

Azalea and I decided to explore the library while Zeron's meeting with the council elders was going on. I found a book titled ; The History of Ice Witches. Then I read about The True Nature of the Shadow magic. And for the first time since I'd arrived here, I realize how different I am. I'm practically the only human in this realm. Amazing, right?

This makes me realize how powerless and helpless I would be if I was attacked by any ice witch.

I hope that it wouldn't come to that.

After reading the afore mentioned book, Azalea then took me to the coven room where according to her, most of the spells and rituals were carried out. The coven room was kind of creepy. There were several candles of different colors and sizes in it. There were also different vials, daggers and scrolls.

"This is where we do all that dirty work. White or grey magic is the only thing we practice. The rituals can get messy" Azalea said, giving me an apologetic look.

"How messy?"

"Very messy, especially when it comes to a blood ritual"

"Right. That is creepy"

Thereafter, Azalea and I went to the tea room to have some tea. "So, tell me. How does it feel to be in love with my brother?" Azalea asks after taking a sip of her tea.

"It feels amazing. I would literally do anything for him. I care about him that much" I say and she beams at me.

"You're a love sick pup. I can't wait to see your stomach swollen with my brother's seed" she states and my face turns red. "Azalea!"

"What? I'm just saying what I think. Wanna know what I also think?" she asked.


" It's going to happen sooner than you think, sweetie" Azalea teases me. "Stop it" I laugh, trying not to blush.

But as you might've already guessed, I failed.

"Having a good time, ladies?" an unfamiliar male says as he makes his way towards us. He has platinum shoulder length hair that is pulled back into a low bun. His eyes are aqua blue and he's tall and quite muscular. He's just as pale as everyone else in the palace but his eyes are strikingly different. His blue eyes have a greenish tint to them and most ice witches possess icy blue eyes. "Hey, Ervis" Azalea says and he beams. He presses a kiss to my knuckles and gives me a half bow. "Pleasure to meet you, our queen" he states and I give him a false smile. There's just something off about him. I can't pinpoint it yet, but I can tell that he's not a good person.

"My name is Ervis, the love of Azalea's beautiful life and the keeper of the wards"

"Oh, really? How was the meeting today?" I ask and he shrugs. "I have strengthened the wards as commanded by the king, your highness"

"Where is the king now?" I ask as I rise to my feet "He's in the garden" "I'll catch up with you later, Azalea" I say and saunter of the tea room. As soon as I get to the garden, I notice the trail of dead flowers, courtesy of my husband. Not like he can help it anyway. I finally find him standing by the lavenders and roses which are surprisingly not dead yet. "How has your day with Azalea been?" He asks without turning to look at me. "Great, I guess" I say

"Good enough for me" he rasps and I move closer to him. "I met Ervis today" I tell him and he turns to look at him. "Let me guess, you have something to say about him?"

"Yes, but-"

"Ervis is one of our most trusted ward keeper, Alanna. You have no reason not to trust him. Besides, he's the chief healer around here"

"The chief what?" I frown.

"He's probably the one who has kept me alive for so long" he shrugs and I gape at him, stunned.

"I don't know, Z. There's just something off about him. I'm not usually one to judge at first sight" "I'll-"

"Your majesty, I don't mean to interrupt you but there's something you need to see" Valdrin says, appearing of thin air. Zeron narrows his eyes and in a flash, they're both gone. Consumed by several thoughts, I begin to make my way towards Zeron's chamber but as I move past the coven room, I hear a familiar voice speaking. Lochan. He's here in this palace again. I move closer to the half opened door and carefully poke my head in. My heart begins to thud faster at the sight of both Lochan and Ervis having an animated conversation. This can't be real. There has to be some sort of explanation for this.

"How long have you been giving him this serum?" Lochan asks and Ervis shrugs. "For decades, Lochan. You do realize that we have to stop his bonding with the human and that's why I've been increasing his dosage. It will kill him faster" I stifle a gasp with my right hand, my stomach sinking to the bottom of my shoes.

What? How is this possible?

He's actually plotting to kill my husband!

"We don't have much time, Ervis. You must triple his dose tonight. When he's dead, we will take over the empire and I will have the human as mine. No one must find out that you've been destroying the ward and letting me in. This stays between us, do you understand?" Lochan says and Ervis nods.

"I understand"

Dread paralyzes me and for a moment, I can barely think. When I finally snap out of it, enough to understand the urgency of the matter, I slowly move away from the entrance of Ervis' chamber.

With a sinking feeling in my chest, I hurry down the hallway and rush into Zeron's chamber. Trembling with fear and panic, I sink to the ground. My husband is in trouble, I have to warn him.