


Having an ex-wife that acts crazy sometimes and a wife that is calling me every single minute she gets isn't how I planned my life.

/"Jailson./" I said as soon as I saw him on the other side of the road.

/"I heard you almost lost it./" Jailson said as I crossover to the other side.

/"Well, actually didn't. So tell me who called you here? Jay?/" I asked.

/"Well it's not Jay but I won't tell you who it is./" Jailson replied. /"Now how about we just take a walk and you tell me how Elijah is doing./"

/"There's nothing to tell except for the fact that I'm praying that Elijah doesn't inherit the short temper or anything from me./" He laughed at my words.

/"He already looks like you but honestly I would be happy if he is like you. You not that bad Benjamin./"