
Chapter 2. Rejected

Stacy waited for a long while but didn't see Kevin so she decided to call him again.

" Hello dear, I am still waiting for you. Are you still so busy or are you on your way? Maybe we can postpone this to another time." She said with a dull pain in her heart but still giving him a way out.

She had noticed that lately he had been overly busy and rarely accepted meeting with her.

"Maybe he is busy, don't be discouraged. When he finishes his work, he will give you all his time. I am sure he wouldn't cheat on you, right?" Ginna had told her when she tried to complain about Kevin. She had wondered why Ginna mentioned cheating when she had only just complained about not being given time.

"Stacy, I already told you I am coming. I just got held up. Can you please not nag me right now." Kevin said impatiently in a harsh tone. Kate was stunned because this was the first time Kevin had talked to her like that.

He then sighed as if he had caught his slip up and apologized, "I am sorry dear but you know I have been busy and stressed about work. I am sorry I have not been giving you enough time. Just wait for me a while longer, I am on my way right now. Ok?" 

Stacy listened to his apology and blamed herself for nagging him when she should be supportive so she also apologized. She then hung up the phone and resolutely decided that she would wait for him even if he arrived at dawn. As she was still waiting, she saw someone who looked like Ginna outside the restaurant but when she stood up to confirm her suspicions, the person had already disappeared.

'Oh God, she almost saw me. Why is she so sharp? On top of being annoying she also has to make me do things like this. Anyway, I can't let her get Kevin, he can only be mine.' Ginna thought while hiding behind some plants by the restaurant.

With that thought, she called Kevin "Hello Kevin, are you going to meet Stacy? I remember she said you guys have a date today. I wanted to bring you some food at tge company if you're free to thank you for saving me last time." She said her voice overly sweet.

"Oh there is no need, you are Stacy's friend and I can do anything for you. I wish Stacy can be more gentle and sweet just like you but she is so independent i feel she doesn't even need me" Kevin said with a smile in his voice.

"Well,you should get going and meet Stacy now. I also wish I had a caring and loving boyfriend like you, Stacy is so lucky. I will hang up now. Have a nice date." She said before hanging up with a smug smile on her face. If Kevin and Stacy saw her now, they wouldn't be able to recognize her as the gentle and caring girl they knew.

Twenty minutes later, it was almost 11pm and a blue convertible pulled up outside the restaurant. 

"Oh my God, whose car is that? Isn't that the latest model. They are only ten in the country." A man whispered to his friend as they passed by.

"Really, then it must be so expensive. Now am really curious too about it owner." He said 

Just then the car door opened and a handsome guy got out. It was Kevin.

He looked really impatient and angry but then he plastered a smile on his face as he entered the restaurant.

"Dear, am here. Sorry to keep you waiting for someone long." He announced as he walked to stacy's table.

Stacy's eyes lit up when she saw him and she reached out to hug him but he evaded her and sat down so she had no choice but to sit down too.

So their dinner was served and they ate in peace. Stacy had impressive table manners and she couldn't hear to talk during a meal.

"I see why you were willing to wait for him for some long. He is really handsome." Elliott teased Stacy as he served the desert. Stacy just smiled at him but Kevin glared at them since he didn't hear what they were talking about so Elliott walked away.

Kevin opened his mouth but Stacy beat him to it, "I hope you enjoyed the dinner today."

"Yeah the food was not bad." Kevin replied momentarily forgetting about what he wanted to say.

"Kevin, you know we have been together for sometime now. There is something I wanted to ask you." Stacy started while lookingg for the right words to express herself.

"Yeah ask me. Actually we should hurry and get going. I have an important meeting tomorrow and my boss will be attending it so I have to be in my best shape." Kevin told her.

"Well then I won't waste anymore of your time then. Would you like to marry me? I really think now is the time for our relationship to go to the next level." Stacy said nervously anxious for Kevin's reaction and answer.

"This is what you wanted to tell me. Why would you be the one to ask me that? Can't you be more like your friend Ginna, she is more gentle and sweet so she would never do this." Kevin reprimanded her avoiding her question. He had been dragging this relationship until he could get a promotion so that he can break up with Stacy after getting a more fixed pay but she really caught him off guard by proposing.

"But then answer my question dear. I have waited forever for you to ask me this question but you never did so I decided to ask you instead." Stacy insisted knowing full well that if she did she would definitely become his fiancee.

"I am sorry Stacy but I can't marry you. Actually the reason I came today was to break up with you. I really can't go on with this relationship. I feel suffocated. So let's break up." Kevin arrogantly said to Stacy happy to finally show his true colors.

Stacy was dumbstuck and by the time she came back to her senses, Kevin had already stood up to walk out.

"Please Kevin, don't break up with me. You're all I have. I have really put a lot into this relationship. I really love you." Stacy begged holding Kevin's arm and not caring about her dignity anymore.

"I am sorry Stacy but I don't love you anymore. The person I love is Ginna. She is so gentle and caring so she makes me want to take care of her and protect her. She just doesn't know how I feel yet that's why I was planning to talk to her tomorrow. Please let me go." Kevin pleaded with Stacy too making her feel numb and speechless. She couldn't believe that her boyfriend loved her best friend. 

"Ok if you have decided then its fine. I have no problem. I wont hold onto you." Stacy said tears flowing down her face. She then paid the bill for the dinner and picked up her things to go.

"Let me give you a ride back home." Kevin offered since it was already late and taxis were hard to get where the restaurant was. 

"No, its ok. I will walk to the bus stop. I want to clear my head. I will leave now." Stacy walked along the road upto the bus station thinking of all the time and energy she poured into her relationship with Kevin and her heart hurt more the more she thought of everything.

She boarded the bus and went straight home. She thought of calling Ginna to ask if she also loved Kevin but ahe couldnt ber to so she let things be.