
Chapter 6

Emily's p.o.v

I woke up at 8: 00. School started in 30 minutes."oh i have a terrible  headache", i said sitting up in the bed and looking outside. Life. I hurried and got ready. I sure didn' t have any time at all to eat breakfast. Cold bacons?  No. I made my way outside, where George our driver was. Our dad hired him to drive the lemo. I made my way in the lemo sitting beside Matthew. Soon, we were off to Riverdale High. The drive on the way was nice. Matthew was just there texting his girlfriend and i, i was just being me. Listening to music and drinking the hot coffee kaii ( our maid) prepared. After what felt like hours of driving, we finally arrived ." Riverdale high", George said smiling and coming to a stop." Thanks George ", Matthew said making his way out of the lemo. George opened the door for me and i came out. "Enjoy your day, you two", he said going back into the lemo and driving off." Well, well , well; Riverdale high, huh?", matthew asked throwing his hands over my shoulders. I looked at him walking." More like River hell", i said removing his hands off my shoulders and looking at two gay boys making out. " what is this place?", i asked. " the place where people drown each other", matthew said. " i hope they drown you with them", i said walking into the school building. Everyone was steering at us when i mean everyone, i mean everyone. I mean of course they had to stare. I was gonna be the next hot thing. I was dressed in a black crop top with a blue jeans( tight) and the hottest pair of heels ever. ( black). My black hair let loose. Thank God mom and dad weren't there this morning. They sure would kill me." And when i' m drowning, i' m pulling you down with me", Matthew said. " shut up!, " i shouted. He laughed almost pushing me down. " speaking of the devils of Riverdale", Matthew said laughing harder. Cindy, pheby and clair ran up to me. I hugged them. " whaz up nigga?", clair asked. " um actually, right now, the sky is up", Matthew said walking off. We all looked at him as if he was stupid. " lame!", cindy shouted. " right back at yuh!", Matthew shouted. Disgusting. We walked along the corridor talking and laughing.Pheby handed me my timetable from the principal. I took it from her and looked at it. French?, P.E, netball, physics, business, accounts, english?. " Are you sure this is mine C?", i asked looking at Cindy. "It has your name on it", she said pointing at the top of the paper. " i didn' t sign up for this", i said. " must have been your parents", pheby said. " of course it's them, they' re ruining my life. Can you believe they sent me to.....Before i could finish my sentence, i met up into a hard chest. Nigga... I said looking up. I swallowed hard. Oh. Church guy. " oh, ....", i said trying to smile. " Hi cody" , cindy said smiling." Whaz up? ", Clair asked. " Life", he said looking at me from top to bottom. " oh, meet our best friend Em", Clair said throwing her hands over my shoulder. As if....." Hi pastor boy", i said staring at him. The girl who i caught red handed, hi", cody said shaking my hand. What was he talking about? . i thought for a moment. Oh right. The cold bacons. I felt when he rubbed my hand. What the hell?. I pulled my hand away quickly." Sorry", he said( the bell rings). " later niggaz!", cindy shouted and walking off with the others. They left me here with him?. Who does that?. " Friends" , he said. I looked up at him frightened. How did he know i was thinking that. " you were thinking out loud", cody said.