
Chapter 29

* 2 Months later *

"I want her! I don't care where she is at the moment, I need her, alive. But remember, NOT A SINGLE SCRATCH" he dropped the phone

"This is why I never trust my workers Jane," said in an aggressive tone rubbing the back of his neck. It's MR. Mark Jonathan, is known as MJ the mafia of all time. If you were to meet him in your lives, no more going back. If you want to save your lives, then be careful of our words.

* Ring ring *

"Yes?" answered MJ with a cold tone."

"Meet me at 5, at our place, remember?"

Time skipped when MJ arrived at the location where he was asked to. A lady dressed in a black dress with a black jacket came out of her Mercedez. She rushed towards him and pointed a gun on his neck and gave him a death glare. Who is the lady who controlled MJ?

It wasn't anyone other than Zerrina's loving mom.

"Zerrina's gone, no replies from her. You're her dad and you need to know what's going on MJ?"