
Fake Player

On his deathbed, Shirou was paid a visit by Zelretch. Offering him a chance to escape eternal servitude to Alaya the fake hero takes it to avoid a future like EMIYA. Waking up, he finds himself in a strange new world. Now living in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, Shirou meets and befriends an unexpected individual. "Huh, never thought I would be friends with an undead." * Amount of chapter may be few but each chapter is quite big each chapter at least has 10 k words *

Shirou_9689 · Cómic
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46 Chs

The 9th World Champion Tournament 7

The 9th World Champion Tournament 7

The noise refused to die down as the very walls of the stadium vibrated, and they weren't going to stop any time soon.

In contrast, Shirou's return to the lobby was marked by silence and stares from the rest of the competitors.

"Yo!" Warrior Takemikazuchi came from behind, slinging his arm around the magus's shoulder and bringing him in close. His boisterous laughter echoed throughout the hall. "Ha-ha! Not going to lie, I was a bit worried for ya' during the last half of the fight, but I knew you had a plan and an ace up your sleeve. Never doubted you for a second, Emiya-san!"

"I would hope not; otherwise, I might've been forced to rely on you to win this whole thing, and well..."

"Oi, what's that mean, you lil' sword spammer?!"

The armored Heteromorph tightened his hold as his other hand gave the magus a good-fashioned noogie. The two struggled, laughing all the while.

The other Players watched on with silent, judging looks, but the two friends paid them little mind.

Shirou broke free of the samurai's hold, his eyes scouring the waiting lounge.

The hallway area was quite spacious, with ample seating and a generous amount of room for the contestants to relax. However, the majority of the fighters chose to keep to themselves, positioning themselves far away from others, standing with their backs against a wall, or sitting down with their watchful eyes alert to anyone around them. Shirou found the prevailing mood within the waiting wing to be excessively somber and fraught with tension, even for a competitive tournament such as the World Champion Tournament.

Shirou felt a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him from his thoughts.

"C'mon, let's find a spot to park our butts down for a bit and get comfortable. It's going to be a good five minutes before the next round starts."

"A five-minute intermission? Why so long?"

Warrior Takemikazuchi shrugged.

"Hell, if I know. I don't make the rules."

With a small frown, Shirou took a step forward. A grimace flickered as a dull ache flared up in his left arm where The Mountain had struck him during the match. When the match concluded, all the damage and injuries sustained disappeared, but even at full health, the pain lingered, his body remembering the pain that was still all too real for him. He flexed his fingers, spying a quiet, empty seat out of the corner of his vision.

Shirou quietly made his way over. His guildmate joined him, and the two sat in silence. A small sigh escaped him as he leaned back and made himself comfortable. On one of the many viewing holographic screens, the two analysts continued their commentary on the previous fight while segwaying into the next match.

As he sat there, the world around him slowly turned into white noise. His eyelids grew heavy, and for a moment he allowed them to close, figuring a short rest wouldn't hurt.

And so, all was quiet.


Shirou jolted, his eyes snapping open. He was sitting in the living room at the table. He blinked, looking around, expecting a certain golden archer, only to see Sakura coming from the kitchen and carrying a small tray of food.

Shirou made to get up, but a strained pain shot through his arm, stopping him. Looking down, he saw his arm lightly wrapped in bandages.

Brows knitted in confusion as to how or when he got hurt.

Ah, he remembered now...

He had accidentally injured his arm during practice, and Sakura offered to cook for him, and he agreed.

His kouhai made her way to the table, a small, happy smile gracing her lips as she set the table. Taiga was already seated, helping and hurrying it along so as to feed her voracious appetite. Saber softly chided the school teacher for her decorum. Meanwhile, Rin watched on with a bemused look, shaking her head at the two of them.

Shirou blinked. When did they get here...?

Sakura sat next to him and helped to feed him, despite his insistence that he could do it on his own.

She wouldn't take no for an answer, and so he relented. Shirou sat there with a light, embarrassed blush as Sakura fed him her homemade porridge, smiling and preening with every spoonful. Taiga helped herself to a healthy serving of food while finding the time to snicker their way. Rin dined cordially as ever, but he could see her peeking at them from the corner of her eye. Even Saber smiled warmly at the sight while fighting with the Tiger of Fuyuki over the lion's share of the food.

They ate and made merry, laughing and talking.

They talked for hours…

Or was it minutes…?

It didn't matter. He was content to bask in the moment with each other.


Sakura called to him.

He turned to look at her. She smiled, but she was also crying.

Shirou blinked.

He opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong. Why was she crying? Only, nothing came.

He noticed as well that it was only them.

Where did Saber, Rin, and Taiga go?

"Wake up, Shirou…"


With a gasp, Shirou jolted awake at the call of his name, jumping to his feet, only for a comforting hand to stop him. Wide, dichromatic eyes darted around, trying to find traces of those familiar, pleasant purple locks.

"Woah, easy, I got you." Warrior Takemikazuchi held on to the magus as he slowly regained his senses.

Shirou said nothing, trying to control his breathing and beating heart. A hand gripped his chest. It was just a dream.

A figment of his imagination that his mind conjured.

Nothing more...


"I-Is...something the matter?" He said, regaining his voice.

"I think I should be asking you that. You've been knocked out cold for practically the entire first round."

"Are you saying I slept through all the matches of the first round?!" Shirou's eyes widened, and panic seized his heart at the news. "W-wait! What about your match?"

"The last match ended not too long ago. My match is starting in just a bit. I exactly wouldn't be here to be your alarm if I'd already lost." Warrior Takemikazuchi joked before getting serious.

"You were out like a light. I tried waking you a few times, but nothing worked. It was like you were dead to the world or something. You were also muttering something, but I could barely make it out."

Hearing all of this, Shirou swallowed. He could feel his friend's frown and worry wafting off of him in spades.

Inwardly, Warrior Takemikazuchi was starting to think that Touch Me might've been onto something back on the 8th Floor.

"Emiya-san, tell it straight, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He defaulted.

"Shirou..." His fellow weapon enthusiast gave the faker a poignant look, worry threaded in his tone. His grip on his shoulder tightened in concern. They'd already done this whole song and dance before, and he'd rather not have a repeat.

Shirou opened his mouth, only for a sigh to leave it. A hand rose, nursing his face as he collected his thoughts.

"I'm not too sure what to call it. When I close my eyes, I just… drift away. Sometimes I dream, other times I get these flashes, and for some I blank the time away."

"Is this something serious?"

Shirou offered a helpless shrug.

"It comes and goes..."

Before Warrior Takemikazuchi could ask any further questions, an announcement played.

"Will the contestant, Warrior Takemikazuchi, please make his way to the entrance? I repeat, contestant Warrior Takemikazuchi, make your way to the entrance for your match or you will be disqualified."

The two guildmates shared a look.

"We're seriously going to talk about this once this whole thing is over."

Shirou reluctantly nodded.

As Warrior Takemikazuchi turned to leave for his match, Shirou gave him one last regard.

"Good luck in your match."

Warrior Takemikazuchi turned back to his friend. "Who needs luck when you have skill?" He replied, his bravado returning.

Shirou couldn't help but smile at his friend's confidence.

The two friends exchanged claps as Warrior Takemikazuchi headed off to the arena.

Once he was out of sight, Shirou allowed himself a moment to sigh. He slouched in his seat, his hand rubbing his forehead to ease the residual grogginess.

Shirou felt fatigued, unusually so — more than what was expected. He didn't take that as a good sign, considering the tournament was only just beginning. The magus was left uncertain as to where such tiredness came from, whether it be from the emotionally charged talk with Zelretch, the stress of the upcoming matches, the tournament itself, or perhaps all of the above.

Some part of him whispered in his ears, urging him to find a nice, cozy spot and sleep the day or week away.

That's right… Rest… No more doubt, no more worries. Let all your troubles disappear…

The magus shook his head and slapped his cheeks.

Rest would come later. Right now, there was something more important.

He tuned back in time as the shoutcasters announced the last match-up.



"Indeed! Marking his third foray into the World Champion Tournament, this Player nearly took home the championship title last time. Now, here he comes again. The question is, will he be able to succeed where he once failed, or will he fall before he even has a chance to begin?!"


From the smoke and fireworks, Warrior Takemikazuchi made his grand entrance, following the shoutcaster's explosive introductions.

Warrior Takemikazuchi – Lvl: 100 — [No Second Strikes]

Warrior Takemikazuchi walked towards the arena with his head held high and confidence radiating with every step. He raised a clenched fist to the air as he strode forward. The roar of the crowd surrounded him, a chaotic mix of cheers and boos that he absorbed in equal stride.

"Wow, Takemikazuchi-san sure is popular." Suratan commented, seeing the support thrown his way in comparison to Shirou.

Where Ainz Ooal Gown's sole Humanoid member received mostly boos, the reception for Warrior Takemikazuchi was more evenly split between positive and negative. A surprise, considering most of the Demi-Human and Heteromorphic competitors received a slightly more negative reception from the stadium's audience.

"Hmm? Oh, that's right, you joined a little bit later, so you wouldn't have known." Tabula muttered, catching Suratan's attention.

"Huh? Whatcha mean, Tabula-san?"

"Takemikazuchi-san used to be quite the popular figure in the tournament and PvP scene. He got quite the renown and reputation, especially when he got to the finals of his World Champion Tournament. He slowly stopped participating in tournaments when Ainz Ooal Gown made its debut, dedicating himself to the guild from then on." Said the Brain Eater, surprising his guildmate with that tidbit.

Standing in the arena, Warrior Takemikazuchi brandished Takemikazuchi MK 7. He planted his sword in front of him, his hands resting on the pommel of his mighty weapon as he stared ahead.


"A first-time contender in this tournament of champions, and yet, here he is. He has fought in several tournaments and competition, but has never made the cut. Until now! The question is, does he have what it takes to win it all or he will fall to the samurai's blade like so many before him?


With a heavy stomp, the smoke and pyrotechnics parted, revealing Warrior Takemikazuchi's opponent.

Deus Machina – Lvl: 100 — [The War Machine]

Throughout the tournament, the audience was treated to a myriad of Players, be they Humanoid, Demi-Human, or even the occasional Heteromorphs. However, unlike many of the other competitors in the tournament, the one that stepped forward wasn't a being of flesh and blood but rather a creature of steel.

Deus Machina's character model was angular and blocky, but still defined by the general humanoid outline. The avatar was entirely mechanical in nature and comprised a multitude of different parts. The closest description that could be given was as if someone took a mech from a mecha anime and downsized it.

Deus Machina boasted heavy-plated armor across the avatar's chassis. This armor was particularly concentrated around the chestplate, shoulders, and legs, giving the impression of a formidable and imposing figure. The rest of the body was muscular and bulky, further enhancing the impression of strength and power. Running along the back and concentrated in the shoulder and leg regions were vents and thrusters.

His armaments were on full display, giving a glimpse of the arsenal of destruction he wielded. Four missile pods were fitted on the Player's body, two located at the waist on each side and one on each shoulder, with each pod carrying two missile canisters, numbering eight in total. Mounted on his left hand was a three-barreled chain gun. A sheathed katana rested at his side, the sheath magnetically clipped to his waist. At the guard of the sheath, there was a trigger. Lastly, the most conspicuous addition to the roster of weapons was the long, cannon-like barrel that was segmented into three prongs that peaked over his right shoulder, with capacitors and electric coils running down the back.

Deus Machina's armor followed a grey and silver color scheme with accents of red, blue, and gold, along with paint weathering to give it a stroke of roughness. The Player's head was angular and sharp, with the forehead boasting a golden metallic V-shaped horn, one that resembled a samurai's Kabuto helmet of old. The faceplate was completely stoic, with his eye-optics being a brilliant, shining emerald.

'Deus Machina… God Machine.' Shirou mentally translated. Derived from Deus Ex Machina, no doubt.

Quite the lofty name.

The question was whether or not the Player would live up to it.

The magus first thought that the Player was using a Powered Suit. However, that didn't seem to be the case.

For starters, Powered Suits weren't viable in competitive play, with the strongest suits possessing stats equivalent to level 80 characters and were typically outperformed by Players with even Legendary grade equipment. Secondly, while Powered Suits provided a wide range of abilities, its weaknesses were several. They were classified as Full-Body Armour, which meant that it didn't stack with the Player's equipment, in addition to any items, skills, or spells that the Player could normally use being restricted when the Powered Suit was equipped. Powered Suits were useful for low-level Players, but were far too cumbersome for higher levels of play, especially in a tournament as competitive as the World Champion Tournament.

More than likely, Deus Machina was an [Automata], a playable racial class variant of [Automaton], one with a bevy of unique job classes to go with it.

They were generally known for their diverse builds, allowing Players to spec towards whatever they liked. This generalist approach allowed them to be versatile, but they do not excel at any specialty when compared to other classes or character builds.

From what he remembered hearing from Amanomahitotsu and Perororoncino, the build and play style were added to YGGDRASIL in the same expansion that introduced the Power Suit into the game following the rising interest of the Valkyrie's Downfall expansion pack that came before it.

Despite YGGDRASIL being predominantly a game with a high fantasy setting, the developers introduced more sci-fi elements into the game over the years to attract more people into playing. Powered Suits and the like were added during the time when mecha fighting games were growing in popularity, and the developers wanted to cash in on the trend and draw in people from that player base as well. This was a strategy that sort of worked out, as while the community for them remains quite niche, they still constitute one of the most dedicated groups in the player base.

'A powerful all-rounder versus an hyper-offensive specialist.' Touch Me thought, watching from the World Champion seat.

Within the arena, the two Players remained where they stood, each sizing up the other with a calculated gaze as the roar of the audience urged them on.

Warrior Takemikazuchi said nothing; instead, he took a step forward. Seeing this, Deus Machina quietly did the same.

The two Players walked forward and stopped within arm's reach of each other.

Standing face-to-face, a comparison could be drawn between the two fighters. Deus Machina rivaled Warrior Takemikazuchi in bulk and stature, with the Bujin edging slightly over the War Machine in height thanks to his horns.

They were like two mighty titans, their presence filling the arena and thickening the tension.

With such close proximity, the audience was curious to see what would happen next.

Before each match, following the introductions of the fighters, there was a brief interlude where the Players could speak with their opponent.

Throughout the first round, this pre-fight period involved all manner of trash talk from the Players. Everything from biting insults to over-the-top boasts. There was even one match where the Players got physical before their match even started.

The two remained silent, and for a while, it seemed as if they were going to keep it that way. However, it was Warrior Takemikazuchi who made the first move and broke the tension.

"Let's have ourselves a good match."

Warrior Takemikazuchi held out his hand.

Deus Machina glanced at the hand before returning his gaze back to Warrior Takemikazuchi.

"Likewise, and may the best Player win."

The two fighters exchanged handshakes, a sense of mutual respect passing between the two swordsmen as they walked their way back to their spots.

"What a refreshing degree of sportsmanship between Warrior Takemikazuchi and Deus Machina." Said Sam.

Many in the audience grumbled, feeling a bit disappointed that they wouldn't see anything interesting or exciting. Nevertheless, the feeling passed as a new excitement was about to take place next.


Light bloomed from the arena floor. Both competitors kept their gaze locked on their opponent, even as their world gave way to blinding white light.


The light receded, and Warrior Takemikazuchi blinked, taking in the new reality around him.

He was standing on top of the roof of a building. Down below, the wide, open street stretched onward. A hub of urban landscapes greeted him. Everywhere he looked, there were buildings, low and high-rise buildings, and shops. Far in the distance, he could see the outline of towering skyscrapers, creating a beautiful contrast against the clear blue sky. The closest comparison he could give was that it resembled Shibuya in its general layout, with its open maze-like streets.

The sun was out in full force, its warm rays illuminating everything in sight, with pockets of fluffy clouds drifting lazily across the vast expanse of the sky.

A duel timer appeared, counting down from ten.

As the timer counted down, Warrior Takemikazuchi took in the scenery, both enjoying the quiet splendor while also committing to memory the general layout of the area.

Initially, the Heteromorphic Player found himself almost disappointed by the selection of the battlefield.

Throughout the first round, both the audience and fighters were treated to a wide range of stages that showcased the diverse environments where the matches took place. From a vast desert to a desolate snow-covered plain, to a grand underwater temple, and many more. The most unique stage he'd seen yet was a destroyed space station where the two Players had to fight it out using wreckage and debris as their ground and be constantly looking out for air bubbles to avoid taking continuous damage due to suffocation within the vacuum of outer space. Compared to all that came before, the stage for their match seemed mundane in comparison.

The fleeting feeling that he experienced was quickly replaced by a feeling of appreciation. Although not particularly extraordinary, there was a charming simplicity to the stage, one that was more down to earth in comparison to the more fantastical setting that YGGDRASIL had to offer. It was a refreshing reminder of something familiar - modern and easily recognizable.

As he looked around the downtown area, the samurai couldn't help but be reminded of his hometown, if it wasn't constantly choked by dark smog and black clouds. He could easily imagine the vibrant energy and bustling activity that would fill the streets in his mind.

A part of him wanted to step back and relax, to enjoy the sight that the stage had to offer. Unfortunately, he still had a match to win.

Warrior Takemikazuchi's eyes scanned the surroundings, finding no trace of his opponent. Such a fact would've been alarming, but the armored Heteromorph paid it no mind.

The beginning of the matches weren't always straightforward, like it was with Shirou and The Mountain's match, where they were set facing one another. A majority of them actually started the Players off in different locations, a fair distance away from one another. This setup allowed for dynamic encounters, as depending on the fighter's action, one could get the jump on the other or set up traps and encounters to get the edge over their opponent.

With a loud buzz, the timer hit zero, and Warrior Takemikazuchi was instantly on the move.

He raced across the rooftop, his powerful strides and leaps allowing him to easily cover the gaps between each building. The resounding clank of his heavy armor echoed through the air with each bound and landing, adding to the intensity of his movements.

With eyes and ears keenly attuned to his surroundings, the stalwart warrior remained ever-vigilant for any telltale signs of his mechanical adversary. Yet, a full minute elapsed without any indication of the presence of Deus Machina.

Warrior Takemikazuchi came to a halt as the buildings receded. Standing at the edge of the rooftop, he surveyed his surroundings with a watchful eye. As he peered out over the cityscape, he beheld an expansive street plaza stretching out below him. The winding roads leading to other parts of the city were lined with parked cars, their empty shells a testament to the solemn stillness that permeated the once-vibrant locale.

The streets were vibrant and open, but devoid of any signs of life. It was peaceful, but eerie. A snapshot of what it was like in the past, but if it had been meticulously scrubbed clean of anything that would suggest it had once been a bustling hub of activity, leaving behind only a sanitized, lifeless echo of its former self.

The quietness would soon be broken.

His ear twitched, catching a faint sound. A whistling in the air.

He craned his head as the noise grew louder and louder.

In the distance, he spotted a missile canister rocketing towards him.

Gripping Takemikazuchi MK 7 with both hands, Warrior Takemikazuchi prepared his skill. Before he could activate it, the canister's shell detached, unleashing a barrage of micro-missiles — fifteen to be exact — in a wide spread.

His eyes widened as the missiles flew towards him faster. He quickly forgoed his attack, jumping over the side and descending rapidly. The missiles exploded across the rooftop, sending a shower of debris everywhere.

Warrior Takemikazuchi landed on a car; the vehicle flattened from the force of his fall.

He ran across the street, his eyes alert for any more incoming ordnance. As he made his way across the crossing, another sound reverberated through the air. The blaring roar of an engine, accompanied by the sound of powerful thrust.

From the cloud of smoke, Deus Machina made his appearance. The War Machine was a sight to behold, with bright blue flames bursting from the thrusters that propelled the metal behemoth through the air.

The three-barreled chain gun hummed as it revved up. A soft whirr sung out - a melody for the buzzing cacophony.

Deus Machina fired upon Warrior Takemikazuchi. The rounds tore through the air, unleashing a storm of lead.

"[Swift Stride], [Deflection], [Bullet Evade]!"

Using a combination of skills, Warrior Takemikazuchi swung his blade as he ran, his arms going through the motion. The incoming fire was deflected, but not completely. However, thanks to his heavy armor, he took no damage besides a tiny bit of chip damage.

Warrior Takemikazuchi ran towards a car as Deus Machina circled him from above, the stream of bullets flowing ceaselessly as the mechanical Player pushed the advantage.

Reaching it, his leg stomped the trunk of the car, flipping it up as the Bujin used it as a makeshift shield.

Countless holes riddled the car, turning it quickly into Swiss cheese, with a few billets pinging off his armor. It wouldn't last, but Warrior Takemikazuchi never intended for it to.

His eyes tracked Deus Machina, mentally charting his speed and path.

His hand gripped the roof, metal creaking under his grip. He threw the ruined car into the air.

The throw wasn't accurate; it was far from it, but the sight of a hunk of metal flying towards him was enough to make Deus Machina steer off his course, avoiding it with ease. Exactly as Warrior Takemikazuchi intended.

"[Kamaitachi: Swift Wind Sickle]!"

He swung Takemikazuchi MK 7 downwards with both hands, unleashing a fast shockwave slash.

Deus Machina would show off his maneuverability as his side thrusters ignited, allowing him to perform a quick boost, dodging the attack. With another burst, he boosted forward towards his foe, his hand falling to the handle of his katana.

Warrior Takemikazuchi stood his ground.

"[Stride Breaker]!"

"[Full Strike]!"

Deus Machina crashed into Warrior Takemikazuchi, their skills clashing. Despite his best effort, the Heteromorphic Player was forced back, his feet digging into the ground, leaving deep grooves along the street as he was pushed back.

The two swordsmen locked blades in a tight embrace, their bodies pressing aggressively forward, two forces of equal strength matching and stalemating.

The high-pitched hissing vibration, accompanied by a shower of yellow and red sparks, filled the air as the blades vied for dominance.

Warrior Takemikazuchi scrutinized Deus Machina's blade, allowing him to identify the weapon.

'An HF blade!' He recognized, and a Divine class one at that.

High-frequency blades, or HF blades, as they were commonly referred to, were a category of swords that were known for their speed and high damage. In flavor text, they were weapons that made use of high-frequency vibration, hence the name. A powerful current vibrates through the blade at such intense speed that the weapon destabilizes the target's molecular bonds, allowing it to forcefully slice through anything. This special property was what attributed to the weapon's high damage value and allowed them to shred through a weapon or equipment's durability.

Balancing out their advantages, HF blades' durability was among the lowest in the game. They degrade at a faster rate than any other weapon in the game and require constant repair and maintenance. This was doubly true for the higher-tier blades and the requirements to create one.

Divine class HF blades required a substantial amount of materials and Data Crystals, more than the typical Divine class weapon or equipment. The amount of effort and resources required to make, upgrade, and maintain one to the maximum stats could be used to create two other Divine class items of equal worth.

Warrior Takemikazuchi had a couple himself, but they were Relic and Legendary class weapons only. He didn't see much point in investing in making one when his Takemikazuchi series could do the job just as easily and be less of a resource sink.

However, if one were to put in the time and effort, then it was a powerful weapon to have.

Warrior Takemikazuchi broke the stalemate, forcing Deus Machina back.

His eyes fell to his sword, immediately noticing a tiny, chipped part of the weapon's edge falling off despite only a brief initial clash.

A common tactic to use was using the HF blade to break an opponent's weapon, rendering the opponent weaponless and allowing the user to press the advantage. Despite his Takemikazuchi MK 7 being an equally Divine class weapon, Deus Machina's HF blade held a slight edge over Warrior Takemikazuchi's own blade.

Where many other Players might find themselves worried, Warrior Takemikazuchi was the exact opposite. A surge of excitement swelled within at the prospect of the foe before him.

'Then I'll just have to beat him before it becomes a problem!'

"C'mon!" He shouted. "Let's dance!"

Warrior Takemikazuchi pressed the attack, committing to a full offensive. Deus Machina followed suit.

"[Razor Edge]!"

"[Full Sabre]!"

"[Blade Rush]!"

"[Reverse Clap]!"

"[Shock Slasher]!"

"[Impact Striker]!"

"[Sword Rush]!"

"[Slash Drive]!"

The two highly skilled warriors clashed their swords furiously, releasing a barrage of powerful skills that echoed throughout the streets. The air shook with a deafening roar as crimson and golden lightning met, accompanied by the screeching of metal with each powerful exchange.

The sound of their master-crafted blades swinging with speed and ferocity filled the air, creating a pitched whistle that resonated through the surroundings.

Despite the ferocity of their duel, neither Player had landed a significant blow on the other. Occasionally, a swift slash from their opponent would clip their shoulders or bodies, but their swordsmanship and agility were nearly equal. They continued to showcase their impressive skills, executing swift slashes, tricky feints, and timely parries as they engaged in the deadly dance of the sword.

'He's good.'

That was the thought that ran through the minds of Warrior Takemikazuchi, Shirou, Touch Me, and many others.

What made Warrior Takemikazuchi truly dangerous wasn't simply his hyper-aggressive gameplay, but how he supplemented his playstyle with his exceptional skills and mastery of kenjutsu. Any amateur could swing a weapon around, but there was more to fighting beyond swinging a sword and using an attack skill to do all the work. His years of training and fighting with and against the likes of Touch Me and Shirou have honed his skills to greater heights.

The fact that Deus Machina was able to contest the Nephilim samurai spoke volumes of his own skill with the blade.


"[Raikiri: Lightning Cutter]!"

Warrior Takemikazuchi purposely left an opening, baiting his opponent in as he swung his blade. The Heteromorph performed a counter riposte, knocking the crimson katana away and landing a powerful diagonal slash with his skill across Deus Machina's chassis in one fluid motion. Sparks and wires were exposed from the gash.

'I'm better!'

The Automata faltered, taking the first significant damage since the match began, his HP dropping a fraction.

Warrior Takemikazuchi pressed the advantage, forcing Deus Machina back.

"[Circular Flash]!"

He pulled back Takemikazuchi Mk 7 and instantly swung in a circular arc.

Deus Machina swiftly boosted backwards, evading the attack completely and increasing the gap between them by a few meters.

"[Archer Missile]!"

Another missile canister fired, and the outer shell immediately fell away, dispensing its miniature payloads.

"[Supiasurīarō: Spear Three Arrow]!"

A spectral aura flowed forth from Warrior Takemikazuchi, forming a massive bow with three spectral, spear-like arrows notched.

He clenched his fist, releasing his arrows against the missiles.

The two attacks collided, producing a powerful explosion that rocked the street and kicked up a massive cloud of smoke.

The Bujin charged out of the smoke, giving chase to his target.

"You're not getting away that easily!" Warrior Takemikazuchi shouted.

Deus continued to quick boost away, trying to maintain distance with the aggressive samurai.

"[Bullet Burst]!" His heavy chain gun roared to life with a loud flurry of bullets.

Warrior Takemikazuchi used the same combination of skills as in the beginning against the heavy machine gun fire, deflecting the barrage as he gave chase.

The distance between them shortened.

Seeing that none of his armaments weren't doing any good, Deus Machina employed a different method of halting the samurai's pursuit.

His other arm reached out and flipped a stationary car as he continued firing while quick boosting backward down the street, sending the vehicle bouncing towards the relentless Heteromorph. He didn't stop at one, as two more cars joined in.

Warrior Takemikazuchi dodged one of the incoming cars by swerving to the side. Another bounced, and he dodge-rolled under it as it flipped over him.


The last car was cut into two. As the two halves flew past him, his arm shot out and grabbed onto the frontal half of the car by the roof.

He gritted his teeth as he pulled with all his strength and threw that half of the car right back at Deus Machina in one swift move.

Deus Machina's optics widened in surprise at the unexpected counter.

"[Shield Matrix]!"

A bright, transparent blue barrier formed around Deus Machina in the shape of an octahedron.

The front half of the car slammed into the barrier, flattening against the defensive skill before exploding. Through the smoke, Deus Machina remained unharmed, the shield showing no sign of damage whatsoever.

Warrior Takemikazuchi closed the distance in an instance.

"[Vorpal Strike]!"

He brought down Takemikazuchi MK 7 with his skill, the attack striking the octahedral barrier with significant force. The shield rattled, but it maintained its strength.

Warrior Takemikazuchi delivered a flurry of swift slashes, seeking to find a chink or break through the defensive barrier.

The barrier held strong, resolute against any impending threat. A change that was in stark contrast to the Automata's previous actions, where he had taken measures to create some distance between himself and the Heteromorph.

'The shield's powerful, but the trade-off is that you can't make any moves while it's active.' Warrior Takemikazuchi reckoned.

Effectively, Deus Machina was a stationary target. In which case, the Nephilim fully intended to use that to his advantage.

"[Lethal Cut], [Flowing Axel], [Kashira Blow]!"

[Lethal Cut] landed with a swift horizontal slash, which flowed seamlessly into [Flowing Axel], which saw Takemikazuchi MK 7 land several more slashes, ending with [Kashira Blow], which delivered a strike with the pommel of the blade.

On its own, [Kashira Blow] was a weak offensive skill that saw very little use. However, it was one of many skills that Warrior Takemikazuchi made frequent use of. Specifically, making use of the skill's animation frames and allowing him to weave his more powerful skills together into a combo to increase his DPS.

With Deus Machina remaining stationary, [Kashira Blow] landed quickly, the attack registering instantly, which he then weaved into his next skills.

"[Shoulder Bash], [Yamāntaka]!"

The Defeater of Death, Daiitoku Myo-o, materialized over Warrior Takemikazuchi, smiting Deus Machina with his massive club.

At the same time, he used [Shoulder Bash], making use of the skill's fast attack frames.

Both skills landed simultaneously, and this time, cracks spread across the upper and frontal sections of the barrier.

"[Violent Flash]!" Golden lightning weaved through Takemikazuchi MK 7 as he swung at the weakened sections, breaking through the barrier.

The lightning-infused blade dug deeper into Deus Machina's shoulder, exposing more internal wiring and machinery, and sparked a shower of electrical discharge. His HP dropped into the high yellow with the direct hit.

"You didn't think that would be enough to stop me, did'ya?!" Warrior Takemikazuchi grinned.

Before he could pull his weapon back for another swing, the azure barrier shimmered before dissipating, freeing Deus Machina.

The Automata wasted no time, his hand grabbing onto the lightning blade to prevent Warrior Takemikazuchi from pulling back. At the same time, he pointed his gun-mounted arm right at the Heteromorph's chest.

"[Chain Burst]!"

Deus Machina fired point-blank into Warrior Takemikazuchi's chest.

The Heteromorph gritted his teeth as the hail of bullets clattered against his chest plate. It felt like a stream of tiny marbles was hitting his chest - an uncomfortable feeling, to say the least.

Despite his passive resistances and heavy armor, his HP was gradually decreasing under continuous fire.

Warrior Takemikazuchi attacked with a frontal kick, driving Deus Machina back and separating them. The two Players stumbled backward, but where Deus Machina attempted to recover his footing, Warrior Takemikazuchi brought his whole weight around, stomping forward with a swing of his blade.

Deus Machina brought up his HF katana, his other hand pressing against the back of the blade to help stabilize his grip. He blocked and halted Warrior Takemikazuchi's slash.

"[Cloudburst Grenade]!"

Warrior Takemikazuchi heard a 'fwoomp' sound effect, his eyes immediately tracking the small, cylindrical canister that fired out of Deus Machina and into the air. He watched as it spun through the air, reaching its zenith quickly before falling back down with light flowing out of the gaps.

He instantly pulled back and braced himself, bringing up his blade into a defensive stance. But instead of an explosion, the grenade exploded with a flash as dense smoke filled the area.

A thick cloud of gray smoke consumed Warrior Takemikazuchi's line of sight, making him lose sight of his opponent.

The smoke obscured everything in his vision.

"[Whirlwind Slash]!"

He swung Takemikazuchi MK 7 in a sweeping arc, generating a miniaturized tornado with arcs of lightning coursing through it. The skill also generated slashes that shot outward, slicing through the air.

It helped to disperse the smoke, allowing him more visibility.

However, Deus Machina was nowhere to be seen.

"Where are you?" He muttered under his breath, his eyes scanning the smoky surroundings for his opponent.

His ears twitched, catching a machinery-like clicking sound.


He charged forward, undaunted.

The smoke receded, and through the gaps, he spotted Deus Machina's V-shaped horned head ahead of him.

"Gotcha! [Raikiri: Lightning Cutter]!"

As the distance between them closed, Warrior Takemikazuchi prepared one of his powerful skills, fully intending to cut him down.

"Takemikazuchi-san, don't!" Shirou exclaimed, jumping up to his feet.

But from the waiting wing, his words of warning would go unheard as he and the audience watched what happened next.

In his haste, the armored Heteromorph neglected to take into account the possibility of the mechanical Player waiting for him.

The shroud of smoke still partially concealed him, namely his torso and arms, and, by extension, his weapon. Upon separation, Deus Machina sheathed his HF blade and took a stance, waiting for his opponent to come sprinting ahead as he knew he would. His right hand rested on the katana's handle while his left lay on the sheath, a finger resting on the trigger.

The two warriors came face to face, and by the time Warrior Takemikazuchi took notice of Deus Machina's stance, it was already too late.

At the last second, just before the purple lightning-infused slash could land, his mechanical finger pressed down on the trigger.

"[Trigger Draw: Jetstream]!"

A single, loud bang was heard across the entire city, followed by a deafening silence.

Warrior Takemikazuchi was knocked off his feet, his back skidding harshly against the street as he traveled a fair distance backward. His vision swam, and his sense of balance was thrown off as a moment of intense vertigo overtook him. Smoke hissed from the slash mark that stretched diagonally across his chest and pauldrons. The attack dropped his HP down into the yellow.

'W-what the hell was t-that?!' He thought wildly and breathlessly, his mind racing to try and make sense of what just happened.

The force behind the counter quite literally knocked the breath out of him.

While Warrior Takemikazuchi was left bewildered by what had just happened - something that'd happened so fast that not even he registered what happened - those watching the match unfold had a different perspective.

Just before the samurai's attack made contact, Deus Machina pressed down on the trigger on his sheath alongside the activation of his skill. A loud and powerful bang resounded out, his electrifying crimson HF blade firing out of the sheath at extreme speed.

Deus Machina channeled the spontaneous speed and explosive power into his swing, matching and even overpowering Warrior Takemikazuchi's attack in an instant.

Deus Machina stood tall, his arm still outstretched from the force of the empowered swing. The top of his sheath, which housed the barrel and trigger, hissed with hot steam. Crimson electricity crackled and coursed through the HF blade, the air popping from the heat and energy that it emitted.

With the audience, many of them were clamoring in their seats. Throughout the fight, they watched as the two Players fought with near-equal skill, strength, and ferocity. When Warrior Takemikazuchi gained the edge, many thought that would be it for Deus Machina. Only for him to reveal another move in his arsenal and knock the Bujin flat on his back. And just like that, the scales tipped once again. It was quite the turnaround, and one very few saw coming, which only made the match even more exhilarating as it was anyone's game.

"I see that much hasn't changed…" ShikiHime muttered with a shake of her head.

"Takemikazuchi-san. Get up and move, now!" Touch Me stressed, his body leaning forward in his seat with his hand tightly gripping the armrest.

However, much like with Shirou, his words would reach no one as the World Champions, and the audience was treated to yet another deadly weapon in the War Machine's arsenal.

Warrior Takemikazuchi recovered, slowly lifting his head, his vision righting itself. Amidst the chaoticness of his thoughts, a sense of clarity pierced through the storm of discord.

'Why hasn't he followed it up?' He thought.

With him on his back, he was wide open for Deus Machina's missiles and machine gun, or he could've closed the distance and lay into him with his deadly HF blade.

Just what exactly was he planning…?

And then he heard it—a heavy clank and a sharp buzz in the air.

Warrior Takemikazuchi's vision focused on Deus Machina, who remained where he was with his body hunched forward. The sun's ray glinted off the lengthy gun barrel mounted on Deus Machina's shoulder, which was pointed directly at the downed Heteromorph. The electric coils and capacitors of the gun thrummed with building energy.

In that instant, all of his instincts blared to life, adrenaline flooding his body, overtaking the previous weariness.

He hastily rolled, stumbling back to his feet and dashing to the side.

Deus Machina discharged his ultimate attack.

"[Flash Step]!"

"[Kaiser Impact]!"

From the very beginning, the moment Warrior Takemikazuchi laid eyes on his opponent, he instantly latched onto the weapon peaking over his shoulder. Given its general shape and aesthetic, he had a fair idea of what kind of weapon it was and the danger it represented. Throughout their fight, he kept it at the forefront of his mind, always vigilant, with a plan in mind should it ever come to it.

It was this caution that allowed him to react in time, even amidst his disorientation.

He blinked forward, covering only two meters in distance, but it would be just enough to get him out of the attack's path. And just in time too, as not even a fraction of a second later, Deus Machina fired.

An azure lick of thunder flickered between the coils and capacitor. Electricity and power crackled and bounced between the narrow space of the three-pronged barrel, building up to an intense level.

A piercing, blinding bolt shot out from the barrel, achieving supersonic speed in a fraction of a second.

Warrior Takemikazuchi felt it before he heard it.

He ran, only for his vision to tilt and turn upside down. A sense of weightlessness took over. It felt as if he was floating through space for a moment, untethered by the law of gravity that anchored him to the earth below. The sensation passed as his body jerked, propelled forward by the shockwave of the attack. What followed next was an ear-shattering, thunderous boom that threatened to leave him deaf.

The force behind the shockwave was so great that everything in front of Deus Machina that was not heavy enough or bolted down within the vicinity of the trajectory of the attack was blown away. Chunks of the street broke off, pieces of the sidewalk scattered, cars flipped, windows shattered into thousands of pieces, the sides of buildings collapsed, and much more.

Warrior Takemikazuchi may have dodged a direct hit, but he didn't leave unscathed as the force propelled him through the wall of a building. The roof collapsed into itself, burying the armored Heteromorph in a layer of rubble.

In the distance, there were several tall buildings and skyscrapers clumped together. [Kaiser Impact] traveled unimpeded and punched through them as if they were wet paper, leaving a massive, gaping hole in the center. A second later, the structural integrity of the buildings collapsed in on themselves.

The raw power and destruction displayed were nothing short of jaw-dropping for those watching.

For Ainz Ooal Gown, many of the members slumped back in their seats, relief filling them. That was way too close…

Warrior Takemikazuchi's head emerged from the rubble, wobbly and disoriented, but no worse for wear.

Within the deafening, all-consuming silence, a sudden, sharp hiss echoed through the emptiness.

He looked around, taking in the devastation, before his eyes landed on Deus Machina.

The mechanical Player remained in his previous position, unmoving and dull. Bursts of hot steam were expelled from the various gaps across the avatar's body. The warped coils dislodged, falling to the ground with a thud as new ones rose to replace the old ones.

It took the Nephilim's mind half a second to realize what exactly he was seeing and another half before it clicked inside his head.

Warrior Takemikazuchi broke out of the rubble with upmost haste and sprinted forward.

'One… Two… Three…'

He closed the gap between them as fast as he could.


Just as he reached him, Deus's Machina's emerald eyes flashed to life, and he burst into action. He brought his HF blade around, and red and yellow lightning intermixed as the two blades clashed.

"Tsk!" Warrior Takemikazuchi clicked his tongue.

He was so close, but now he'd at least had a cooldown time to assign to the weapon. He just needed to find a way to make use of those six seconds…

'Eight seconds.' Shirou thought, having accurately timed the cooldown duration.

For such a destructive weapon, it would've required an equal drawback. After firing the railgun, Deus Machina would be locked in place, unable to move or react for those eight seconds. Shirou surmised that the physical reaction of his body shutting down and the steam being expelled were visual cues to indicate the cooldown time.

Eight seconds was a lot to ask of a Player, especially in PvP, where one second could spell the difference between victory and defeat. But seeing the power and devastation his railgun wrought, the trade-off was more than fair, even if it wasn't a direct hit.

'You can think of it almost like a Super-Tier Magic.' Touch Me drew a comparison in his head.

The railgun was undeniably powerful but quite situational, similar to the usage of Super-Tier Magic. Both required discretion and set-up, with Deus Machina needing to anchor himself down first to prevent himself from being blown away by the recoil and taking aim before firing.

'In that case, that means he can't just spam the attack and has to be very careful with when to use it.'

Touch Me wagered that Deus Machina could fire his railgun a total of three times at the minimum and four times at the maximum. Having five shots was too high, especially considering the power behind such an attack that could one-shot a Player with a direct hit. One or two was too few, and if that was the case, then the Automata would've likely kept it hidden until he was absolutely certain that the attack would land, rather than take the first chance he did. Three or four made sense, but that meant that the War Machine had a match-finisher in his back pocket to whip out if needed.

Warrior Takemikazuchi may have dodged the first, but the rest of the match was still in the air.

Deus Machina performed another quick boost, propelling himself backward and jumping as his thrusters ignited, allowing him to hover. He retreated while firing on the armored Heteromorph with [Bullet Burst].

Rather than giving chase, Warrior Takemikazuchi followed his lead. He deflected the incoming machine gun fire while retreating, moving with the grace and speed of a seasoned warrior.

Deus Machina rounded a street corner, hiding behind the adjacent building. Meanwhile, Warrior Takemikazuchi slipped into a nearby alleyway, his back pressing against the brick wall.

A momentary lull settled over the battlefield. Both Players used the respite to catch their breath and recover, preparing for the next phase of the fight.

"[Nanomachine Recovery]!"

"Activate: [Boost Magic: Sacred Grace]!"

A swarm of tiny lights raced across Deus Machina's chassis, repairing the damage and bringing him back to full HP.

One of Warrior Takemikazuchi's rings, the [Ring of Nibelung], glowed, and a spell circle appeared, restoring his armor and healing him back to full health.

The ring was a gift from his friend and fellow blacksmith, Amanomahitotsu, who argued good-naturedly that he should have some items for utility rather than have every single equipped item on him be kitted towards solely pure offensive.

A notion that the samurai playfully scoffed at. It was either go big or go home for him.

Of course, that didn't mean he outright ignored his longtime friend's advice. For all his showboating, even he recognized the necessity of having a fallback, just in case.

"Quite the intense skirmish we just witnessed. Both fighters have shown their skill and strength, but I reckon Deus Machina edges slightly over Warrior Takemikazuchi in their last bout. Warrior Takemikazuchi will need a new plan of attack if he wishes to compete with Deus Machina's deadly arsenal." Came the analysis from Sam.

"I have a plan… Attack!"

Warrior Takemikazuchi sprinted out, rushing down the street with a new set of skills to boost his speed and endurance.

Many would've called Warrior Takemikazuchi out for being reckless, charging head-long into the enemy who'd shown himself capable. But the Nephilim did have a plan in mind. A very simple one at that.

His opponent's arsenal was tough, particularly his railgun. In that case, he'd just have to prevent Deus Machina from even having a chance to use them against him!

Deus Machina boosted out from the corner, putting one another in clear view of the other.

"[Archer Missile]!"

He fired another missile canister. However, instead of firing at his opponent, the Automata's target was the side of an office building just ahead of Warrior Takemikazuchi.

Chunks of debris fell, and the Heteromorph halted, lest he be flattened by the rain of rubble.

A cloud of dust obscured the street, cutting off his line of sight from his opponent.

Suddenly, Deus Machina burst forth from the smoke, his thrusters propelling him forward as he took to the offensive.

The two exchanged a few slashes, with Deus Machina parrying one of Warrior Takemikazuchi's swings. Instead of following through with his swing, the Automata pulled back his sword while his other hand unclipped his sheathe and wielded it.

With his finger firmly on the trigger, Deus Machina held the sheathed HF katana and blade aloft.

Warrior Takemikazuchi, remembering the outcome of their previous clash, reacted instinctively, quickly bringing up Takemikazuchi MK 7 to defend against the impending attack.

However, this was what Deus Machina wanted him to do.

Deus Machina quickly boosted forward, hitting the Heteromorph with a shoulder bash, staggering the samurai, and giving him the opening he was looking for.

"[Trigger Draw: Haze]!"

The trigger sheath fired, and he swung at lightning speed, far faster than before, but with a noticeable lack of power.

However, such a fact proved trivial as the crimson high-frequency blade sliced through Warrior Takemikazuchi's right arm with precision ease, taking his arm at the halfway mark. Time seemingly slowed down as the towering samurai could only watch in stunned disbelief as his severed arm flew and tumbled to the ground while Takemikazuchi MK 7 flipped through the air and landed a fair distance down the street, the blade stabbing the road.


"That was a low-hanging fruit, and you know it, Bob."


Ignoring the commentator's banter, the two Players locked eyes.

Despite the swift injury dealt to him, Warrior Takemikazuchi didn't panic, compartmentalizing his shock and surprise as his mind prioritized a singular objective.

As one, they turned towards where Takemikazuchi MK 7 was planted.

Warrior Takemikazuchi sprinted as fast as he could, but Deus Machina overtook him easily thanks to his thrusters boosting him forward.

The mechanical Player reached for the weapon first and pulled it free.

Warrior Takemikazuchi could only watch as the Automata reared his arm back and, with all his strength, threw his beloved weapon away. Takemikazuchi MK 7 flew, flipping through the air and gradually becoming smaller and smaller as it disappeared into the distance.

The Bujin skidded to a stop, his mouth left agape.

"R-really?!" Warrior Takemikazuchi complained, sounding more annoyed than fearful. "Dick move, man."

Deus Machina responded by pointing his gun at him, the gun barrels whirling with deadly intent.

"Oh shit…" He squeaked.

He immediately took off running as Deus Machina unleashed his ranged armaments, a barrage of bullets, and a swarm of missiles from another [Archer Missile].

"[Oni Armor], [Seeping Spirit]!"

An orange aura enveloped him as he ran, the two enchantment skills helping to bolster his defensive stats as bullets pinged off of him. He also managed to scoop up his severed arm in time.

He bolted to the side, crashing through a storefront display window. He darted deeper into the building as the missiles pummeled the exterior. Rubble and smoke clouded the area, showing no sign of the retreating warrior.

Despite the clear advantage, Deus Machina did not give chase. Instead, he took to the air, landing on the rooftop of a building that overlooked the entire area. Sheathing his blade, he crossed his arms and waited, silent and watchful, across the empty cityscape.

"Now then, what will you do now, Warrior Takemikazuchi-san?"