
Falling for the Tyrant King

She's a saintess by day and an 'honest' thief by night. Agent Pru Shoemaker is every tyrant's nightmare except King Zuri Zero Williamson is not your everyday bad guy...and she may have bitten more than she can chew. Where she expected evil...she got indifference from him. where she expected boredom...she got passion and charm. Where she expected hatred...she was feeling things... things no girl should feel for someone like him. Join Agent Shoemaker/ the white knight on her journey to stop herself from falling for the Tyrant King. (What to expect? Expect Fun...and yes, more fun because the male lead won't be your everyday tyrant and the female lead won't be so innocent either... it's a whirlwind romance and there are casualties!) **** Excerpt from the book This man looked like an angel and when he spoke, his baritone voice overpowered the almost empty hallway.. "I am Zuri Zero Williamson, King of Castaway and I am ordering you to take off the mask!" I turned away and I started looking at the paintings on the wall. I lingered on one particular one. A little question tugged at the back of my head and without turning, I asked it. "You must think I am stupid. Of course not, dude…I am not going to take off my mask. It's there to conceal my identity, duh" I rolled my eyes. "Who are you?" He asked me. "Oh goodness gracious! I thought my identity was obvious enough. The mask…the baggy clothes…the nickname…I am a thief! I am here to steal!" He lowered the sword he was holding and made a face. "I am not daft, I know you are a thief. I was asking for your real name, little boy!" He looked annoyed. Wait? Did he just call me a little boy? "I am not a little boy!" I yelled at him.

Precious_Onwe · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: The Green eyed diplomat

Chapter 4: The Green eyed diplomat

Zuri's POV

An average human could stay underwater for 90 seconds before needing to take a breath. It's not voluntary.

It's just human nature to seek out means of survival and taking in air was a big part of it but not for me.

I love staying under water. It was the only place I felt free and light and…did I mention free?

There was no demon trying to get me and there was no worry in sight…just me and sweet... sweet freedom.

My longest record underwater was ten minutes which was the unofficial world record until a year ago when a diver from Spain broke the record and achieved the world record for breath-holding, with a time of 24 minutes. However, he breathed pure oxygen before immersion.

Let's see if I can break that record without being brain dead from oxygen deprivation.

I know it's extreme but it was the only way to stop my chaotic mind from thinking about Williamson, my very dead father.

I had no idea how long I stayed there until I felt someone grab me and start pulling me to the surface. I tried to resist but the person was fast like they were used to swimming.

I gasped for air as soon as I reached the surface and I wiped my face with my palm.

I felt rage like never before erupt from my stomach like a volcano and it spread to the other parts of my body quickly.

I wanted to snap the neck of the person who dared interrupt my peaceful escape until I came face to face with the half sister I didn't ask for.

What the bloody hell?

"What do you think you are doing?" I yelled at her but she didn't back down or let go of me either.

It was ridiculous to watch as a girl half my size tried to drag me to dry land. It wasn't just ridiculous, It was borderline impossible yet she almost did.

Since I was beginning to understand that she wasn't going to let go of me, I dragged myself to dry land and pulled her out of the pool.

She was shaking like a leaf in a cold windy storm. Who could blame her? The pool was almost frozen.

Her teeth clattered and she wrapped her arms around herself to stay warm. I grabbed the heavy blanket she dropped by the side of the pool and I placed it over her. She was so cold to the touch that I knew there would be health complications.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I roared at her but the sight of her told me she wasn't going to be saying a word anytime soon.

I didn't think or mull over my next action or I would have seen the optics of it when I lifted her up from the ground and I started making my way inside towards her bedroom.

It was almost 1a.m but I knew I had to wake up the palace physician or tomorrow's headline was going to be 'Emily Williamson, princess Supreme of Castaway dead at 17 under suspicious circumstances'

I loved publicity but not that much and not to sound insensitive but she is not going to be useful to me if she was dead. A dead sister can't marry the prince of Zolcovia and secure the oil pipe I needed to make my country richer, can she?

So, I focused on getting her to her bedroom even though I was wearing nothing but shorts that was dripping water.

I made it to the hall that led to her room when I suddenly came face to face with a black haired girl in a black pajamas and a baton in her hands.

"What happened?" She asked and made no attempt to leave my way.

I ignored her and walked around her to Emily's room, where I placed her on the bed.

I stood upright and turned around, the black haired girl was standing so close to me that I had to take a step back.

"I ain't going to ask again. What happened to the princess?" Her voice was cold almost icy.

It clicked. It was either she had a death wish or she was the diplomat bodyguard from Zolcovia.

It made no difference to me.

I don't answer questions I don't want to answer and I definitely don't owe her any explanation. Diplomat or not, she was in my territory.

I took in her details in the shortest time possible.

She was beautiful, no doubt in a rigid kind of way with green eyes and what I will say was a good enough body.

I have seen models and supermodels, she is beautiful but she is no Cleopatra either and there was this little annoying trait too - she was irritating me.

"If you are done glaring, get the princess out of the wet clothes while I get the physician" I told her and I tried to walk around her when suddenly I found myself at the wrong end of the baton she was holding, right before I found myself on the ground.

"Ouch" I murmured and sat upright on the ground for a second while she glared at me. "Don't do that again" I warned her and stood up without any help whatsoever from her.

"I asked you a question. what did you do to her?" she asked me again.

"I don't know whether you know this but I am the fucking king. I don't answer to you or anyone at all. And put your hands on me again and I won't be held responsible for what happens next, do you understand me?"

I hoped like hell she would take the hint that I wasn't in the mood to play gentleman and that I hated being hit or smacked with a baton or flipped to the floor, I hated it so much it made my heart hurt.

I tried to leave again but she wasn't having any of it .

"Don't you dare walk out on me!" She followed right behind me

"Or what, Diplomat? You seem to have forgotten who I am" I stopped for a minute to say to her. My eyes were red with anger and I was trying to control it.

I kept walking.

Walking away from a horrible situation was always the best thing to do; my mother taught me that.

But the black haired girl wasn't having any of it and she pushed me but I didn't push back. You see, I was trying to listen to my mother's advice, do not hit girls or children! It was a sacred rule for both of us but then she punched me and tried to flip me just like she did before.

I was quick on my feet and in a second she was on the ground and I was on top of her

"Stay down!" I yelled at her and punched the ground so close to her head as if I was trying to say, I want to punch you but I can't.

I walked away muttering some curse words to myself. I knew she was surprised I fought back and even more surprised that I broke her fall with my hand and now, it hurts like hell.

Damn my mother's advice!

I should have let her feel the impact of finding herself hammered to the ground like that.

I guess now I need the palace physician to check my arm to make sure nothing was broken.

Damn it!

I knew my left wrist was at least sprained and my right hand knuckles were bruised and had some blood on it.

Fucking diplomats!

I had the mind to bundle her and send her back to her country but I had my other interest to protect.

I rang the palace physician and I Instructed him to go and check on Emily before going into my bedroom room to change into something more appropriate and dry.

Few minutes later, when I went to check on my insane half sister, I found the physician going back to his quarters.

"Your majesty" he stopped when he saw me.

"How's the princess, Jake?"

"She forbade me from doing more than some limited physical exam but I believe she will be alright" He told me.

"Good. Do you have anything for a sprained wrist?" I asked him

"Is your majesty in pain?" He asked and I showed him the hand I used to break the diplomats' fall.

"I am going to need some x-rays but I don't think it's broken" Dr. Jake answered.

"It's not. I will just ice it. Goodnight Doc" I told him.

I knew a lot about broken bones to know when I didn't have one.

"Good night, your majesty. I will check your wrist in the morning"

I left the physician there and walked into my sister's room. She was sitting upright and she was holding a cup of something hot. I thought she was alone until the diplomat coughed like she was alerting me to her presence.

I ignored her.