


Benjamin's POV.

/"If I was you I would get away from my son before I teach you some manners, old man./" I said crossing my arms angry at that father for bullying a small kid, younger than his son. I wonder where this kid's father is?

I walked and stand next to that boy who looked exactly like someone I know. He looks so much familiar. God, I wonder why I have seen him. I swear I have seen his picture somewhere. Maybe I know his parents. I have a feeling I won't like who he is. And I know when I have a feeling like that it becomes true.

So many people look alike in this world, I am sure I don't know him.

/"Is everything alright gentleman?/" A woman who I think must be the teacher came in just in time before I beat this old man up. He should thank his lucky stars that I didn't beat him up.