
Falling For The Chancellor's Son

MATURE CONTENT Appreciate the littlest things life has to offer because one day, it could all be gone in a flash, Sianna realized as she sat on the bed wondering how she had lost the two people she cared for most in her life. Sianna Morris was the only child of her separated parents. They had a desire for her to enroll into Harvard seeing as she had already earned a spot there but she goes against their wishes and applies for a community college and she got in. "Eww, gross! The last thing I'm gonna do is make out with a narcissistic daddy's boy. I'm just gonna apologise for almost killing him and then leave his sight" Sianna said confidently but against all odds, she falls in love with the chancellor's son; Luca Castaigne. "I don't know what Luca Castaigne had done to me. He was all I could think of. I try to fool myself that I didn't love him but I just end up constantly tormenting myself. I would say that I was scared, frightened by the word love. Saying it just makes me feel weirded out. I've always seen love as a weakness and I never wanted to fall for anyone this early, but there I was...falling for the chancellor's son" They keep their relationship a secret but things begin to take a rough part when Luca's crazy ex; Mary gets to know about it. How will she come in between them and ruin they first ever genuine love Sianna never felt since her father left her and her mother?

monellawrites · Adolescente
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112 Chs


Callum parked his car right out of Veronica's hostel. He saw Veronica outside with Mindy and decided to get down his car and surprise her. He sneaked through the back and quickly covered her eyes with his hands.

"Guess who?" Callum said with a smile as he signalled Mindy to keep his identity a secret from Veronica.

"Mindy, tell me who's behind me" Veronica said sternly. She was not amused by Callum's gesture.

"I'm sorry Ronnie, I can't say" Mindy said.

"So you can't recognise my voice?" Callum asked.

"Mindy..." Veronica called out impatiently.

"Hint, he was once our saviour" Mindy said hoping Veronica would guess the person right.

"Jesus?" Veronica said nervously.

"Oh my God, it's Callum" Callum said with a chuckle as he removed his hands from Veronica's eyes.

"Surprise" Mindy said nervously.

"Remind me never to do this to you again" Callum said with a chuckle.

"Next time, just walk up to me and say hi" Veronica insisted with a smile.

"Okay, this is my cue to leave. See you in class Ronnie" Mindy said as she left the two.

"Oh, you're not going for classes Veronica" Callum said with a smile.

"Let me guess, you want us to escape" Veronica said with a grin.

"Something like that...come with me" Callum said with a grin.

"And what's the magical word...?" Veronica asked with a grin.

"You're the magical word" Callum said as he lifted Veronica and dropped her on the passenger seat of his car. Then he drove out.

Meanwhile, Angelica and Gabby wondered where Sianna had been throughout the night that she hadn't even returned even up till the next morning. They had left her so many missed calls and text messages but she didn't pick up or reply to any of them. Sianna was supposed to have a test that day and she was nowhere to be found. Leslie came into their room asking for Sianna so they would go to class together and they told her that they couldn't find her. Leslie then decided to go without Sianna so she wouldn't be late for the test.


Ten missed calls, fifteen messages, it was already half past eight of the next morning, I was half naked, and so was Luca...fuck! The test is today.

"Luca wake up, Mr Simons test's today!" Sianna exclaimed.

"We've got a test today?" Luca said with a sleepy tone.

"Yes lazy, now get up" Sianna said as she dragged him out of the bed. She then put on her clothes, washed her face and used Luca's mouth wash. Luca did the same and then they set off to class. She called Leslie but her phone was switched off. She began panicking. By the time they got to class, they were already thirty minutes late and the test was over and so was the class. As students came out of the lecture hall, Sianna sighted Leslie and ran to her to ask her if they had written the test. Luca leaned on the watching Sianna as she talked to Leslie.

"Where the fuck were you Sianna?" Leslie asked annoyed.

"You're angry...why are you angry?" Sianna asked nervously.

"The guts you have to ask that question Sianna" Leslie said annoyed and disappointed.

"I'm sorry Les but if you could just please let me know what I did to make you angry" Sianna begged.

"You really don't remember do you? I asked you to lend me your textbook against today's test and you said I could borrow it. I came for it later that night but you were not around. I searched for it everywhere and guess what, you didn't even have it" Leslie said angrily.

"I don't know whatever you did last night or wherever you were Sianna. But all I know is that the Sianna I know, would never behave like that" Leslie said disappointed and then she left. Sianna was shocked at what Leslie said cause she didn't remember telling Leslie any of those things. Sianna then turned to Luca for answers. She took him to a corner after making sure no one was watching.

"Luca... I need you to tell me everything that happened last night" Sianna demanded nervously.

"Everything?" Luca asked for confirmation.

"Everything" Sianna replied. Then they both went to his car to talk about it.

"Before I start, everything that happened was partly the weed and partly your decision...we made out" Luca said. Sianna was shocked.

"Did...did we have sex?" Sianna asked nervously.

"No, you said we should but I knew it was just the weed talking" Luca said. Sianna just sat in the car lost in her thoughts. She couldn't speak or even move.

"Sianna, you don't have to blame yourself for whatever happened with your friends...it was my fault" Luca admitted.

"It was your fault Luca, but it was also mine for agreeing to come to your house in the first place. Please do not text me or call me or talk to me. Oh God, this wasn't meant to happen... I'm sorry Luca" Sianna said already in tears and then she left the car. Luca tried calling Sianna but she ignored him.

"Fuck!" Luca cussed as he angrily hit his steering wheel with his hands.

"You're just running away from the truth Sianna... I know you feel the same way I do" Luca said to himself.

George Sand once said that there was only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. I guess I didn't that much love from both my parents that I got scared to love and be loved. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to feel what love is. Luca gave me a chance to experience it just for a little while and it felt amazing. I wondered how many days I could go without him because to be honest, I was madly in love with him.

After the lectures, Sianna got to her hostel where she met Gabby and Angelica patiently waiting for her return.

"I can explain" Sianna said immediately after she saw them. They were standing side by side with their arms folded.

"We're listening" Gabby said impatiently.

"The thing is...well...this might be hard to believe but... I was at Luca's" Sianna confessed nervously.