


Sofia's POV

I can't believe I saw him today. I really believe that saying now. Think of the devil and he shall appear. Benjamin is worse than the devil. The day I accepted his deal was the day I can never regret he gave me everything, and the best gift I'll never forget. He gave me Elijah the person I love most in this world. I would do anything for my little baby boy.

Yesterday was Marko's birthday but the surprise Anna and I planned to do never actually happened. Anna did surprise him. But I on the other hand didn't. I just left after seeing Benjamin. I didn't want him to know Marko knows me. I still don't get what he was doing there.

I gave liana, Annette's nanny the present I got for Marko and I told her to tell Anna that it was that time of the month for me. I know she will know I'm lying but at least it will give me some time to figure out everything. That's why I'm going to her house today after I pick Elijah from preschool. I wanted to take him to kindergarten or at least pre-kindergarten but they said his way to young. I know if they at least asked him something or anything they would put him straight to kindergarten even though his three years.

/"Mommy, the teacher said I'm too small and the kids were all laughing at me./" Elijah mumbled as soon as we came to Anna's house. Now I know why he was the whole time so quite in the car.

/"You not too small Eli, how old were those kids?/" I asked knowing he is going to say four years. But who the hell send their children when they four. Three should be the right age.

/"They are four mommy, and momma they also laughed when I said gift?/" Elijah said while talking a cupcake from Anna.

/"Why did you say gift ?/" Anna said glaring at me.

/"Because everyone was saying present./" My baby boy replied. Please God, help me raise this kid well because he's going to be the death of me.

/"Why was everyone saying present?/" Anna asked him.

/"Because the teacher was saying out names./" Elijah replied. Wow. Oh my god. Please don't tell me what I already think it is.

/"Eli, my boy did you say gift because I told you it's another name for present?/" I asked him, knowing well that, that was the actual reason.

/"Yes, mommy./" As soon as he said that Anna and I started laughing so hard. Elijah looked at both of us angrily and just left to go play with Annette.

/"So Sofia, why was the actual reason you didn't show up at the office yesterday?/" Anna was looking at me while she was putting the plates on the table. I knew she was going to ask but I didn't know it was going to be this soon.

/"Um, I'll be honest with you, but promise me not to freak out./" I asked her not to freak out because I know she's going to go beat Benjamin up herself.

/"It's Benjamin, isn't it? What did he do?/" She asked taking a seat in front of me.

/"You know me well./" I gave her a small smile. /"I saw him yesterday when I was in the elevator./" I took a long pause after that and asked. /"Who is Marko's boss ?/"

/"Let me just call him quickly to make sure./"

Third person's POV.

/"Everyone is here right ?/" Benjamin asked after he called everyone working for him.

/"Yes, boss/" Felicity replied, worried.

/"Who the fuck did Sofia come to visit yesterday. And I know it must be someone here because she was in a hurry to meet that person./" After Benjamin asked so angry everyone looked around and Marko's phone started ringing, breaking the silence.

/"Answer that phone right now!/" Benjamin commanded, glaring at Marko.

/"Yes, boss./" Marko quickly answered the phone. /"Listen here babe I can't talk right now, boss is angry today./" Marko said trying to tell Anna not to call him again.

/"Listen to me, Marko. What is your boss's name ?/" Anna asked him.

/"Benjamin Carson, why?/" Marko said almost whispering, making sure Benjamin or anyone else didn't hear him.

/"Shit! That's umm, Sofia's ex-husband. Elijah's father./" Anna told him.

/"What? Is that why he wants to know what Sofia was doing here yesterday?/" Marko asked Anna so confused about how the hell he didn't know Benjamin was Elijah's father.

/"Keep it down, and don't tell him./" Anna said while Benjamin took the phone away from Marko.

/"Who the fuck is this?/" Benjamin shouted, angry. As soon as Anna heard him she gave the phone to Sofia and whispered to her 'I think it's Benjamin.'

/"Hello there! How's your wife?/" Sofia asked, changing her voice.

/"Don't call again I'm Benjamin, not Marko/" After he said that he cut the phone.

/"Now back to my question, who did Sofia come to visit and I want to know in the next 24-hours or you all fired!/"

Sofia's POV.

/"Girls, I'm home./" Marko said as he entered the house.

/"Oh hey, what did Benjamin do?/" Anna and I both asked the same time.

/"Whatever you guys say to him made him angrier. And he is going to fire us all tomorrow if no one tells him who Sofia came to visit./" Marko said while taking a seat. Three years and six months and he is still the same man. I met Benjamin when he was around 21 and now his 25 but he still is the same arrogant man.

/"I'll go to the office tomorrow./" I said that because I know when Benjamin finds out about Marko he is going to fire him and I can't let him fire Marko and all those innocent people because of me.

/"That will never happen Sofia./" They both said the same time. But they also know I'm stubborn and I'm not changing my mind.

/"Three years and six months. It's a long time you know./"

/"We know that Sofia but.../" I cut Marko off before he finished talking.

/"No buts, it's time I faced some of my past./"

/"No!/" Anna replied angrily.

/"There's no NO's Anna. You guys even said it yourself. Elijah needs to know his father./" I was lying about that part. I am not going to tell Benjamin about Elijah.

/"But what about you?/" They both asked worried about me.

/"This isn't about me. Anyways goodnight, I'll leave now./" I said that as I left and took Elijah up.