
Falling for him

All my life ,I was always fine.I felt that I was supposed to be fine because i was surrounded by incredible people but still I felt empty,like something was missing but that was until him. He made me realize that I could be happy too. Whenever him & I were together , somehow the time used to stop and fly at the same time. When I was with him , each hour felt like a second. When I was without him, each second felt like an hour. He was so annoying yet peaceful at the same time. He used to drive me crazy and keep me sane at the same time. He filled a void in my life that I didn't even know existed. And now that I've seen what life is with him, I can't even begin to imagine a life without him. He made me realize I didn't have to be perfect because sometimes it's the imperfections that make people beautiful. I didn't like him. I mean I couldn't like him. He wasn't my type but I guess love & lust sees no type. I didn't want to fall for him as i knew falling for him would only break me & my heart.So I decided to be in denial of my feelings.I was honestly doing a really great job of being in denial but then a storm happened due to which him & I were struck together for 3 days. What happens when you're struck with someone alone, who you may like but are not accepting your feelings towards him? That storm went away but it messed up my life . It messed up my heart. It messed me up...........

_ashelle_ · Ciudad
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21 Chs

I couldn’t have a better reason to die

I am currently in the supermarket buying some groceries and milk. I also have to restock my pringles and oreos collection as Jen and I finished it yesterday while we were re-watching 'to all the boys I've loved before' that's Jen and I's favourite movie.

I am pushing my cart to the billing counter when my gaze falls on frozen items section. I immediately move towards it and take out a carton of yoghurt and Belgian chocolate ice-cream which is my favourite. I also take two big bottles of diet coke and put it in my cart. I know that consuming so much of sugar is not really going to be good for my system. But what can I say, binging on chocolates and pringles is my guilty pleasure.

After my shopping is done, I head towards the billing counter where an unending long line greets me. After standing in the line, I take out my phone and I start scrolling through my Instagram feed. I see Em's new post. Looks like she is on a long drive with a guy. He must be the guy at work who she was talking about. Shit! I was supposed to call her the day after I went to the bar. I cant believe I haven't talked to her in such a long time. As soon as this thought occurs in my mind, my phone rings. I look at the screen just to find out its Emily. I am about to pick the call when a packet of oreos falls on the floor from my cart. I bend to pick it up. When I stand straight once I've picked up my packet of oreos, I see that a tall frame cuts the line and stands in front of me.

What in the freaking hell! I ignore my phone that's still ringing and I poke the shoulder of the person who just cut the line and say in shear annoyance, "I am sorry sir but am I a fool to stand in this line and wait for my turn."

The person turns around and says at the same time, "looks like it" but then he stops when his gaze falls on my face. His face lights up in amusement as he says, "well, well ,well if it isn't the person who didn't return my texts like people are supposed to when they receive one. You know you're the first girl who has ever done that."

I roll my eyes when I realize that the person who cut the line was Bryce, the guy from the business class who mistook me for an air-hostess. I reply, "geez I am so sorry that I didn't burst of excitement when you asked me out. I guess not all the girls drool over you. Shock to your ego, is it?" I don't expect for him to reply but he does.

" just so you know that I didn't really cut the line, the guy standing in front of you was my friend and he was standing in the line for me. And about the fact that you ain't drooling all over me, that's just because you haven't spend a night with me. You're opinions about me would've been completely different then.", he says and winks.

"well, just to make myself clear I am not even a little bit interested in spending my day with you, forget about spending an entire night.", I say in my least interested tone.

He moves closer to me and whispers in my ear "no, honey that's just you being naïve .You and I both know you don't mean that". Okay, wow that was definitely sexy. I am a little startled, which he realizes and then chuckles.

He adds on, "but since I am a gentleman, I'll stand after you in the line." He says and then stands after me. I smile at this gesture. I was actually really looking forward to be in my apartment as soon as possible since I have to cook and then I have to facetime Emily. She has been calling me from many days and I am never free enough to have a good heart to heart conversation with her. But now since she has called me, I am thinking of facetiming her as soon as I am over with cooking.

Bryce's voice interrupts my planning and he asks, "do you have a niece or a nephew?"

"Ummmm, no. why did you ask?", I ask confused at this out of the blue question.

"Looks like you're shopping for a child. Wait, please don't tell me you have a kid.", he asks in shock.

"what, no. I am just twenty. Why would I have a kid. And this", I gesture towards my cart and say, "is for me."

He looks amused at my carb intake and says, "you know that you're going to die of diabetes if you eat that much of sugar"

"I couldn't have a better reason to die", I say and I can see him passing me an amused smile. Well, opinion change, I don't think he's a jerk.

I look forward and realize it is my turn, so I walk towards the counter and start putting my stuff on the counter for billing. After five minutes or so, the billing is done and I take out 100$ and pay my bill. Then I put all my stuff back in the bag that I was carrying and I walk towards the exit gate. But before walking, I move my head backwards and say to Bryce, "ciao adios". Bryce gives me a salute as if to say bye. I smile and start walking.

I get out of the departmental store and walk towards the direction where I parked my car. After walking for some seconds, I realize that my car isn't standing where I parked it on entering the store. Shit! God please don't let my car to be stolen. Please don't let my care to be stolen. Pretty please.

I run towards the empty space where my car was standing earlier. I look in all the directions perplexed but still don't see my car. But instead of finding my car, I see a sign that reads 'no parking'. Damnit! I must have missed the sign. Well, now my car is towed. Cool, cool, cool. Now since, I have nothing else to do, I huff.

Just then a voice interrupts me and says, "looks like someone needs a ride"

I look at the direction of the voice and say, "looks like it."

The voice is Bryce's who is now guiding me towards his car and I am just following his lead. He stops suddenly in front of a tesla. He takes out his key and clicks a button and then moves forward to open the passenger seat for me. Shit, he is rich.

I stand for some time contemplating over whether or not I should sit in his car but I end up deciding to take his help. I move forward and sit in the passenger's seat. He walks towards the driver's seat, opens his car's door and sits inside.

Before starting the car he looks at me for some seconds. I look at him with an eyebrow arched upwards as if to say 'what'. He understands that and replies, "I don't know where you live."

"oh, ya. Its Culver City"

"Okay, Culver City it is", he says and starts his car without asking any other questions. I open my phone and scroll my Spotify playlist. I deicide to play 'we don't talk anymore' as….no reason in particular, I just really like this song. First, only I am humming to the song but then I can hear Bryce joining me and singing,

"you've been looking for, I wish I would've known that wasn't me"

I am surprised that he knows this song. I would've taken him as a rap person. I increase the volume and continue, "cause even after all this time I still wonder, why I cant move on"

He joins me and we sing together, "just the way you did so easily, don't wanna know kinda dress you're wearing tonight"

We both sing the entire song at the top of our lungs and when we stop at the red light, the people in other cars are giving us death glares but we both continue to sing, all out of tune, without giving a care about anyone else.

We sing to many songs like easier, yummy, small talk, you need to calm down, steal my girl and we're in the middle of 'the middle', pun intended, when he stops the car. I look outside the window, and I realize we're already at my destination. Wow, time really flied.

I look over at him while taking off my seat belt and say, "thank you, for the ride. And I am surprised to say that I really enjoyed the car ride."

He looks at me and smiles, "the pleasure is all mine, ma'am"

I return a smile and get out of the car. I am about to walk towards my apartment when he says, "hey"

I look towards him and say, "ya?"

"You forgot your bag", he reminds me.

"oh ya, thanks for the reminder", I say and I open the backseat door to take my grocery bag. After taking my bag, I start to walk towards my apartment again but then he interrupts me again and says, "heyy"

"Yaaaa", this time I stretch the 'ya'.

"you forgot something", he says again.

"What", I ask.

"To reply to my text", he says with puppy dog eyes.

I roll my eyes jokingly, not out of annoyance. To this I reply, "how about you text me again and then wait for a reply"

"aye, aye captain", he says and I resume the walk to my apartment.

I get inside the apartment and enter my floor number on the lift when I hear my phone's notification sound. I take my phone out of my pocket to see it is a text from Bryce. I open the text which reads 'you there'.

To this I write, 'maybe' and I smile to myself.