
Falling Skies : Wonders of Arcacia

The life of Mia Parker went from normal to unexplainable when the soon to be CEO got into a fatal accident almost claiming her life. Her miraculous survival was due to a mysterious force which sent her to another world with another life while she's in a coma on Earth.. Will Mia be able to go back to her almost perfect life or will she begin another one in Arcacia

Praise_Emetie · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Two Suns?

Meanwhile, in a black car

The young man who followed Mia behind enjoyed the evening drive along the highway when he saw a truck approaching. The truck swayed a bit and regained it's movement.

'something's wrong' he thought. His instincts gave in and he quickly evaded the truck which swayed for the second time and in a moment, it collided with a silver car behind.

Sirens was heard in every corner as two bodies were rolled into the ambulance. The young man, Adrian went to the car wreckage and picked up a half burnt brochure. The pretty face in front of it was the face he had been thinking of for a while. Mia's

"Oh no." He whispered.

Meanwhile in the hospital, Adrian paced round the waiting room as he waited for the doctor. A door beeped and the doctor in blue robes came out of the theatre.

"How is she doing doctor?" Adrian asked.

"She was able to survive the surgery but her body is totally batted and I can't say for sure if she would survive the night." The doctor replied touching Adrian's shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

"The accident was very fatal and you could see it for yourself. It is already a miracle that she survived and she would need another miracle to stay that way till tomorrow." The doctor shook his head and sighed.

"If only you can reach out to her family to come see her for the las..."

"No doctor, so long as she's breathing right now that's the only hope I need, she's going to do same tomorrow and other days." Adrian argued. The doctor looking at the broken man thought Adrian was her spouse and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. That moment Mia was rolled out of the theatre and placed in the Intensive Care Unit.

"When they're done in there, you can go see her." The doctor tapped Adrian's shoulder and left. As the doctor said, when the nurses were done, Adrian proceeded to the room. The once pretty face of Mia was all wrapped up in bandages. Adrian himself secretly admitted that she might not make it. He held her hand.

"I wish I can do better but this is the best I can do, Mia. You have to be strong for everyone and come back to them." Adrian whispered as he closed his eyes.

' We're all waiting for you.'

' ...We're waiting for...'

' ...Mia...'

Mia could hear the voice echoing in her head and she opened her eyes. She met two large suns shinning bright into her eyes.

"Where am I?" She stood up looking around the unfamiliar place.

Purple grasses...

Strange looking trees...

Two Suns...

"Am I dead?" Mia asked herself. She remembered vividly how she collided with the truck and suddenly waking up in a whole new place. She remembered the voice echoing in her ears but she couldn't tell whose it was.

"No. I can't be dead." Mia sobs.

"Dad, Yvonne, Emily..." Mia wept as she remembered all those dear to her when something whizzed past her that she lost her balance and fell.

"Did I just see someone flying?" She asked herself.

"An angel?" Mia was confused as she was shocked silly when she heard a voice.