


/"Should I start calling the ambulance now, Because Benjamin if you shoot me now, then that house blows up./" Arlo slowly got in his car smiling.

I ran to the house because I couldn't risk them all dying just because I wanted to kill him badly. Jailson didn't even bother coming with, he just got in his car too and left.

/"What happened?/" I asked looking at Carlos who had the gun.

/"Elijah almost shot Annette./" Sofia answered. /"If it wasn't for Carlos then she would've been shot./"

/"Where were you all when he got the gun?/" I shouted angry. /"Maybe if Jay wasn't on the phone or Charlotte and Damien weren't fighting over Adrian or Tucker and Diego challenging or JenAnna wasn't with her Marko then maybe Elijah wouldn't have done that. And if Sofia wasn't acting like some crazy women who has a contagious disease/"

/"BENJAMIN./" Layla and Charlotte shouted my name the same time.