
Falling Onto Outlast

When the clever and quirky Harlow Okino woke up in a strange world, the first thing she thought was, "Man, sinkholes suck!" remembering how she fell into the strange pitch-black hole. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the heck is that!?" I exclaimed while frantically fleeing from creatures that seemed straight from a horror movie. People were fleeing and shouting like I was, and there seemed to be quite a few of them. The sound they made was unsettling and nothing like the screams you hear in movies. They were real, and everything happening was not a poorly-written movie plot. The sight of a lady falling caused my breath to catch as my stomach dropped. The realization written all over her face was horror. She knew. I knew. It was only for a split second that I took my focus away from the lady when I saw that a scaly monster was slinking up to her, its claws drawn and ready to slice. And it did. Its physique reminded me of Blue, the velociraptor from Jurassic World, albeit without the hawk's head or the possibility of a human-friendly disposition. This is not happening! I tried to reason that everything was just a nightmare from all the gory movies I'd watched, yet I knew in my gut that this was real. Somehow, giant monsters were out to get us! A piercing, non-human shriek alarmed me. I knew it had to be from one of the things that were closing in on us. And sure enough, after a daring peek in mid run, I saw that I was being pursued by yet another enormous monster. Its humanoid body, coupled with its black fur and sharp teeth, got me gulping from fear. I never imagined myself as a happy human meal for giant lizards and furry titans, and I want it to stay unimagined and unreal. With that in mind, I set out to prove that I could outrun even Usain Bolt if it meant I'd stay alive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transported to a world that seemed filled with monsters that are aiming to make a snack of her, Harlow and her newfound party fight their way through all of it, all for the sake of finding a way back to Earth. Love story? We also sorta kinda have it here, too! "Have you ever watched Titanic?" Harlow asked the pretty Japanese boy beside her. He replied with a look that said that it wasn't the time to be asking him that. Harlow looked back and saw that their pursuers were getting closer. "Well, if you did, you'd know this line." "I jump, you jump," she said as she suddenly grasped Akari's hand, shooting an unrecognizable feeling into the young man's chest, which was sourly interrupted by the next move she made. Without any warning, she jumped into the waterfall in front of them. While falling, he saw her eyes gleaming with certainty that they'd make it. Right then, he knew if anyone was going to make it through this world, she definitely would be one of the contenders.

PolarisOfTheNorth · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: A Night in the Jungles 

Chapter 5: A Night in the Jungles

Sachi, China, and Tasha got along very well. Both talked about their favorite people, Sachi's Brother and Tasha's Boyfriend. Meanwhile, all I ever boasted about was how I once ate 20 doughnuts in one hour and managed to puke only after three hours. I know, not something to brag about, but they mentioned doughnuts, and I've been left out for quite a while.

"Ah, Harlow, Can I ask a favor? Can we also write my name on the papers you have been leaving?". "For Max," Tasha added. Of course, I agreed.

Even though I was quite aware of the negative possibility that both of their loved ones had encountered a Terrible fate, I want to hope that they did not, and I know these two pray for it too.

After eating some of the food I had brought, we decided to look for possible weapons because Sachi told me the gun he gave me only had five bullets, and I had already used three. Way to go! Now you can only hope that only two horrible beasts would be interested in eating you!

"Okay, we have two guns; one has two bullets, and one has four; we also have a mini axe and a knife?" Splitting the weapons we had, we got ready to cross the bridge. It was good that Tasha had her gun and that we found an axe.

"Our goal is to get onto the other side of this bridge and then find shelter before the sun sets." My eyes trained on the bridge, and I recited our plan. I was determined to venture further to understand this place fully. Yes, that and the fact that I was a busybody, I couldn't stay well in one place. I needed to move before I lost my mind.

The deserted bridge was a long walk, and the creepy aura of the cracks of its structure everywhere was not of any help in encouraging us, but we had to move before the Terras decided they wanted to dine on our side of the city.

Even walking a few meters, we haven't yet seen what is on the other side. My gut is recoiling from anticipating what awaits us on the other side. Please, Almighty. Please, let there be rainbows and sunshine. Maybe like in the animated movie "Wreck-it Ralph," where he entered Sugar Rush, let candies and not blood greet us.

Wanting to ease myself from the anxiety bubbling in my tummy, I cleared the silence by starting a conversation.

I found out that a group also took in Sachi and his brother, but a rampage of Terras separated them just the day before I met them.

Tasha also told me about the terras; it seemed there were many species. I only saw two of them. Two is enough to sway a lady's heart if you ask me. I, for one, have no intention of meeting more of them, but I doubt my opinion matters.

They also informed me that other people that they met had been stuck in this world farther than they had been.

"So, have you heard of anyone who left this place?" My voice was full of hope that they would both give me a positive answer, but both just stayed silent and shook their heads.

"Ow… Well, I guess we just have to be the first one." I said as enthusiastically as I could, though, in reality, that fact alone has once again filled my heart with fear. I mean, I know I don't have the best super-action skills, and I can't parkour like most of the people who survive in movies, and my aim is actually good because I was lucky. But I had set my resolution, and when I do, I never give up!

The two lifted their faces at me, probably feeling odd about my optimism. Not a second later, they both nodded and smiled, agreeing. Yes, we will get out of here!

After some time of chatting among ourselves, the other side of the bridge became visible. A huge barricade of metal wires made into a gate was covering the other side, which oddly looked like a jungle. I would have called this odd, but then again, just a while ago, I found out I'm no longer on Earth, so I guess finding a jungle across a city is beside the point.

As we came closer, we found out that the gate had passages that we could enter.

The entrance was big and seemed to be made by cutting with those big scissors I see on T.V.. The wires were cut neatly. Probably not the work of those clawed monsters. Well, I mean, I can't judge them; maybe, they're secretly super intelligent. Woah. I hope not.

We paused walking for a minute to observe and look at the sudden change of scenery.

What was in front of them was entirely different from the crumbling city. Trees as tall as buildings towered over us. Not like a 4-inch tower and 50-meter-high trees. And a plant of many kinds has grown everywhere. If I weren't aware of the existence of Terras, I'd take a few moments to appreciate the beauty of this place. It's not an everyday city girl over here sees nature at its finest, but we couldn't waste any time and we have to find some sort of shelter before the night even dawns.

Swallowing the building lump in my throat, I tightened my grip on my knapsack and let out a lungful of air before placing confidence on my face. Yes, maybe we can find something here.

"The sun isn't down yet, so I think we can go further. Shall we ?" I said, beaming as I looked back at the two, who was quite amazed as I was, but my voice seemed to take them back as both of them nodded to agree.

Before entering the jungle, I wrote a letter to Sachi's brother and Max.

"To Sachi's Bro and Max

See those tall trees? Yep, those ones! We are going to head there and probably climb up some of them when dawn hits, you know, to stay away from giant turkeys and Siberians walking around. Don't worry. We're all unharmed.

P.S. I'm out of paper and sticky tape, so I'll carve arrows on trees you can follow instead. Stay safe!

-Harlow Okino."

I placed the paper into one of the gaps in the gate of wires. I made sure that it would be noticed.

"Okay, everything's set!" I said, facing the wilderness in front of us. Taking in a deep breath and all at once releasing it, we went onward. Rainbows and sunshine, please! I prayed as we stepped into the green.

I have found out two things about jungles today. First, jungles are beautiful, and second, you have to watch out for branches and sit on fallen logs, or else you'll trip and land on your face. Just like me just a few minutes ago.

As I promised, I craftily carved, to my perception, good, sturdy arrows on almost every tree we passed by. I should have taken woodworking for my electives if I knew I'd be put in this situation.

While walking, I heard a familiar noise from both of them, making me laugh.

I was laughing at them when my stomach growled a much louder growl, making them laugh at me harder. Hunger can be such a jerk!

"How about we eat here for a while," I said, scratching my head.

It was lucky that Tasha also had food supplies. According to her group, she had stumbled into it in one of the cars.

We all ate some bread and gave China some too. I watched as they hastily ate their bread and finished quickly. It must be because we all were starving from exhaustion. We all drank water from what I had, but I noticed I only had six bottles, so besides shelter, we definitely had to find provisions too.

"Have you met someone who knows how to get out of here?" I asked Tasha while I kept my sight on our way. Trees and plants that weren't familiar to us were everywhere, so we had to be careful because we couldn't afford any injuries, especially when night came.

"Only one theory, the one about sinkholes, is about gates," Tasha said. Frowning, I heaved a sigh and continued eating. I had enough of sinkholes. It trapped me here. Now it is supposed to be our ticket out of here?!

The air was getting colder, and the light from the sun was fading. I could tell that night was again coming. The realization sent shivers throughout my body. The thought of encountering those monsters was a

nightmare itself, and the real thing was an impending heart attack. We decided that we had to stop and find shelter.

Scanning the trees, we found one that had big branches, probably capable of supporting us and hiding us from anything that may come from its underside. It was a good thing that strong vines hung around the tree, so climbing wasn't such a difficult task.

Tasha sat on a branch opposite ours. She also volunteered to hold on to China because Sachi insisted on staying with me. Our bags were hung on one of the vines hanging from the branches.

I leaned on the trunk while Sachi rested his head on my lap. I had to get used to sleeping in a sitting position because there was a big chance we would be in this world for a while.

The darkness approached quickly. Sachi was still,, but I felt his heavy breathing,, a sign he was starting to grow afraid,, so I carefully pulledpulled him close to me and gently patted him on his shoulders.

I could feel myself also tremble as fear came with the darkness. I hated the hot sensation of the day, but I'd appreciate it if it was longer, even just it's light.

"It'll be fine. We're here." I said, still calming the young boy. I said that, but I felt my heart going into a panic myself.

After a while, we still haven't felt any movement. To be sure, I told Tasha that we should take turns sleeping. I told her to sleep for a while and will just exchange later. Sachi was already knocked out cold, and I think China is sleeping as well.

My eyes roamed, and both my ears were completely alert for any sudden movement from below. On my first night camping in the wild, I was not excited at all.

We were about fifteen feet above the ground, and if I estimated right, Terras was a little shorter than we were now, so this high should be alright.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" My eyes immediately shifted to the location of the scream. Sachi seemed to wake up. His tiny hand clutched tightly onto my hand, and I could feel him tremble once again.

"Shh, Don't worry," I said to comfort the frightened kid. I tried to observe more and see where the scream came from. If it's close enough, maybe…

My thoughts were disrupted when I felt a hand over my shoulder. It was Tasha. She shook her head with a meaningful look.

"Don't. You can't save everyone. Don't," She said quietly, still with her

expression. And with the weight she put on her stare, I knew she was right. I couldn't save her, not when I was shaking in fear. Yes, now I know I can't be as careless as yesterday. My luck is limited.

I nodded at her, making Tasha sigh in relief.

As I thought, This world sucks!

Author's Note

Hey, readers! Sorry if this chapter had action on it, as this is just something I wrote to introduce the setting. HEHE

Hope you stick around for the next update!

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