
Family Bonding

TheLeaderShire · Otras
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5 Chs

Character(s) Info

Name: Deborah LeNy

Nickname: Debby

Title: Mother

Description: Has light brown hair, blue eyes, and a pink outlining the eyes. A Double D cup for the chest, about 35, and wears glasses. Waist: wide.

Zanpakuto: (Embrace the world) Nurturing Mother and Gia

Elements: Fire and wind.

Scythe: Life and healing

Book: Book of protection

Quote:" Out of all the crazy things Brie does, this one takes the cake. But how in the world did this happen?"

Name: Christapher J. LeNy

Title: Father

Description: Has black hair, brown eyes, and a silver ring around the eyes. He is man about 45, and wears glasses.

Zanpakuto: ( Let us claw our way to protect our pack) Beast fangs

Elements: Lightning and water.

Scythe: Fighting father

Book: Book of snow

Quote: "She is so getting grounded when we get back to our own dimension!"

Name: Alexandria M. LeNy

Title: Oldest Sister\Daugther

Nickname: Ally

Description: Has dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

Zanpakuto: (Let us Break the mind of our enemies) illusions shadow of death

Scythe: Lucifer shade and Shadow Master

Elements: Fire and lightning.

Book: Book of anger and hatred

Quote: "No! They're mine now! I'm not giving them back."

Name: Brienne R. LeNy

Title: Middle Sister\Daughter

Nickname: Brie

Description: Has dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

Zanpakuto: (Let us observe our prey) Deaths Balancing Shadow

scythe: Bleeding Shadow and Shivering Skeleton

Elements: Fire and wind.

Book: book of loneliness and optimism

Quote: "You got to be kidding me. All i did was throw chemicals into a pot on a stove, and this happened!"

Name: Cristine J. LeNy

Title: Youngest Sister\Daughter

Nickname: CJ

Description: Has dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

Zanpakuto: (Let us Gossip a Tornado) Shifting Butterfly

scythe: Glittering Shadow Blade

Elements: Earth and water.

Book: book of joy and drama

Quote: "Out of all the days Brie does something crazy, it had to be in the summer!"