

Episode one

Ming yuyan the famous

Action 🎬 action she took her steps slowly to the male main lead of drama and change her facial expression she was playing a role of a longing selfish crush in the drama .

" I love u " she said with a sweet melody voice

" I don't love you, you are my friend but you betray my trust and you kill my only love please go away from me you deserve death " said male main lead called su yang

" please don't let the cops take me, forgive me " she cried as the police take her

" you go rot in jail" he said

" please " she cried

" cut" the director stop

They begin to change and clean up the makeup and start to rearrange the stage for another scene, they take off the handcuffs from her hand and change her in a new outfit in the dress room. Now she wearing a prisoner wear and so looking pale on it, she went on the stage and continue the act when the director cut the play

" Sorry but I went to have a word with Miss ming yuyan

" the director stop the drama call ming yuyan out

" excuse me " she said

The makeup artist let her go

" the new script is Available for the new movie and the main lead will be you " the director said

" is it the king consort or it only rain's once ? " she asked

"No but it King consort" he said

" yes !" She was happy, she always want the role because she feels it belong to her and she will kill this role.

" I know right you be nominated for the best female main role in the king consort with the most famous actor yu longfeng this drama will be the best buster of the year" he said with smile

" thank you so much " she was excited

"U don't need to thank me, get prepared and here is the script practice it for two weeks " he gave it to her and went

After the she had finished the drama she went home happily she took her bubbles bath and took a red grape wine and fall asleep.

In morning, she wakes up and her breakfast and jog to the gym. She exercises a little bit and dehydrated to follow her Saturday routine, she receives a call after twenty minutes it was director Wu she picked the call

" hello" she said with calming smile

" ming yuyan, can you see me at the museum I want to show something more interesting for the drama " he said

" OK I will there less than fifteen minutes " she replied

" OK " he cut the call.

She quickly hurry up to pick her dress ran off to her carOn her way to the museum, her phone rang it was her doctor from the chang teaching hospital.

" hello, jiang yuchan " she pick her phone beside her.

" hello, do you have a appointment today ?" the voice from the

Yes, do you have anything to say ? She asked

Of course, but since you are busying we can meet another time make sure you visit the hospital today"

Okay " she deline the call

At the museum, she saw her director waiting at gate, he was with some people waiting for her. She walk down to him and greeted as usual.

Hey, miss ming yuyan this is the writer of the King's consort writer long fan " he introduced her to a middle age man putting on a glasses

Hey miss ming yuyan, I am long fan " he reintroduce himself

Nice to meet you, I'm truly fan of your work " she simile at him and gave him a handshake.

Well today, writer long want to show us something interesting that why we are here , can we proceed? " director wu announce the reason behind.

So they went in to the museum, there were many interesting objects in the glass , some set of people were gathered at the front of one specific object it was a old goldenhairpiece with a green gem on it. It was displayed at everyone front staring at it with glowing eyes. It was a precious hairpiece during the time of the emperor shen during the 5th century. It was precious gift given to his favourite consort nie yulan, it was founded in the ancestral tomb where nie yulan was kept. Ming yuyan was amazed by its beauty, she get closer stared at it for long time before a voice interrupted he fantasy.

This is the hairpiece I was planning to use for the upcoming movie , behind this hairpiece left a story that will amaze your interest, it was founded at the old tomb left for centuries and was retrieve." Mr long analysed he reason for coming to the museum to find a ancient story left for a long time. He hold ming yuyan hand take her closer to the hairpiece to have a look, ming yuyan fell in love and was interested on the history.

" it belong to the consort nie yulan and was pass on to the next consort who later became the empress " writer long inspired her more

Wow, but what happened to consort nie yulan? " she asked curiously

Well it was a long story, it was told she was poisoned by one of the consort that was not identify and was not suspected till the end " she look at he and was amazed by the story

" but what was the name of the next consort that was passed on ? "

" hmmm... was bai xieyue later become the grand empress "

Bai xieyue ...

After , she left the museum went home tried.