
Simon's PoV

Light homophobic and cursing content warning.

I watched despairingly as Kieran rushed out. Damn Markell. I stabbed my brownie repeatedly and the server came back. "Everything okay, Simon?" He asked politely while picking up Kieran's cash.

"Yeah, he had to get to his next class. He lost track of time." I smiled. The waiter, who I remembered is called Tony, nodded in understanding.

"I figured. He left his phone." He gestured and sure enough, Kieran's phone was still sitting right where he'd put it. "You ought to take that to him." I shrugged. I suppose but I do have some concerns about this. Nevertheless, I relented and grabbed the phone. Kieran must've really been in a hurry. He'd never forgotten anything important as his phone since we'd met. Maybe that thing with Nikolai got to him more than I thought, not to mention his brother. Ugh, I still have to deal with Nikolai. Do I..? Can't I just go back to my winter home and let this all blow over? No. Kieran needs me and my winter home is boring. This should at the very least be entertaining.

I finished off my drink and waved to Tony before heading out The dorm should be my first stop. I headed there and dropped off Kieran's phone but as soon as I set it down, it lit up with a text. Interesting. I picked it back up and unlocked it. Kieran really should have a password. Who knows what kind of nosy people could go through his phone. The text was from his brother.

-Listen, faggot. Don't stay long this weekend. They may fake it well but Dotty and Mickey don't really want you here.

That's fucking rude. Who just sends that to someone. Without pausing to reconsider, I texted back.

-Oh, fuck off Clark. This hardass persona is trans-fucking-parent and everyone knows you're just a coward. I'll stay as long as I want and you can't stop me. I'm tired of you being a dick.

With that settled, I deleted the messages and set the phone where Kieran would find it. One problem down, one left. Kieran came back a few hours later and thanked me for bringing back his phone. He then headed off to work.

I woke when he returned, setting his keys and wallet in the dish by the door. "How was work?" I questioned sleepily.

He startled. "It was okay. Pretty busy. Night, Si." He laid down, not even bothering to change. Poor thing. He always worked five days out of the week, night shifts mostly, and often came back way too early in the morning. I fell back asleep and when I woke up once more, light was filtering in through the window and Kieran was gone.

I got up and found that Kieran had made breakfast of biscuits and gravy, a particular favorite of mine, before he'd left and had saved me a plate in the microwave. Next to it was a note saying he'd left for his grandparents' and that I shouldn't wait up since he still had work tonight. I ate slowly and sighed. Today was going to be uneventful all by myself.