


Sofia's POV.

I woke up in the morning still thinking about a way to get back my necklace. Who does he even think he is stealing people's necklaces. He already took Elijah to school and I was actually happy to have the house to myself. I opened the phone he gave me for the first time.

Why the hell did he even give me a phone? My dad always said people who first refuse to give you something and later makes it a surprise for you is up to something. So what the hell is the devil up to?

I'm so glad I know how to work with technology. Especially if my dear husband did something to my phone. I opened the back of my phone and took the battery out but I found nothing.

I put the battery back on and switched the phone on. The minute the phone switched on I checked every app but there was a password. I didn't want to try figuring out the passwords so I went to my contacts and saw that I only had his number.