
Fall Of The West - (America In Tbate)

The country of USA gets teleported into the tbate. How would the country who once wore the crown of the strongest nation survive in the world of tbate. Would America be able to protect her sovereignty? (A/n:this fic will also have SCP foundation.....because I guess those guys are the only one who could defeat both Alacrya and Epheotus..because I don't think even US will be able to defeat them..if u don't know what scp foundation is just search it on YouTube..)

sole_monarch_022 · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Teleportation Incident


An organization devoted to protecting human existence by capturing anomalous objects and entities that defy the laws of science and those that are beyond human comprehension.As a result of the threats from Bizzare unexplained phenomena and anomalous entities facing humanity following World War 2, the SCP Organisation was formed.The world's largest non-profit organization, created by all nations of the world, with innumerable branches throughout the globe.In fact, the Foundation itself is extremely secretive and hidden from the public, with most people unaware of its existence and what it does.

Global Occult Coalition-

The Global Occult Coalition (GOC), also known as the United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) is a major power in the world of the SCP Foundation. It serves as the official protector of the human race, overseen by the United Nations. It was founded after the Seventh Occult War/WWII. They share the Foundation's view of protecting mankind from the thousands of anomalies (or as they call them "part threats"), though instead of containing them, they usually destroy/kill all anomalies they encounter, making them a more controversial group.

America's destiny will depend soon on these two...

***DECEMBER 11,2019***

It was a cool afternoon in Washington DC. The Sun was hidden behind a veil of clouds, though that didn't stop groups of eager tourists from exploring the streets below. The city was filled with important buildings, some familiar icons and others that simply blended in.

As the city atmosphere continued as usual, the air was filled with sounds of city life, news broadcasts on TV screens atop high buildings.

Minutes later, the city would ring with the chorus of citizens and their chatter, their voices filled with fear at what was to come.

(A/n:Cringe alert...)


As I put makeup on, a smile formed on my face as I prepared myself for today's important event.

"Today's my date with Ethan!" I said excitedly, "I'm so excited!"

A ringtone filled my apartment, and a picture of Ethan appeared on the screen of my phone.

"I'm coming...Just wait a second!" I cut off the call, not even bothering to listen to him. Normally, I would never treat anyone that way, but Ethan is an exception. As childhood friends, we have a very close relationship. Our compatibility prevents us from getting into arguments.

My handbag in hand, I eagerly awaited my Date with Ethan today.

'My luckiest day is here! At first, I couldn't believe it had happened, but I've never thought it could.'

As I exited my apartment room with my handbag, I took a deep breath. I checked the time on my phone to make sure I wouldn't be late for our date.

It was 10:00. We planned to meet at 10:15 to begin our lovely date. Le Bernardin, an outdoor café, was our first destination.

After scanning my body and seeing my dress, I used my phone to rate my appearance and not to boast, but I looked really good.

Ethan and I met up at the place we had decided, and our wonderful date began.

We talked to each other, our topics ranging from work to daily life; we finally arrived at the cafe.

Several chairs were kept outside, with sunlight illuminating them, and waiters were bringing the orders for those who were occupying the spot behind us.

(A/N: Outdoor cafe photo)

Ethan smiled brightly as he pointed toward our seats, and I did the same.

The calm and relaxed environment of the restaurant was quickly shattered by conversations and screams as soon as we took our seats.

As I scanned the surrounding, my gaze wandered from direction to direction, seeing everyone's mouths open wide, I looked around.

"-The fuck?"

When I heard Ethan's voice, I stopped looking around and turned my gaze towards him.

With an expression of shock on his face, Ethan's eyes moved across the sky and the ocean that surrounded New York City.

Looking in his direction, I turned my gaze towards what he was looking at.

While goosebumps ran across my body, my heartbeat accelerated as my eyes widened with pure surprise.

As far as the sky hovered above us, a dark-purple veil enveloped the entire city, soon engulfing us in bright white light.



The entire building was shaking, with hordes of technicians running through the corridors of different sections and ringing telephones filling the air.

"The satellite signals aren't stable..."

"Alex...Run the codes again..."

"This could only be the result of the EIS module being hacked."

"Even Tau-Ceti is inaccessible!"

(A/N: Tau-Ceti is a satellite....)

"Yeah!How the f*ck could those satellites crash out of the blue!"

"What do you mean, you idiot! We can't communicate any of the 2000 satellites that belong to the US!"


It became a major event when purple veils were seen all over the United States, spreading panic across the country. Telephone and communication lines, linking several government agencies, crashed as a result of the heavy traffic of citizens' calls.



"What the hell are you talking about?"Director of the Pentagon cried out.

"Sir, we have not been able to determine what the cause is-"The director slammed the table, cutting off the agent's voice.


"You idiot!From all of the reports we have received, we have been informed that these veils only covered America and specifically only extended to its borders. It cannot be a coincidence you dumb f*ck!"

"Yes, Sir we know. Our technicians are working at full capacity-"Sweat rolling down his face, his heart beating loudly, the agent fidgeted.

"Just leave!"As the Director's voice echoed, the agent nodded and left the room, giving a salute.

Again, a knock could be heard on the door as a mysterious individual entered, although his face was hardly visible as he dressed in typical corporate attire and was shrouded in darkness.

"I have been asked to deliver news on behalf of the Foundation."

The Pentagon's Director was beginning to sweat as sweatdrops rolled down his cheeks.



Seeing the light concealing the surrounding area and sky, I subconsciously covered my eyes as I closed them.

I opened my eyes as the waves crashing filled my ears with strange sounds. The wave of blinding light had already subsided when I opened my eyes.

Immediately, I scanned my body for injuries using my hands.

Assuring myself that I had not been injured, I scanned my surroundings for anyone else who might be injured. Everyone was fine, and I turned to look at the sea.

Something feels different...

There was a noticeable change in the air and atmosphere.

Something was refreshing, energizing, and relaxing about it.

(A/N:Effects of aether...)

My gaze turned to the ocean.

As the sound of waves crashing against each other and the coast filled my ears, I thought.

'New York's coast was not usually affected by waves like this. I wonder what happened.'

I scanned the surroundings for clues to the situation. While some people chanted the names of Gods, others just cried and fled the coast in panic. One of the big TVs attached to a building near the cafe had stopped working and said "NO SIGNAL FOUND.".

Ethan came to the conclusion that we would end our date, adamant about protecting me.

I sighed terribly.

Police sirens sounded all over the area, and the roads were clogged with cars and people fleeing from the coast.

After much deliberation, we decided he would drop me off near my apartment.

Again and again, I checked my phone for news.

My phone services, my internet, were all offline, which made me even more anxious.

We were shocked to see the words "NO SIGNAL FOUND" on all of the billboards while passing Times Square.

The once busy Times Square had turned chaotic.

There was only chaos everywhere, and the police were unable to provide much relief.



As high-ranking officials viewed photos of the North American continent, they discussed the various reports.

"As I mentioned earlier, these seemingly purple particles arise precisely from the borders of the United States to cover the entire country."

Each of the participants announced their findings in a bid to better understand the situation.


There was an instant of silence as the doors burst open.

"Sir, the internet, satellites, and wireless communication devices at the Pentagon have all stopped responding!"



"Could you elaborate it?"

"Sir,it is as I said all forms of wireless communications have been disrupted!"

"Not even the satellite phones are working?"

"Yes Sir. That is correct."

Chorus ensued as the panel suspected war might be imminent.

"Give me the status reports! We have to contact the Foundation right now!"

"Yes Sir"


All eyes were drawn to the door when it burst open suddenly again.

"The Council!The Council!"


As the Director took deep breaths, walking forward towards the Discussion table, a female assistant ran towards him but was shooed away by him.

"I have the orders from the O5 COUNCIL!"

"The Council!The ones from The SCP Foundation?"





Only absolute chaos...

What could be it?

Powerful enough to cover the entire US...Russia?They don't have that kind of power!


As the mysterious figure cloaked in darkness entered the room, my thoughts were interrupted.

I immediately recognized it as the SCP FOUNDATION messenger.Organisation with more power than any other nation ...In other words, a shadow government, ruling the world from the shadows...Researching and sealing the most dangerous objects, anomalies which could wipe out the entire earth...

This was the first time I ever felt so uncomfortable interacting. The man in front of me emitted an ominous aura, and my mind screamed at me to get away, to run away.

The figure talked.

"The O5 Council has decided that MARTIAL LAW will be implemented across the nation."

The messenger informed me, making it clear that the O5 COUNCIL would control the military and now manage all the country's important business.

'Shortly, they intend to take over the country.'

'This is such an unprecedented event in history, for the Foundation to be very wary and take control of the entire nation.'

'No...For the foundation to be involved, it must be...an XK-Class End Of The World Scenario...'

They were not communicating via wireless devices, the figure replied when I asked why.

"Satellite contact has been lost with all public ground stations and those controlled by the foundation. As well, communications with other foundation facilities across the globe have ceased."

'Could it be a solar flare? No...NASA would have already reported about that if that were the case...'

'Is mankind finally going to meet its end?'


The entire discussion room listened attentively to the Pentagon Director's words, while silence filled the room.



There had been reports of dungeons arising near Eksire City.In the entire history of Dicathen there hadn't been a single dungeon that had appeared near towns or cities. As a consequence, the Council views it as Alacrya's activities.

My group was sent by commander Virion to eliminate the mana beasts and search for hidden teleportation gates in those dungeons.

Our dungeon dive was successful...Despite not finding any teleportation gates nor any Alacryans, the mana-beasts were corrupt, as we suspected...Due to the dungeon's appearance following Alacrya's declaration of war, it appears that the alacryans built it relatively recently.We found no alacryans nor teleportation gates, which was rather odd.

The alcryan army must have escaped through those gates, which is why we didn't find them. But there weren't any to begin with...

Is that a sign that alacryans are hiding in the cities as civilians?

Or maybe they have the teleportation gates set up elsewhere?

It was alarming to see Alacryans build dungeons near cities, which could negatively affect our strategy.

My own thoughts entertained me as I listened to the mages of my group talk.

In an hour, we decided to leave the area after reporting to the Council through communication scrolls.

Several of the mages brought their bonds with them for traveling, but as a white-core mage, I didn't need them because I was able to fly freely.

Informing them that I would join them later, I ordered them to leave before I did.

Because I have been sensing something strange, I wanted to visit the coast.It didn't feel like mana, but I was suffocated by this feeling and I couldn't put it into words.

Therefore, I decided to check the shore last time as a precaution.

I bid our group farewell as they left towards The Flying Castle.

As I flew towards the shore, I willed mana all over my body, creating a mana-cloak to guard me against harsh winds.

From the city of Eksire, I flew toward the coast until I reached my destination. A blue ocean stretched out in front of me.

As my senses continually warned me, my heart began to beat faster with each passing second. I groped my neck in response to the sudden pressure that was weighing me down.

I couldn't breathe...

This was not a killing intent. In fact, there was none!

Suddenly, all the birds soaring up in the sky started crashing into the oceans and shorelines that surrounded them...

(A/N: There was high aether-presence in the atmosphere...hence, she was suffocating....and also the birds started crashing down...)

What is going on!

There is no way it can be Alacryans! Nothing like this has been reported here by any of the informants...

Is it related to the recent dungeon overflow incident?

The white light soon hid everything in itself as my mind tried to come up with possible explanations, and my eyes closed in reflex.

Soon the rays of light subsided along with the suffocation.Opening my eyes, I looked around and what I saw was unlike anything I had ever seen in my entire life.

I used mana to enhance my vision, not willing to believe myself, the scene before me becoming clearer.

In only an hour's drive from the shore, tall buildings made of glass pointed hundreds of meters into the air, some of which looked like enormous vertical bricks with hundreds of holes on them. Looking towards the place in question, I enhanced more mana into my eyes.

(A/N: By pointy buildings, she means the skyscrapers)

'I will have to immediately report this to the council!'Overshadowed by my own heartbeat, I thought.

However, instead of going back, I ventured further into the place to further investigate.

(A/N:So how do u like the chapter....let me know in the comments...and the release of next chapter depends on the support I get.... i mean power stones, collections(adding to library) and all.... so pls show ur support)

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sole_monarch_022creators' thoughts