
Fallout: New player

the artwork and the fallout universe is not mine, all rights go to there perspective owners and this is my very first story, so don't expect a lot of polish. Lucas didn't really have a lot going on in his life, he seemed to feel out of place in the world and felt like he wasn't leading a fulfilling life. but what he seemed to thrive in was fallout, in there he was able to crave out a home, a family a way of life. but even with the help of mods he was still behind a screen having to go back to his life. but in his world.... supernatural beings exist and a old god from the time of ages past found him. created fallout into reality and plucked him away from his universe into fallout's. thus Lucas must find his way in the universe he loves but will he be able to find his way and use the knowledge he has to make it on top? or will he be another corpse that the people who change the world find him? only way to know is to read the pages that a new player has stepped onto the wasteland stage.

Drake_Welch · Derivados de juegos
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: oh..... Fuck

Lucas wasn't sure what system he was gonna get as there was a leveling prompt but he kinda wanted the leveling system of fallout new vagus, not to say 4's were bad.

it was lackluster and well.... too vague for his liking. he did see what he has to which he noticed there was a new tab on the pipboy called augmentation, when he clicked on the said tab his stats popped up.

Current skill points 160

Perk points:10

it had all the skills when he was level 1 and it looked like he has some skill points and perk points? it seems like a weird combination of new vagus and 4 systems which is kinda confusing but he's familiar with it so with the skill points he added them in the way he wanted,



Energy Weapons:20


Guns:100 (tagged)

Lock pick:20

Medicine:75 (tagged)

Melee Weapons:22

Repair:72 (tagged)







Intense training [lv1: 1 stat point-max lv 60]

Educated [lv 1: 2 extra points max lv 2]

Rapid reload [lv 1: 25% faster reload max lv:3]

Junk rounds [lv1: 10 mm, .38, 5mm max lv: 4]

Toughness [lv1: +10 damage Resistance max lv:4]



Trigger disciplined

Wild wasteland

he looking at his information he was pretty happy with how he distributed his points he held onto the perk points has it seems he could upgrade his perks.

but fate decided to remind him of his blunder, all the information on guns, medicine, barter anything above a 50 started to pour into his brain.

to keep his mind from being broken by the influx of knowledge he remembers an anime where something similar happened with two brothers trying to bring their mother back from the dead.

lucas's eyes nose ears and mouth was bleeding as the pressure was too much and he only curl up in a ball in agony till the pain subsided. getting up he staggered back to where the overseer's room was.

with the water working luckily he washed the blood off his face as best he could. taking a seat on the bed, he sighed "well that sucked... ok let's make a list of things to do."

1. find any supplies within the vault to use. 2. see if the vault is usable for habitation. 3. get Cosworth and see if he's built something in the past two centuries.

with those goals in mind, he began looking through vault tech creates, he was hoping to find a G.E.C.K or something along those lines. if he could get too big empty or the serria madire that would help massively but as he looked he found was a 20 gauge pump shotgun about 100 stim packs, several boxes of 20 gauge shell, and 10 mm.

as for the armor he only found some vault tech security armor which was better then nothing. on top of all that he found some junk, he could use to tinker and modify his gear.

looking over his equipment he saw how rusted everything was, both his guns and repair demanded that they take care of the guns. he didn't need a whole workbench to fix them up just some love and care to get them in tip-top shape.

as he was finishing up his work he spotted a halotape under the overseer's desk as if tucked away. he didn't see a name so he popped into the overseer's computer not taking the chance of a possible virus like in new vagus.

as he was looking through the data he found a lead on a possible G.E.C.K and some points of interest as the staff here ventured out. it seems the geck was out somewhere in the far harbor as celebrities were sent into vault 118 and the other is... site sentinel?

"what was that again? it's somewhere in the glowing sea I think..... and what this....?" Lucas found another entry talking about a possible lead to a place called big mountain.

Lucas took a deep breath, it's gonna be a while till he tackled that place. from what he remembered from old-world blues, that place was a hellhole on top of being a place where science went wild as the top scientists except Mobius kept crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed.

sitting down Lucas realized he's been... rather calm. which is to say rather troubling as his mind and say soul has been altered no doubt by that Egyptian god, at least that's what he thinks.

if he was honest it was his subconscious not wanting to accept this new reality and preyed it was just a dream. but the reality is often disappointing thus he's here, he's in fallout, and he's gonna need to be careful as this world is a death trap.

he got up and thought to himself, why can't he make this place a base of operations? sure the vault needs work but that's like most things. plus.... he does feel responsible for the other vault dwellers and his so-called wife.

he knows he lived a life got married and had a son with her but there was a weird disconnect as in. his body did all this or his original and....

bottom line Lucas is gonna need to talk to that auto doc to get a mental evaluation. as he looked around and began organizing every crate, assessing the vault. luckily there was packed food hidden in the crates which would last about 2 weeks maybe more if he rationed it.

thus with the tools, he was able to find, he began to deconstruct the cryo pods but left the bodies intact for the time being. he left the cryo rooms empty as he wasn't sure how to or what to build in them.

when he was done clearing out the rooms he used some vault tech lockers as coffins, it was saved on resources as the lockers were ready to go, and he also made air-tight sealed so when he was ready to leave the vault he can bury them.

he cleaned up the vault and made it liveable after a day. water was still running and he repaired the generators so they stopped sparking on top of the stovetop in the mini mess hall so he could cook some of that rad roach meat he had.

it was roughly dinner time so after all the tasks he gave himself were done he made himself some dinner, he damn near vomited by how bad it tasted but he had to force it down which was not pleasant.

"note to self.... get some fucking spices Jesus fuck." after that shitty dinner, he set up some ideas of what the two rooms will be. he took the overseer's office and residence.

he wasn't happy he had to walk to the kitchen to make food from his room but it was meant to staff several vault tech personnel. he walked into the office and the bedroom. he looked over at the mangled door that the imp made.

he sighed and once he was in the bedroom he shut the hydraulic door, he sit his shotgun next to the nightstand. he knows the vault door is locked but he doesn't wanna take the off chance some fucking raider managing to get a pipboy and cracking his vault open.

as he slept he could say he had a night terror, the cold seeping into his bones and the fresh wet blood as Lucas slit the throat of a young Chinese soldier. trying to hold his squadmate's intestines so some kind of medic can help him.

his own damn major shot him in the chest with a plasma pistol to leave him dead behind enemy lines, 3 months of hell and after a while, he learned Chinese.

he overheard some troopers talking about the winter oni, how this version of an ancient Demon has come to bring wrath to China and wreak havoc on Alaska. Lucas used that to cause more destruction and discord in the bases.

after hijacking a Chinese stealth chopper he made his way back to American air space and got to land but not without being taken in. the major Kevin tried to pin desertion onto Lucas and what other bullshit the major can come up with, luckily another major stepped in to shoot down any lies major Kevin could pull out of his ass.

major zach hicks testified that he was one of the POWs that Lucas freed before he was left for dead. major Kevin was demoted to E1 and set back to boot camp for his misconduct, on top of failing the code of leave no man behind.

Lucas was woken up by a buzzing on his arm so on instinct, he grabbed his shotgun and scanned the area before he relaxed a bit but remembered his in a vault.

"sigh well good thing the instincts and muscle memory still work.... let's see what we can do now."

setting his shotgun on his back and turning the alarm off on his pipboy, but as he turned that part off, the radio chirped at him. so he turned to the radio signal he was surprised on what he heard.

"Dear people of the Commonwealth, Galaxy News Radio has made its way to the Commonwealth. The founder of GNR has entrusted me, Cerberus, to host this Commonwealth edition of Galaxy News Radio. As always, we are true to our motto, so we'll be bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts. Unlike that other radio station in the Commonwealth, our playlist is vast and our news is very much up-to-date. Believe me when I say that you do not want to miss our program. Since we are all trying to survive in this harsh and cruel world, we are sure that you can appreciate the tips and tricks we'll be broadcasting in our Public Service Announcements. Thank you very much for your time and don't forget to keep listening to Galaxy News Radio,


"oh.... fuck. great mods exist in this fallout and if this gives me any indication of mods it's gonna be Immersive ones which are both good and bad. well, hopefully, I can use these mods for my benefit. this is gonna be a wild ass wasteland."

just as Lucas said that he could hear the vault door going through its automated system of opening the door, to which Lucas said "oh... fuck! what now??" he ran to the front of the vault and took cover behind an upturned table with two lockers stacked on top so it's some form of cover.

so he waited to see who would come through the vault door as it would look bad if he blew the head of the BOS member or the Enclave as they would know how to open these vaults without a pipboy.

heres another chapter! i am sorry if this is too slow for your liking but i want to try to get a flow and make a good enjoyable story. thank you for everyone that has read the first chapter!

Drake_Welchcreators' thoughts