
falling for my driver

Heather sat back in the chair, her memory flashing back on what happened in the car... "Just have sex with me, I'll give you anything". Heather Martin's, a twenty-three years old CEO of the Martins entertainment industry, gets involved in a blackmail with James stelee, a supposed Uber driver who she drunkenly had car-sex with. she has no other option but, to bring him to her home. The media is searching for him, his ex-company wants him and they'll stop at nothing till they get him. but what if......it was all a blind chase. I mean, what if James was never a driver to begin with? He hated her father, and wanted revenge after all... Read on....in this romance-filled novel, with love, revenge, betrayal and sex.... lots of it.

Limpy_Limpy · Fantasía
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9 Chs

chapter four

Her heart skipped a beat...

" Mum!! what's this?" heather asked, as tears already swam down her cheeks.

" it's my results". her mum said coldly.

" I know these are results mum but, why do they say Cancer."

"calm down, heather."

"how do you expect me to calm down mum! you....you..have Cancer. how do you expect me to calm down". she panicked, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I have everything under control, heather."

" how do you have everything under control?" does dad know about this?"

" yes."

" what!? I can't believe you both kept this from me."

" there's another way to react heather, don't think about it too much."

" I just found out you mum had fucking cancer for Christ sake and you expect me to react in a joyful manner. why did you guys keep this from me in the first place."

" heather, please... please calm down."

her mum tried to get her to calm down till she suddenly slumped.


" mum? mum!! please wake up, don't do this to us."


"where.... where am I?" my mum asked as she opened her eyes.

" you're in the hospital ma." "the doctors says you need rest," she said supporting her upright.

"oh...I'm sorry dear. I'm sorry I hid this from you. it wasn't my intention to lie to you." her mum apologized, trying to adjust.

" No mum, you really don't have to..." just rest, please.

" miss heather", the doctor called.

" yes,"

" can I speak to you in private?"

"yes doc." "Mum, the doctor wants to speak with me, I'll be back in a few minutes," she said as she kissed her mum goodbye.

"yes doc, what is it?"

"Miss heather, we have a problem?"

suddenly turning tensed she managed to ask.

"what is it doctor?"

" it's your mum. turns out that she has less than four weeks to live. "

" what... what doc. this can't be! it's not possible. "

" we request that you treat her with a lot of love during this period, to avoid any regrets miss." please excuse me.

" wait doc, does she know? does my mum know?" heather asked, tears swelling in her eyes.

" I'd rather not say," was the doctors only response as he left the room.

" Mum! what are you doing trying to get out of bed." heather asked as she rushed to help her mum sit up.

" nothing my dear". she observed heather for some moments.

" oh...it's seems Christopher has already told you."

" Told me what mum?" she tried to fake. "I really don't know anything..."

" you cannot pretend dear, I'm your mother." ( that word pierced heather's heart.) "I already know about the days" left.

" oh...mum, you really don't have to stress. just calm down."

Mrs Martin laughed mildly, " don't worry dear, I'm alright! I'm strong, okay." " I'm just one of the lucky person's who get to see the creator earlier, don't you think?"

" Mum, don't joke like this. "

" come here dear, come give your mum a hug. "

" she reached out to hug her mum."

"I love you" mum.

" love you too, heather."