


/"But Carlos doesn't have bombs, he is useless to Arlo but your cousin isn't. Keep your eyes on Damien and leave Carlos because we both know Damien sees you as an enemy./" Jailson's words just made me more confused. Would Damien really do this to me? He's my only fucking cousin.

/"He's my only family alive from my mother’s side. Damien helped me find Sofia, so if you really think you can turn me against my own cousin then you so damn wrong./" What I said didn't make sense because I know Damien would never give a shit about anyone except for his Mafia.

/"A favor for a favor Benjamin. Damien told you he'll find Sofia for a price, so think about it Benjamin./" He hung up.

Is he really serious about Damien being the one doing all this? Even if Damien is really the one, how can I kill my own cousin. How can I kill a few months baby's father?