his senses, Sannitori Sanae had already gone silent, strangled to death by him.

And the subsequent events were quite clear.

Although he didn't know who had choked his wife unconscious, someone had indeed done so. Though that person hadn't killed her, Sannitori Shuji used the same strangulation method to kill Sannitori Sanae in his fit of rage.

So he decided to employ a strategy of deception or "hitchhiking," directly shifting the blame for Sannitori Sanae's death onto the person who had previously strangled her.

But as for the tie used as the weapon, he had nowhere to hide it, so he simply kept it on his chest.

Afterward, he hurriedly returned to the company, using the excuse of overtime, and then returned home at the usual time.

He called the police.


"This plaque, I've wanted to have it since my childhood!!" Sannitori Shuji touched the face of the plaque hanging on the wall, crying out loudly, "But she... she actually!!"

"So, if one is overly attached to material possessions, it can lead to tragedy."

Looking around the room and examining it closely, besides the railway collectibles on the exhibition board, most of the other places were also filled with railway-related items.

The hidden danger had been accumulating over time, and as her husband's collection grew, Sannitori Sanae's dissatisfaction grew as well.

In the end, when she encountered Mrs. Matsushita, her fragile self-esteem was stung, and it erupted at the wrong time.

And that plaque was the "straw that broke the camel's back."

Whether it was a coincidence or destiny, no one knew.

But Mrs. Matsushita's engraved words had come true for the two of them, which was incredibly ironic.

"Let's go."

With a lost expression, Sannitori Shuji was escorted into the police car, and they returned to the police station.

Recording, signing.

Because the evidence was conclusive, they didn't spend much time completing the final procedures.

They locked him in the temporary prison cell at the police station, and then he would await the court's judgment, ultimately ending up in a formal prison.

But what happened afterward didn't matter to Senichi .

"Finally, we've wrapped up the case." Walking out of the police station's gate, Takagi sighed in relief. "This case was full of twists and turns."

"Yeah, we finally resolved the case, it took several days." Senichi smiled. "It's almost the weekend, we've been working hard lately, so let's relax."

"Let's not think about vacation for now, let's go celebrate with a drink." Takagi smiled. "How about I treat you?"

"I won't refuse that, how about some oden?" Senichi suggested with a smile.

"Oh, that sounds good, it goes well with drinks."

Jokingly, the two of them found an izakaya and celebrated their rare leisure time.

The most relaxing moment for detectives is this moment~

After having dinner, Senichi returned to his dorm and opened the system panel, checking the rewards he had obtained from this case after days of investigation.


[The Killer, Just in Front of You]

[Congratulations, Host for obtaining 100 Fate Points]

[Congratulations, Host for completing a side quest. You can choose two years' worth of skills as an additional reward!]


This was the side quest reward that Senichi had obtained after days of hard work investigating.

Looking at the name summarizing the case in the system, Senichi couldn't help but shake his head with a bitter smile.

Indeed, wasn't it just as the name of the system said? The culprit was right in front of them, yet they spent a considerable amount of time investigating another suspect.

But fortunately, the hard work of these past few days was worthwhile. With the help of these clues, they ultimately uncovered the full truth of what happened on the day of the crime, leading to the identification of the real culprit.