

There is no way to connect my actions to Emily's disappearance in any way. I was completely nameless and unknown to everyone here. There was no basis for holding any suspicion against me.

While I waited for her in the shadows, I fiddled with the syringe that was stashed in my pocket.

Emily was going to come along with me regardless of whether or not she wanted to. I'd hand her over to Nicola without question. I'd repair him. They would get over my dubious choice to kidnap her against her will and go on with their lives.

They'd be content, and maybe so would I too if it happened.


As soon as I walked inside my dimly lit flat, my stomach dropped into my chest, and my heart sprang into my throat. My skin on the back of my neck crawled with goosebumps as a warning from the most primitive portion of my brain that danger was around.

In the single second that passed before the man's palm covered my lips, I was already aware that he was there.