
Fame and Fortune in Hollywood (Dropped)

Translation of the novel by White Thirteen. 美利坚名利双收 作者:白色十三号

Sayonara816 · Famosos
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62 Chs

Chapter 32: Hart's Special Thanks

The Beast House had been packed with customers for several consecutive days. The group of strippers had been in high spirits, raking in hefty tips every night, which kept their excitement levels perpetually high.

The temptation of making money could drive people to do unimaginable things.

In the locker room, as the strippers prepared to change into their outfits and apply makeup before going on stage, their leader Hart suddenly shouted, "Who gave us the money we're making?"

The strippers chaotically yelled in response, "The crazy customers!"

Hart continued to shout, "And who brought those crazy customers here?"

This time, the response was much more synchronized, "Martin Davis!"

"To Martin, the Daddy!" Hart hoisted a box and declared, "I want to collect donations!"

Carrington, curious, asked, "Why?"

Gazing around, Hart questioned, "Is Martin our Daddy?"

Someone laughed and replied, "For the money he's bringing us, I'd call him God."

The strippers, going wild these days with all the money they were earning, all shouted in unison, "We'll call him Daddy Martin from now on."

Hart, heartbroken, said, "But Daddy Martin only wants daughters, not sons."

The strippers instantly fell silent. This sad reality deeply stung their hearts.

"In the past, the club was quiet. It was Daddy Martin who brought in the crowd, and it got even more packed. We're making more money now than those white-collar workers in the CBD!" Hart's voice was low and emotional, "How should we repay Daddy Martin?"

Carrington suggested, "Aren't you saving up for a sex change operation to become his daughter?"

Hart wiped his nose, "Daddy Martin is the dad to all of us. I can't be selfish and keep him to myself."

He lifted his head, looking extremely serious and said, "So, I've made a decision! To thank Daddy Martin, we will gather money collectively and send Daddy Martin to Thailand for the surgery he talked about. Once he's done with the surgery, we'll all love him together."

The locker room atmosphere erupted in excitement.

Carrington threw in money first, grabbing a handful of small bills without even counting, "Absolutely must support this!"

"I support it too!"

Other strippers also threw money in, shouting, "After tonight's show, we'll all go and give it to him together."

As it approached business hours, Martin prepared some cocktail ingredients at the bar, and noticed Bruce throwing out a cardboard box, "Give me the box," he said.

Bruce tossed it over.

Martin threw the old tip box to Bruce, "It's too small, change it to a bigger one."

Bruce looked at his small drawer and put the box in the corner, "I'll use this one."

These days, there were too many customers, and the tips were abundant. A small drawer simply could not hold all the money.

Those night-life freedom fighters loved the atmosphere of The Beast House.

"The Beast House has become the night-life club for freedom fighters," Bruce asked Martin, "How's things going with your rich lady? Any progress?"

Martin shrugged, "Better than you licking posters!" After this bit of banter, he added, "The rich lady is busy with work; she might come by this weekend."

He had been keeping up with the news lately. Although the Liberty Union and the Methodist Union had not clashed directly recently, their relentless public opinion warfare hadn't ceased.

Clearly, it was a matter of high-level political battles, even the donkey-and-elephant tussle in Atlanta.

Kelley Gray seemed to be seeking to profit from this.

A voice called from the second floor, "Martin!"

Martin wiped his hands and went up to the office, finding an extraordinarily stout woman sitting on the sofa beside Vincent.

He couldn't pinpoint her exact age. She was nearly six feet tall, and her exposed arms, calves, and neck were all rippling with muscles.

The legendary fitness witch.

"She's Sophia." Vincent introduced casually, removing his cowboy hat and pulling out a check from a drawer, shoving it to Martin, "This is yours."

Martin, who had spent so much time and energy for this, took a glance at the amount and said, "Thanks, boss."

Without the hat, Vincent's hooked nose was even more pronounced, but he looked somewhat softer, "You did a great job. If you have other ideas, come find me anytime."

He knew how to keep Martin motivated, "I am a generous man."

Martin didn't hesitate to flatter him, "You are a good boss."

Once Martin left, Sophia asked, "He's the key person behind the club's skyrocketing performance?"

Vincent replied, "He's very creative but also dead broke."

Sophia rubbed the calluses on her fingers, "A talent."

"Don't mess with him!" Vincent warned, "Finding an intelligent poor guy is not easy. Spare him, he's young and can't handle your treatment."

After securing his check, Martin returned to the bar.

Bruce knew why he had been upstairs but didn't ask about the exact amount, merely stating, "You should compensate me."

Martin was initially puzzled, then realized, "The back door?"

At this moment, Bruce didn't seem civilized, "You idiot, you made me miss the best opportunity."

"I'll compensate you." Martin promised generously, "The strippers' earnings have soared recently. Hart has always wanted to thank me. Initially, I was going to refuse, but now I've decided to give this chance to you."

Bruce shaped his fingers like a gun, aiming at Martin, "I really want to crack open your skull and see if there's anything but shit inside!"

Martin recalled something, "Who's Sophia?"

"The boss's stepmother." Bruce instinctively lowered his voice, "She's a fitness freak, overloaded with hormones. Her needs are incredibly high and frightening. Be careful around her."

Martin nodded slightly.

The customers were still streaming in tonight, and Martin and Bruce were swamped.

Around 9:30 PM, there were fewer female customers asking for drinks.

A burly arm slammed onto the bar, and Sophia addressed Bruce, "Long time no see."

Bruce forced a smile, "Good evening, Sophia. What brings you here tonight?"

Sophia scanned the room, "Don't worry. I'm not looking for you tonight. Aren't you letting men in? Where are they?"

"Not time yet." Bruce realized, picking up his walkie-talkie, "Evan, start early tonight."

Sophia's gaze turned to Martin, "Interested in working for me?"

Remaining loyally and steadfast, Martin gave Sophia and her muscular build and slightly collagen-depleted face a quick glance before steadfastly saying, "Vincent treats me well."

Sophia laughed, "Interesting, Vincent's generosity is indeed popular..."

"Idiot Martin!" Someone suddenly interrupted, "A beer, and hurry up!"

Martin turned around to see Scott standing at the bar.

This guy had clearly cleaned himself up to charm women. Despite his rather shabby clothes, he somewhat resembled a middle-aged heartthrob.

Seeing Martin wasn't moving, Scott raised his voice, "Idiot Martin's dad, seducing my wife privately..."

Bruce put a beer in front of Scott.

Just then, Sophia's eyes turned towards Scott. Martin intentionally introduced, "This is Scott, a very interesting person."

Scott, a proactive and indiscriminate man, noticing Sophia's gazing at him, walked over with his drink and slapped a five-dollar bill on the bar, "A drink for this beautiful lady, on me."

Ten minutes later, Sophia left the club with Scott.

Bruce quietly remarked, "Hope he can still walk tomorrow."

Martin asked, "Hey, Bruce, have you ever experienced her?"

Bruce clammed up tightly and didn't say another word to Martin until the club closed.

This guy really didn't know when to stop!

Martin understood; Bruce had had a miserable experience.

When all the guests left and the club quieted down, Hart ran out from the back holding a box, followed by Carrington and the strippers who hadn't gone out.

Martin had a bad feeling about this.

Hart, who had been practicing dance for months and had some basic skills, slid on his knees across the slick floor to Martin, holding the box high over his head, "Daddy Martin, this is our token of appreciation."

Martin didn't take it, instead looking past Hart's back, "No triple streaks from sliding, deduct points!"

Hart held the box higher. Martin took it and found it filled with small bills, asking, "What's this?"

"The money from all of us." Hart said with solemn seriousness, "To thank you for bringing customers to us, we gathered money to send you to Thailand..."

Martin was furious, "You guys really think this is how you thank me? Bruce, draw your gun and blow these jerks to bits!"

While it wasn't enough for surgery, it was enough to hold a small party at the club.

Everyone, except the boss Vincent, the accountant Dana, and the strippers out on the job, drank to their fill.

