
Fallen Chronicles

"Ah... Finally done," Renji leaned back in his chair as the game he had been playing for many years reached 100% cleranse, with all achievement and none of his waifus or people dying. "Hm... there is still one final scene left. Is it my victory ccg or smt like that!?" "I'll check that later," He stretched, feeling his stiff muscles craking. and shut down his computer. "Guess I should go get some snaks ... Or at least a drink." Without changing out of his t-shirt and sweatpants, Renji headed out. He slipped on his sneakers and stepped into the evening air. The setting sun caught him by surprise. "... Wait... how long did i play this time!? Sigh... i need to stop playing that hard or my death will be on that chair." Renji walked towards the convenience store while his mind was still half in the game world. Halfway there, he noticed a woman standing on the sidewalk. Something about her made him stop and stare for a long time. Her golden hair seemed to shimmer in the fading light, and her eyes... there was something familiar about them... 'Heh!? is that elves ears!?' The Woman came closer to him and before passing him, she said in a sweet voice, *Good luck Ash...* Renji: "?_?" Before Renji could process what was happening, she was gone. He blinked and rubbed his eyes "Am I seeing things?" he mumbled to himself. "Ah... they say gaming for too long drives you crazy... i need to lessen them..." After sighing helplessly, he continued to the store. In the brightly lit store, Renji grabbed an energy drink and paid without a word. As he walked back to his apartment, he couldn't shake the strange encounter from his mind. Back in his room, Renji paused. His computer screen was still on, and the game was still running. "That's weird," he said. "I thought I closed it." *Thanks for Playing!* As Renji looked at the screen showing a "congrats" message with fireworks, and a side note near the inbox, icon, "Hmm!? a gift for finishing the game!?" [Congratulations, You have fulfilled the requirements to unlock ******* Would you like to proceed?] Renji: "?_?" ----

Hail_The_loli · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
422 Chs

Chapter 127: I'm Gonna Overthrow the Dragon Nation with You! Joining the Revolution! part 2

2 more chapters will be published today after 4h.


If Renji allows Nova to harm herself to provide a chance for a contract, he will question his humanity.

Nearly fainting with anger, Renji sternly reprimands the naive Dragoness and seriously warns her against such self-harmful thoughts. He insists that there will be no contract if she continues this way, which finally makes her abandon this crazy idea.

With that option gone, Nova is left with only one path.

"Master, let Nova help you regain your strength."


"Just like how you trained me before!" Nova energetically gestures to Renji with a fist.


Renji looks at the earnestly-faced Nova, feeling a twinge in his heart. When he recalls how he raised Nova – soloing dungeons, being thrown into hordes of monsters, getting killed countless times, and barely clearing them with 'Save-Load' tactics – his expression freezes.