
Fallen angel

our main character in the story is Sylvia who is a goddess. this is the story of love and hatred between our two characters where Sylvia is a fierce goddess.sylvia loved being notorious . she used to hide her brother soman's clothes and play mischiefs. she was kind of funny girl too but when it comes to dating she was a bimboo. she had this amazing personality which could make anyone drool over. today she was going to a party with her friends and she found out her dress wasn't ready. she called the designer and scolded him and make him to make the dress ready into 5 minutes.poor guy he had to work really fast or else this fierce goddess would ruin him. as a child she was very very spoiled. her parents would give her the world and she fell in love with a guy who was also a rich progenitor. he also used to spoil her with gifts and love. but something happened lately he seemed to be busy and this day was supposed to be their biggest day.sylvia was excited to go to the party. she dressed up everyone around her praised her for her beauty. she was waiting for her boyfriend Robin.this time robin got engaged into his company's matter and Sylvia was waiting for him suddenly phone rang up! Sylvia answered , "who's it?" the call was from unknown number. the caller was an unknown male. he told her to come and meet him at sharara lounge. she didn't wanted to but something he said caught her up so she went hurriedly. when she reached there she saw an unusual sight. that was robin kissing her cousin mouna. she exclaimed, "robin!" suddenly they stopped kissing and looked at Sylvia startled! " is that you mouna! what a bitch you are!" cried Sylvia in a loud voice. suddenly she felt an urge and slapped robin hard on his cheeks. even the marks of her fingers were clearly visible. Sylvia left there without even looking back!

Ratna_Basnet · Adolescente
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4 Chs


That person was none other than paul. Paul gently stroke her hair and tucked it behind her ears. he was excited and. she could feel the heat and it was making her uneasy. suddenly Paul felt he was losing control over his hands and his hands were touching her ass. she pushed him and screamed "what are you doing? are you a pervert?" she didn't expected that coming from him.

she could feel tears welling up in her eyes but she grinned instead and she said him flirtiously, "well Mr pervert it's not good to abuse your employees from first day or else you could go to jail." but this time Paul wasn't backing he just leaned forward and pinned her on the wall and told her, "then the employees must never dress seductively too. you must avoid being beautiful then onward."

"so are you complying that it's my fault." she seductively answered. Paul can feel some changes on his lower part and he let her go. "damn how could this girl make me feel that no one else can?" said Paul to himself. as Sylvia left she saw robin coming up. He looked at Sylvia she was red. then he saw Paul following her, he stopped Paul and said, "keep your hands away from her. " this was clear warning but Paul replied, "you might be my big brother but you can't decide who belongs to me and who doesn't." robin got jealous and lost control he swung his fist at his brother but Paul stopped it in the mid air.

Paul was stronger and good in every way.(by the way whom are you plotting for? let me know).

Sylvia was downstairs getting her a cup of coffee and while pouring she could feel some one's hand it was robin. robin stopped her from pouring as he realized that the coffee mug had a hole in it. someone might have forgotten to replace it. but Sylvia thought he was touching her even after cheating with her own cousin. the cup slipped fro. Sylvia's hand and robin screamed from pain. the hot coffee poured on his hand all over. Sylvia left him and didn't looked back but she informed the infirmary doctor. the doctor tended his wounds but he was hurt by Sylvia's behavior.